Mercy Rez still goes off if you boop her mid animation?

It’s more like the fact that boops were counterplay to res because they would boop her out of range, but now it seems like it always goes off despite the boops, even with Lucio basically getting his old boop back. It’s almost as if she has more leeway than before. Now that is something that should change.

Rez is not canceled by movement, only stuns. Boop is not a stun. Rez requires 5m range to start casting, but after that, Mercy can still move around, but needs to stay within 7m to finish it.

Because everyone starts the rez the instant they get in range, you only need to push her 2m back to cancel it. But if you booped her from behind, all you do is push her to the other side of the dead player and you actually are helping complete the rez.

You need to boop Mercy from in front or the side, and she is punted easily out of range, canceling the rez.

Here is a weird drawing where (M) is Mercy, (o) is the dead teammate:

(Lucio) – (M) – (o)
If you boop Mercy from behind, she ends up on the other side and finishes the rez.

(Lucio) – (o) – (M)
If you boop Mercy from in front, where the the dead teammate is between you and her, you barely have to push her a couple of meters and the rez becomes out of range (again because most rezzes start once Mercy is at 5m). And that also hits the cooldown so the rez is wasted.

I am explaining because the amount of rezzes I get away with right in players’ faces is just ridiculous.

Another person complaining about Mercy while also showing they don’t even understand how the ability they’re complaining about works? What a shock.

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Your premature/panic booping. You have to be right up on Mercy, and aim your boop up a little, to drive Mercy off the Resurrect.

If you’re getting too excited, booping too soon, or not at the right angle, you’ll most likely not boop her off. (Soooooo much inadvertent innuendo. Sorry, not sorry.)