Mercy Rez discussion

There are bigger issues than Mercy, with that I agree, but Mercy’s design issues have been neglected ever since the rework. It’s not a question of priority anymore. Same feedback is coming ever since the thing hit PTR, if it’s not addressed years later, in all likelihood it will never be addressed at all, because it’s not on the list at all.

And I can imagine the uproar, but only if they mess up again or bring mass ress back, which I give Blizz more credit than that. If they simply shortened Valk + increase it’s impact by a small amounts, that would be a hugely positive change, as cheap to do as any other balance change, and it would already demonstrate intention to work on her issues, but even that is too much to ask. Meanwhile they keep saying “Mercy is fine”, which is pissing on my face without the courtesy of calling it rain.

They did the opposite in fact, they kept pushing her towards the off healer slot incidentally or accidentally.

So if they indeed care for Mercy’s state and have her in the problem list, she’s below even Torb’s shotgun damage nerf, lol, because that came first. I think an importance so low is indistinguishable from “not important at all” from a customer’s point of view.


Resurrect is an ultimate. The game is set up in such a way that bringing even just one dead teammate back into the fight right now is incredibly powerful.

Blizzard attempting to fit it onto Mercy’s E key and giving her another ultimate along side it was one of the worst mistakes they’ve ever done. This has resulted in Resurrect being shackled with nearly the worst drawbacks they could come up with, Valkyrie being nerfed to the point that the flight is pretty much the only interesting thing about it, and her base kit being nerfed so it is largely unimpactful.


I actually don’t mind rez as it is. It’s a bit… awkward in an FPS sure. But it needs restraint on it specifically because it’s a moba-esq ability in an FPS. And it functions similarly to how resurrects work in MMO games (cast time, immobility).

If there were a useful ability to replace it, I’d be fine with it going away. But I haven’t really heard of a replacement or changes that make it worth removing. The usual ideas are:

  1. some form of extra mobility. She doesn’t really need more mobility with super jump and ga in her kit.

  2. Cleanse. Is also useless if there’s no strong cc in the game. Cleansing Anti-nade is only useful against one character, and cleansing other forms of cc (like stun or freeze) probably would be just as difficult to pull off as rez currently. People die too quickly when they’re under the effects of cc, and mercy doesn’t want to be near cc anyway.

  3. pre-emptive rez. A bit more useful and perhaps more skillful to use? But I don’t like having too many predictive abilities. She already has to predict damage boost.

I like how Mercy plays now. If we needed changes though, I’d want an ability that allows Mercy more agency in manipulating the battle field outside of helping allies. Pretty much her entire kit is for helping allies. It would be interesting to give her something with a bit more oomph to match the other supports. Just my 2 cents on the topic though.

Res is a little odd to have in a FPS game, but I’m fine with Res as long as it stays as ONE res WITH a cast time. It can be moved to ultimate or whatever, don’t care as long as it doesn’t get anymore powerful.

Even as it is now, its an ultimate ability on E.

However I do feel that Mercy will always be tied down by Res and that it would be best to just scrap the idea and give Mercy something else.

I would love if Rez still existed, but you could cast rez on a live ally and it would instead act as a burst heal (or a halo where if they die, they come back as others have mentioned) but it would start your rez cooldown. So you can still rez, but if it’s more beneficial, you can use it on a live ally instead of HAVING to wait until someone dies. You can still only use one or the other every 30 seconds.

Sounds like Invigorate

Something like that, some iteration there of, sure.

Make up your mind, how can she be held back if she’s got one of the most powerful tools in the game? Rez brings Mercy up, get it right

Held back in the sense that she cant have anything nice while res is around. Not power wise.
Think skill points in a game, Res takes the majority of those skill points leaving very little for anything else.
I’m assuming that’s what the OP meant.

Same deal, Rez IS nice, just because you don’t like doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyable for someone else

First of all relax.
Secondly it holds her back From getting any kind of buff due to the power of what rez can be.
But thank you for just trying to find a hole in an opinion without contributing your thoughts on what the post is actually about.

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Goodluck getting any buffs then.


I found a hole in your argument, you want to change Mercy cuz you dislike something about her yet you’re trying to mask your opinion for people to agree with you which is simply dishonest

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It was never an arguement just an opinion, which you can disagree with. I’m not trying to sway people either way which you would be able to tell if you read the rest of this whole discussion and didn’t cherry pick lines.

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no need to buddy, this discussion has happened countless times around here and the conclusion is the same, Mercy is fine where she is, get used to playing her this way

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Are you new to the game? I thought this discussion has been echoed around the forums for years now. There’s nothing new to add to it or discussion wise

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Literally my first response. You didnt really read so much as to come to argue
And also


Sure seems super dishonest

still no, again, she is fine where she is but you can disagree as much as you want to

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She was fine where she was in 1.0 but this IS DPSwatch. Can’t let supports have anything too nice.


Yes that’s the point people can disagree. So go ahead and disagree. I truely do t understand the immediate hostility of some people and the insatiable need to have opinions become a who’s right and who’s wrong.