Mercy Rez discussion

fun is subjective but powerfull? powerful??


Based on past experience with Megadodo I don’t take him/her seriously anymore.


Just because you disagree with his/her opinions doesn’t really deserve this kind of comment.
Just sayin not sayin


Res, regardless of which keycap one presses to use it, is poorly thought out ability that lacks granularity to balance.

But Blizz does not give a root so I rather focus on Valk.

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I don’t think it’s a matter of them not caring because if they truely didn’t care they literally would stop trying to patch update and fix the game.
I believe it to be more along the lines of their opinion on what needs to be addressed and in what order it needs to be addressed is just different than that of the people that think they know the right thing for the game.
I personally think they DO care and like the current direction the game is going.

Give her a single beam but with more heals and enchante rez in Valkyrie, like “All abilities are enchanted” has sense.

I personally would not want her to lose pocket orisa ult with no cooldown.
Yes I know they arnt the same

Allow me to rephrase that: I don’t believe Blizz cares enough to put work on it.

The reason I think that is because they simply haven’t put the work on it, and the problems are crystal clear, if the devs don’t see them, they are incompetent. But they aren’t incompetent, they’re Blizzard and they’re awesome, they made Mercy fun once already, so that leaves me the alternative: They don’t care about Mercy.

I personally dislike rez. It’s a very powerful ability but at the same time has many downsides. First of all, it’s a self stun that ruins the fluidity of mercy’s kit. Secondly, it takes mercy out of the fight for almost 2 seconds which leaves the rest of your team basically in a 4v6 and it’s easy for another teammate to die while you’re rezzing. Another thing is that the existence of rez makes people think they’re entitled to a rez. If someone dies in a place where it’s not safe sometimes they’ll beg for a rez which makes me do it even though I know it’s not safe and I usually end up dying, and if I don’t rez them because it’s not safe they get mad at me for not rezzing them lol. And on the other hand, it’s annoying to play against IMO. When I’m playing mercy and we finally kill their tank and we’re saying don’t let enemy mercy rez but no one really pays attention and they get rezzed, it’s super annoying and makes me wish rez would just be removed lmao (this goes to show how it’s a powerful ability though). Also, it’s just a boring ability. There’s nothing fun about pressing a button and going through an animation in my opinion(which is also why I didn’t like mass rez), it’s not fun or engaging in any way and I feel like mercy could have an ability that is fun and engaging. When I get a rez off I don’t feel the same excitement as when I get a bunch of assists or manage to dodge something with GA or something lol. It’s just not exciting to me at all, it doesn’t take any skill other than basic game sense and sometimes coordination with your team. Mercy could have something better!

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I would render a guess that they just have a priority list of what needs to be fixed and mercy is in a much healthier spot than a lot of other aspects of the game so they don’t NEED to do anything with her YET.
Imagine the uproar if mercy (a pretty balanced hero all things considered) got changes this last patch before the changes that they actually did make?
It’s just a priority list.
This to me is also the reason they leave certain heroes at the bottom untouched for so long is because bringing the top tier hero’s down is more important than bringing the low tier up.
It still closes the tier gap regardless of nerfing from the top or buffing at the bottom.
But I think we can all agree that nerfing from the top is better overall especially for power creep.
They care about all their heroes, mercy is just in the middle and not a priority.

valk is lack luster bc rez is basically another ultimate even if it does kinda suck. It quite simply doesnt work as a cooldown ability and needs to be either an ult, or outright removed (which sadly they wont do bc its so tied to her design/ sprays/ etc.)
mercy is one of the worst supports rn (theyre all pretty balanced but shes just so meh and has almost no range to her output/ value at all) and its bc rez sucks up all her kit’s power all while being an unfun ability


There are bigger issues than Mercy, with that I agree, but Mercy’s design issues have been neglected ever since the rework. It’s not a question of priority anymore. Same feedback is coming ever since the thing hit PTR, if it’s not addressed years later, in all likelihood it will never be addressed at all, because it’s not on the list at all.

And I can imagine the uproar, but only if they mess up again or bring mass ress back, which I give Blizz more credit than that. If they simply shortened Valk + increase it’s impact by a small amounts, that would be a hugely positive change, as cheap to do as any other balance change, and it would already demonstrate intention to work on her issues, but even that is too much to ask. Meanwhile they keep saying “Mercy is fine”, which is pissing on my face without the courtesy of calling it rain.

They did the opposite in fact, they kept pushing her towards the off healer slot incidentally or accidentally.

So if they indeed care for Mercy’s state and have her in the problem list, she’s below even Torb’s shotgun damage nerf, lol, because that came first. I think an importance so low is indistinguishable from “not important at all” from a customer’s point of view.


Resurrect is an ultimate. The game is set up in such a way that bringing even just one dead teammate back into the fight right now is incredibly powerful.

Blizzard attempting to fit it onto Mercy’s E key and giving her another ultimate along side it was one of the worst mistakes they’ve ever done. This has resulted in Resurrect being shackled with nearly the worst drawbacks they could come up with, Valkyrie being nerfed to the point that the flight is pretty much the only interesting thing about it, and her base kit being nerfed so it is largely unimpactful.


I actually don’t mind rez as it is. It’s a bit… awkward in an FPS sure. But it needs restraint on it specifically because it’s a moba-esq ability in an FPS. And it functions similarly to how resurrects work in MMO games (cast time, immobility).

If there were a useful ability to replace it, I’d be fine with it going away. But I haven’t really heard of a replacement or changes that make it worth removing. The usual ideas are:

  1. some form of extra mobility. She doesn’t really need more mobility with super jump and ga in her kit.

  2. Cleanse. Is also useless if there’s no strong cc in the game. Cleansing Anti-nade is only useful against one character, and cleansing other forms of cc (like stun or freeze) probably would be just as difficult to pull off as rez currently. People die too quickly when they’re under the effects of cc, and mercy doesn’t want to be near cc anyway.

  3. pre-emptive rez. A bit more useful and perhaps more skillful to use? But I don’t like having too many predictive abilities. She already has to predict damage boost.

I like how Mercy plays now. If we needed changes though, I’d want an ability that allows Mercy more agency in manipulating the battle field outside of helping allies. Pretty much her entire kit is for helping allies. It would be interesting to give her something with a bit more oomph to match the other supports. Just my 2 cents on the topic though.

Res is a little odd to have in a FPS game, but I’m fine with Res as long as it stays as ONE res WITH a cast time. It can be moved to ultimate or whatever, don’t care as long as it doesn’t get anymore powerful.

Even as it is now, its an ultimate ability on E.

However I do feel that Mercy will always be tied down by Res and that it would be best to just scrap the idea and give Mercy something else.

I would love if Rez still existed, but you could cast rez on a live ally and it would instead act as a burst heal (or a halo where if they die, they come back as others have mentioned) but it would start your rez cooldown. So you can still rez, but if it’s more beneficial, you can use it on a live ally instead of HAVING to wait until someone dies. You can still only use one or the other every 30 seconds.

Sounds like Invigorate

Something like that, some iteration there of, sure.

Make up your mind, how can she be held back if she’s got one of the most powerful tools in the game? Rez brings Mercy up, get it right

Held back in the sense that she cant have anything nice while res is around. Not power wise.
Think skill points in a game, Res takes the majority of those skill points leaving very little for anything else.
I’m assuming that’s what the OP meant.