Mercy Rework is Terrible // Revert Mercy | Video

Thank you for the kind words!

I’ve found myself making the mistake of ignoring the other side in the past, so I certainly can sympathize with how the other end of the “revert” spectrum may feel ignored. I’m still working on trying to see both views myself, and I’m certainly not perfect, but I am understanding that it takes both opinions to have a discussion.

I will say though that in terms of disregarding opinions and seeing their own as factual, I’ve seen my fair share of people who don’t want a revert and think that their opinion is the best one too - ignoring anyone’s idea for a revert and calling them wrong for it. So that could certainly go both ways.

Nonetheless though I agree, there is always a way to disagree with someone AND respect their own opinions, even if it differs from our own. We all have opinions on something, and we don’t always have to agree on them, so it only makes sense to honor that. :slight_smile:

Also yes civility is a word lol. #CivilityForAll!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Neither of them are insults nor offensive in any way. And Mercy mains ARE privileged, that is a fact. I am a Reaper main, does my main enjoy a megathread on this forum endorsed by the moderators themselves? No, So Mercy mains are privileged when compared to msot other players in the game.


Its okay to admit when you’re wrong Reaper, the community won’t think any less of you. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


This is just harassment at this point, since not only do you keep answering to me in an extremely condescending manner, even when I pleaded you to stop using those emoticons that are just meant to denigrate me at a personal level, but now you are just haunting me in every thread and insulting me in an obscene and vulgar way. You are flagged.

Just report this guy for spamming/trolling.

But this… Is my thread though… That you both entered… and caused a riot in with non-constructive replies?

But OK, I’m the bad guy I suppose! Best of luck in your endeavors! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You feel insulted by a smiley face?


Yes, because if I pleaded someone to stop using something that I find extremely condescending and rude, and that person continues, FULLY KNOWING THAT SUCH A BEHAVIOUR ANNOYS ME, then they are just doing that on purpose to offend and denigrate my persona.

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That sounds like a you problem.

If you’re so upset because someone sent you a smiley face, maybe take a break from the thread and come back when you’ve calmed down a bit?

Sorry if I seem condescending, just want what’s best for you :blush: x


If that’s your argument, then this entire Mercy debate seems like a you problem. If you’re so upset that Blizzard applied balance changes to your favourite hero, maybe take a break from the game and come back when you’ve calmed down a bit?

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The forums are created for constructive discussion regarding balance changes and the current state of the game.

We’re using the forums the way they were intended xxx


Not sure what you mean there. I’m pretty sure your first response in my thread was as follows:

How would this not be considered as “condescending and rude?” How is this constructive in any way to the OP I’ve posted? Especially towards people who actually share those opinions? I am pretty sure you posted that with malicious intent at mercy mains in the way you’ve generalized them.

And a side note. I’m sorry, but I’ve been posting smiley faces long before I started talking to you. I’m not sure how that applies here…

But you are in fact derailing the thread at this point, which actually does constitute for being against the forums CoC. Just thought I’d point that out and ask that you please refrain from sending this topic off the track any further. Thank you for your cooperation! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


No, You are spamming the forum by creating duplicate threads (bannable, read the CoC) instead of using the pre-estabilished Mercy megathread meant to gather all Mercy-related feedbacks and avoid these situations of spam. As does derailing the thread, which is what Littlem first did by irrationally calling me “toxic and offensive” and thus attacking me personally.

Megathread? What you mean the garbage bi- Er I mean the void- Er shoot wait oh THAT thread.

You’d think that after so many suggestions and actual good ideas discussed, they’d come up with an ingenius patch that solves all the problems. Nope, just nerfed healing from 60hps to 50hps. TOTALLY LISTENING AM I RIGHT?

Lets not kid ourselves here, that megathread is just a trash bin so that the devs have other stuff to look at on the forums while ignoring a pile of garbage that have some gold in it/


But aren’t you also spamming? I see you bumping a lot of Mercy threads (including this one), so aren’t you also a part of the problem?


“Its only a problem when other people do it, not me”


I think by this point there would be few who would argue that Mercy was not more fun to play or more balanced before the rework.

However, that isn’t the reason why she was reworked. It’s because she created really unhealthy team strategies whenever she became meta.

And saying that nobody asked for Mercy to be reworked just isn’t true. There was always a lot of hate out there surrounding mass res.


I am not bumping any thread, as that would imply that I would be bringing it back on the frontpage after days or weeks since its death (which I have never done). Also called “Necroposting”, which is bannable, but is clearly not what I am doing.

“Its only a problem when other people do it, not me”

And here we go again with the denigrating flame against my persona.

You can ignore threads you know? It is not like you have to go into a thread and comment in it. If Reaper is so important to you there is always the option to make your own megathread about him. Also the Mercy megathread was just a garbage can and is closed.

The only thing you are doing right now is derailing threads and act in a very toxic manner. You should maybe just take a break or visit other threads you like better.


No, that’s called a “necro’d” thread.

He hasn’t used any “obscene and vulgar” language. You’re trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill and act like you’re a victim here or something.

You have a go at Xavvy here:

for being “condescending”, yet you say this:

It can be argued that you started the “condescending” behaviour.