Mercy’s utility right now is unmatched by any other support due to the power of Rez. I feel if you remove this but add something else you can Balance her out.
My Idea
Resurrect - Removed
New Ability
Allies within 5 meters of Mercy are Unstoppable and heal for 50 hp
8 second cooldown
Additional Passive - Overheal
Healing a target gives them a shield that quickly deteriorates at 30per second. Can stack up to 50 overheal on a single target.
Or You could… I don’t know… Make Rez an Ultimate again because you can actually balance that.
I still hate that they removed the most iconic ult from her, so no. Mercy without rez ain’t Mercy
Removing Rez was a Mistake for 2 Reasons
The reason Mercy was so prevalent is because Ana was under-powered and comp teams wanted a main-healer so they picked mercy because it was Either Mercy or Ana. If Moira was around I doubt it would have been as big of an issue
The hide and rez was easily fixable by giving her an LOS check / removing performance based SR’s on-fire preference.
Current Mercy isn’t Mercy either. I wish they’d just remove rez completely and replace with with something they could actually balance, that is fun to use and fun to play against, and that significantly increases Mercy’s skill-ceiling.
Mercy was significantly dumbed down with the latest nerfs and it doesn’t really pay to be really good at playing Mercy anymore. She’s unengaging to play and trivial, which I hate. So, replace rez completely… make her more skillful to play, and more engaging to play.
No no no no, adding LoS PROMOTES hide and rez. If your team has to be in LOS to rez, you will have many Mercy players (the same ones who used hide and rez) telling their team “Make sure you all fight and die right next to eachother on point so I can get a 5 man!”. It also wouldn’t stop the famous “The entire enemy team just got killed by Gravition + Barrage…oh wait no the Mercy was hiding in Spawn, flew out, and rezzed them all because they were still in her LoS…”
If they want to balance Mass Rez, they should add a SMALL cast time like .8 sec-1.25sec, let her cast it while moving/using GA. This opens up room to stun/kill the Mercy while she is ulting, but also keeps it from feeling frustrating.
I agree that removing rez and adding a new ability could benefit Mercy. I would personally add a long range (same range as GA), single target burst heal (heals for 75% of their maximum HP) which could either grant the target CC Resistance/cleanse them or give them a damage resistance buff for 3 seconds. It could be on an 8-12 seconds cast time, and would promote keeping your team alive and managing your cooldown smartly. Imagine Brigitte’s Armor Pack ability but a stronger heal that cleanses people on a slightly longer cooldown.
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I actually don’t think that rez is why she is picked right now. I think it’s damage boost that gives her value right now.
That said, I don’t want to get rid of rez entirely. It’s iconic and I honestly can’t see removing it completely.
What I do think would be an interesting change is to give her 2 faster charges for rez in Valkyrie. The trade off being that rez is removed outside of her ult.
or no one ever realized that damage boost could also be used for faster ult charge.
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I agree.
What I would do:
Remove rez as an E ability, give her a new healing E ability.
When she uses her Ult (Valkyrie), that E ability changes to Ressurect. She has 2 charges of it, .5 second cast time. Each rez takes 2 seconds off of Valkyrie’s duration.
So she can either do Valkyrie for 15 seconds, or Valkyrie + 2 rezzes for 10 seconds.
Not a bad idea, although wouldn’t people complain about double rez coming back even if it have a cast time and it’s only exclusive for Valk?
That’s why Zenyatta still has a higher pickrate, right?
on another thread someone and i were talking about ways to balance mass rez and thought of a few seconds (5? 10? idk what #s would be good) of instant single rezes. This way you can fly around rezing people, but you could get killed between each rez providing more counter play, and more engaging game play for mercy.
I wish they were just more creative with finding ways to better balance mass rez/ make it less annyoing to play against as opposed to the mess that was the rework process that left us with a mess of a mercy
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That’s basically what they tried with the initial rework, though.
is it? would have liked it better than this
The initial rework was a rez reset on valk with the rez CD reduced to 10 seconds (with valk still at 20 seconds), resulting in 4 instant rezes. It ended up being OP.
Removing res, no thanks.
Current res, no thanks.
Res that isn’t a suicide mission into a cursed bog, yes please.
oh i see, i meant she wouldnt get a valk state, just regular old mercy but can rez more.
She’d be easier to kill without valk healing and without flying around (plus none of the chain heals n stuff) and it would only last a few seconds
and have a new E ability
If they remove rez then they may as well remove Mercy, that’s the defining feature of her kit.
Current rez is also pretty garbage so I don’t really see how people still think it’s broken.
I said this back in October or whatever but they could have removed literally anything else from Valkyrie than the extra ressing and that’d have been fine by me. But they did not.
i honestly wish they would either make rez stronger during valk but only usable during valk and give her a new E that u can actually use in a fight
or just go back to Rez as the sole function of her ultimate in some form
valk is boring and easily the weakest support ult rn
Any sort of instant res would be preferable. Either multiple charges upon ult, or just a fast charging single res ultimate. Mass Res took about 77 seconds to charge, so a 30 second-ish charge single res ultimate doesn’t seem that unreasonable, at the expense of everything Valkyrie offers and the E res.
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