The true issue was that they increased the range of Rez due to the mobility and duration of Valk from 15 meter Mass Rez range to 180 meters Rez Range or more if GA is used. If the Rez were limited within a range of once activated it would be manageable.
I kind of feel like I wish they would then make a new hero from her character and call her something else i.e. take Angela Ziegler’s character and make a hero called Dr. Ziegler or whatever and this new hero doesn’t have Rez.
Or just make a new hero from Angela Ziegler, and nerf Mercy into the wastes and just forget about her completely.
As much as I share your sentiment, current Mercy ain’t quite Mercy either. She’s not the same in my eyes. The resurrect we have is not the Resurrect I loved, and so in my eyes, it’s practically already gone.
IDK if this community can handle Rez it seems that many cannot handle or grasp it’s existence. Unlike League of Legends where they figured out how to make Rez work without it feeling like crap and guess what its a single point Rez as the Ultimate ability on the character Zilean.
However I don’t know if this community of the Devs can contemplate re-proposing of already known Revive mechanics for Mercy.
Oh so her consistent healing isn’t the reason. How about just remove Rez for a season and see that Mercy would still be picked as much because Rez does not make Mercy viable or a good pick its consistent healing and nothing else.
They used to run Lucio + Zen just fine before the mercy rework.
I guarantee you if we remove rez for a season mercy would immediately become a troll pick. (granted ,she’d still probably have a 3% ish pickrate because she’s just that popular ,but in the pro league I doubt she’ll have any)
I kind of feel like it just might be better to put Rez in the grave not because it was unfun to play against, with, or as, but because this community at large cannot handle it.
They do less healing, and besides what’s wrong with Mercy not being played by pros it doesn’t mean anything because “Brig is OP in the ladder” yet “not a must pick in the pro scene”.
Good I’d to see it actually happen because I bet that she would not be played less because Rez is not her strong point it mobile consistent healing at a high rate with no resource limit.
And ? healing isn’t the only factor to take in when judging how good a support is ,otherwise moira would have a 100% pickrate. (Good moiras can actually resource manage ,she still dishes out the most healing in the game)
because if you read my post ,at all ,you would’ve seen that I was talking about the pro league from the beginning.
Remove Lucio’s speed boost and the same thing would happen to him…
Zen’s discord…
Any of Ana’s abilities.
Remove any of anyone’s abilities and they would be worse
Lucio IS pretty much picked only for speedboost though.
As for Zen ,you missed my point ,obviously if you remove Discord he’ll be bad ,but he isn’t picked JUST for discord ,he also has extremely high damage and arguably the best ultimate in the game ,unlike mercy ,who is picked just for rez.
Yeah like why can’t they just make it work like Lucio’s cast-time because his Ultimate can be stopped too, but if it isn’t then its an amazing play that happens in the mist of a fight.
Maybe require that it be used within 2 seconds of a teammates’ death as well, that way if a Huge Rez does occur then it is a special moment because it would be a rare sight. Tempo Rezzes would be still be the better way to go, but at least they would be at the expense of an Ultimate.
Also maybe just make the current Rez her Ultimate and see what that does.
Either way just make Rez in her Ultimate or just get rid of it, but who am I kidding here? The Devs would never consider removing Rez because they said so and their word in absolute and they never change their minds about things < yeah sure.
I could perhaps appreciate the rework if I could still play Mercy and save my team the way I did before, but I can’t. Valkyrie is intentionally a different style of Ult, and I heavily disagree with the shift in style. If a new Ult, for example, were to be cast very similar to Resurrect but would provide background healing and damage resistance (similar to Rally, but without the indefinite armor. The damage resistance would only last for the Ult’s duration, 6-8 seconds, and the healing would be between Coalescence and Valkyrie + Mercy’s staff), perhaps I could get behind it. I don’t need (what I perceive as) the messy Valkyrie wings and chain beams, just have Mercy and her allies glow as they did when Resurrected when under this “protection”. Maybe then I could get behind it - and the whole “Heroes Never Die!” would still fit. She would still be a guardian angel saving the team, and there would still be intense moments where using the Ultimate at just the right time ended up saving the team, or giving the team what they need to win the team fight.
I just can’t appreciate the rework. I honestly would prefer to remove resurrect at this point and replace it with something to increase healing / damage boost for a period, on par with Moira’s Orbs, Ana’s Grenade, or Lucio’s Amp it Up. Imo, Valkyrie (regardless of practicality - just from a casual perspective) just doesn’t compare and the resurrect is just a reminder of what used to be fun. However, I just don’t play her anymore. I guess let the people who enjoy her now keep enjoying her the way she is - I play Moira alot now. If there’s ever a “classic” Arcade mode or something, I can play Mercy there.
that said tho i see that overheal passive idea and i never liked overheal not because it’s not good but because i like getting allies to full health and not having to constantly switch even during relaxed times of a match
Mercy also has a large healing output and doesn’t need to be constantly baby sat.
Part of her value is her independence.
That’s the key thing that separates Mercy from the other supports.
Particularly Ana and Zen.
What if we tried Mercy without Rez and no “E” and see what things look like then consider what would nicely fit on “E”. Also consider dismantling Valkyrie.