Her super jump is the only thing that is preventing her from being buffed
Without super jump there is nothing rewarding about playing mercy over any other healer (except brig)
We cling to super jump not wanting it removed because unfortunately moving from one place to another is her most exciting part of her kit. But if we went back to mercy 1.0 style guardian angel would the devs then realise mercy is nothing and deserves a buff of some sort
It’s because Mercy is a generalist. And generalists are never the 2nd best of their category because they are the most consistent heroes. That means they’re either completely massively better than the competition, or they’re kinda meh.
If you sincerely think SUPER JUMP is the reason Mercy isn’t buffed (and not the fact that she’s statistically perfectly balanced) then you are a bit delusional 0-o
Yes. The same happened to McCree. Just because the hero is picked a lot because they are popular… That means they are balanced. And the people use the mirrors argument when Orisa had a higher pick rate than the two of them combined and maintain a Hella positive win rate. Absurd.
No, I feel that the developers are not sure they want to buff Mercy because
A) if they buff anything other than her healing (especially damage boost), that’ll just feed the power creep (ex: buffed damage boost could allow an already strong Hanzo to run rampant in ranked 1-shot body-shooting squishies)
B) buff her healing and they’re afraid that’ll bring Mercy back into the spotlight at the expense of Moira, Ana, or Bap.
Statistically, Mercy is fine. Her healing numbers are okay, her pickrate is pretty good, and her winrate is pretty average. I understand a lot of Mercy mains are frustrated that the character does not feel as fun or engaging as she used to be, but from a numbers perspective, Mercy is just fine.
Any buffs given to Mercy, I argue (again, I’m not arguing against a Mercy buff), should be handled with thought and care. Additionally, they are not holding Mercy back because of super jump.
Actually, Geoff said he wants to buff damage boost, just not its %. He also said they are open to buffing her healing to 55 or a heal boost ability but this is his whole explanation on the matter:
What buffs did he get to counter goats? A tenth of a second to his fire rate that changed virtually nothing and an ultimate rework that basically changes nothing to compositions that are not super bulky. Wow. Such power creep. And they only had to nerf his fan for it.
You are right though, sucks Mercy never got microbuffs at the very least.
True. I do remember them talking about buffing Mercy’s DB, and I feel like that could be good for Mercy, but I do have to agree with Geoff that it makes it so many heroes can one-shot 200 health heroes. Hanzo, Widow, Junkrat, and Reaper all come to mind; it would be quite annoying if they could just walk around getting boosted by a Mercy and just one tap the enemy team (then again, if some of those heroes were tuned back, especially Reaper, that could open the gate for a buffed damage boost in the future).
If her healing was buffed to 55, I’d say that’d be a fair change.
It was a nerf from his original fan. What is your point? They change his fan more than they change Symmetra.
What did it change, statistically? Go on, share with the class. I want to know, what YUGE impact did the miniscule fire rate influence? C’mon, I am dying to know.
Yeah, I think all I’d ever want for damage boost is like a 30% speed boost for the target AND for Mercy while she’s using it. Could open up some pretty interesting plays. But also I feel like it’d screw with some heroe’s accuracy if you’re flicking damage boost on them and changing their movespeed back and forth LOL
Agreed! I do wish they’d test it, it’s a nice middleground between 60 (people claim is too high) and 50 (people claim is too low). Seems like an obvious change to me but idk lol