Mercy rant (20 char)

She’s similar to Moira in which you’ll never know how good they are because they’re just so basic. I can visibly see a slept target or discord on a target but with mercy it’s just about enabling others.

I’m at 3,300 and considered top 500 in my region (open queue) and I typically get masters players in my games. Never will I see a mercy and if I do they’re with a hitscan to pocket.

The way i see it is solo queue mercy players get lucky with those they’re matched with BUT they their game sense required is still as high as their rank. Mercy’s in a group are boosted 90% of the time, especially if I see them latched on a DPS. They’re the ones doing the work not you.

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I don’t see how that doesn’t apply anywhere else? Why are you standing still on…ever?

If you don’t on heals,.you don’t on dmg boost.

Well it better happen or I’ll stop playing. I’ll also get my friends Becky and Susan to quit the game too.

Why would I be moving around when I could be sitting out of the enemy’s LoS boosting Ashe as she snipes them?

I’m moving around to heal because I need to get closer to damaged targets to heal them up, and I have to change to damaged targets.

I find that Ashe should be also moving and that she boosts fine whether Im By her side or if I’m by rein. Especially as when I’m on dps, I target the mercy before Ashe. Or pharah or whoever. Mercy is the target to chase and therefore she is the one who moves

They don’t move all that much, in my experience, if they can at all help it. Compared to healing Mercy, pocketing is a dull gamestyle with no on-the-fly target prioritisation, and the only team awareness necessary is of GA targets for when a flanker finally comes after me.

79% of statistics are made up :clown_face:

You know Mercy’s can climb without being boosted, right?

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To me… If tomorrow mercy had a glitch where her yellow Beam was broken and straight up didn’t work

The motions and mobility that she has and target prioritization shouldn’t go away.

I think you just solved my own mystery of why so many mercies refuse to dmg boost: an arbitrary playstyle of stand still and beam. Which isn’t necessary at all.

The closest thing I have I Zen. I think if you’re Zen and you only keep discord on a target until they are dead, you aren’t reading the room.

Target prioritization varies at any point. Unless your Ashe is popping off and your whole team is being carried…you have 4 other allies all earning their ultimates with damage.

The enemy is earning their ultimates, and you will often, know on mercy before your allies how much ult charge the enemy has. So if you know they have high noon, and they are baiting your team…well you have ults too

Plural…not just Ashe. You shouldn’t be treating blue beam like a static in place Rez. It’s not. Your whole team should have been getting blue beam appropriately most of the time.

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If I can make my Ashe kill in one hit instead of two, I’d advise that because that’s an obvious benefit. I’m also going to make it as difficult as possible for the enemy to get to me because I don’t like them and they don’t like me. If you have to jump around constantly to try and stay awake, well, that doesn’t sound like a compelling mechanic to me.

You keep moving back towards effectiveness. Again, I don’t doubt blue beam is a strong effect. However, it’s the most dull buff to maintain and has little feedback to go with it. I know for a fact whether my yellow beam is or isn’t making a difference.

Skipped most replies…

I’ve been trying to play Mercy more, although I do hate getting stuck pocketing someone all game. I think that you’re right about people refusing to switch, but this can apply to any hero. Ideally with Ana/Mercy, you should be able to keep your tanks healed if Mercy is effectively boosting a DPS. A good, boosted DPS should be getting kills and applying pressure, which reduces the damage your tanks take. If that’s not happening, it might actually be an issue of the DPS just not being very good. Of course, if a Mercy is boosting people and not getting assists nor providing enough healing, then she SHOULD switch.

But again, every hero has downsides and players should know when to switch. I hate having Ana’s who stand waay far back, get flanked repeatedly, but continue to stand by themselves or not switch to another hero.


Then why are you still there after she already killed the enemy?

She isn’t one tapping the whole team. That’s my point. Unless Ashe is in fact…carrying- and everyone else can pack up and go home…you are either standing still blue beamed for a hero not hitting anything, or not finishing anything which means you likely have other allies who can better utliize the blue beam for that moment.

Yellow beam heals…and qualifies a heal effectiveness. But, just like yellow can be wasted on a full hp target, you need to bounce between your 300 HP rein and your 35 hp tracer and 120 how Ashe.

Similarly, Ashe might pop a shot on the enemy rein,but rein will put up his shield to avoid another burst from Ashe.

Relocating to your flanking genji/Hammond would be better than sticking to Ashe who can’t get a los past the rein shield aimed at her.

And the feedback for the dmg boost value is multifold unlike heal .

Where you heal your alllies and might just buy time and ult charge for you,

Dmg boost kills enemies, builds ally ult charge, and yours (altho I do think it should be valued differently upon kills but still).

I can see why you stay still.but I think it’s limiting mercy unnecessarily

Of course they can but that comment was aimed towards mercy players in a group. Technically they’re all boosting each other but if I see a widow get a quad or the Rein block shatters then I know they’re good enough for their rank. With mercy it’s just like adding gas to a fire, what the mercy is doing isn’t special it’s just enhancing what the others are doing. You’ll know when it’s working and when it isn’t, I guess that’s why most mercy one tricks believe that they aren’t the issue. She can literally do no wrong like Moira but sometimes that’s the biggest problem.

Teams will need to change things up, if that requires choosing spicy characters then why not try it out? What’s so wrong with swapping to Ana to counter hog or Brig to counter flankers?

Mercy can’t counter anyone… that doesn’t help

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idk I always seen her as a healer good for almost any map or team comp. Just yesterday I really needed to swap cause our dps - widow and Tracer was not something that you could really pocket - both of them on their own away from team.
But yeah, I hate this when I play Moira - no matter how much I do, sometimes I carry (yes, Moira can carry) the game and people have a nice word only for Mercy. It´s always Mercy, never Moira. Hardly any vote for healing card on the end. When I get card as Mercy? 5 votes instantly.
Sometimes I wander if it´s hormons - Mercy looks great while Moira is a lady in her age and with no boobs or long angelic hair.
Or maybe it´s that Moira hate in general? Idk…


I’m moving up with the team, presumably, for the next team fight. That’s not really what I have in mind for a mobile support.

I thought boost affected Dynamite, too? Ashe throws that over the barrier. While I could opt to boost the Genji instead, and it would be more interesting than boosting Ashe, I have no idea if he’s making any good use out of it either. They tend to prefer me keeping them alive so that they can actually apply pressure.

Feedback regarding healing: I can, at a glance, see how many people need healing and relative health levels. With this information, I can make decisions on who I should heal. While nowhere in the game tells me that I do 55 HPS, I can roughly gauge how effective my healing beam is.

Feedback regarding damage boost: I get a little icon if someone scores a kill while I’m boosting them.

I have no idea about how effective my boost is without reading up on it outside of the game, and it’s going to vary between every character in a non-apparent way. I have no idea how much use they’re making out of it unless I boost someone like Ashe and see the kill feed lighting up (or not), because no-one can tell me how accurate any given player is.

You don’t understand how the game works but that’s fine, not many people do.

If nothing Mercy did mattered then every Mercy would be at the same rank. That’s not the case. The reason that’s not the case is because some Mercys are better than others. But, how can this be if playing Mercy takes no skill? Magic? Of course, the angle all you people go to is that the Mercy must be boosted, but again… I play solo queue. Lots of Mercys play solo queue. They’re at the rank that they’re at.

It simply does not add up.

The truth is that playing Mercy requires constant positioning, target priority, massive amounts of efficiency, ect-ect.

That’s the truth. That’s reality. So, you can see how one might get annoyed when so many people live in fantasy land and try to rationale this idea that a hero takes no skill and has no impact when it obviously does.

Now, this is the OW forums. You’re not really here to listen to reason. You’re not here to learn. You’re here to continually project the fantasy idea out into the abyss and you’ll expect others to try and explain reality to you, which you’ll dismiss and reiterate your fantasy logic.


Use your mind.

How can Mercys exist within the scope of all the ranks if they’re A, not being boosted and B, have no impact what so ever and require no skill?

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I think people are just unsurprised with what Moira has to offer so they often overlook it. I’ve played great games as Hammond or Sombra but whether or not I’ve done better than my teammates is debatable. However since no one sees those niche characters do well they get votes instantly.

Maybe that says something about Mercy as a character? She’s always usually the personification or a groan when you get her on your team but if she resurrects you multiple times then, AND ONLY then will she earn your respect.

I guess like on Zen, I feel the feedback given by way of the enemy. I didn’t hit them, but I affected them. Which is the same as if I did. I killed tracer from around the corner as I flew to my rein on half health, as I boosted Ashe while I flew away.

It’s a useful thing.

Although, I do think this may be a place where , as I have said in the past, game sense based heroes play and feel better on console than pc. I get feedback from dmg boost in a slight humm not possible off controller.

But even when I have vibrations off, I still think dmg boosts feedback is fairly positive and good . I just think it’s fire should be like…thrice what it has always been.

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She requires skill but it’s very linear. No amount of game sense will save a mercy player when they’re fighting another Mercy with an Ashe.

That’s basically cutting the character in half and expecting them to do the full amount. I’ve seen a difference of Mercy player types in my game, but the character itself is just below average.

It’s not so much the players I have a problem with, they’re not the ones with the design flaws.

So im playing QP most of the time so i dont speak for ranked matches but if someone be it tank or DD calles out bad heals its always me playing Mercy and not the other support usually playing Ana. Since I have gold heals idk what my Ana is doing. Another thing ive noticed that DDs tend to blame me for only healing tanks more than tanks blame me for only healing or boosting DDs. And another thing maybe thats just QP but Anas tend to miss there shots quite alot and I often was in a situation where I was hit by Dyanmite standing still infront of my Ana or sometimes even Bap and died right infront of them bc well Mercy has a slim hitbox or sth idk.

I dislike those players alot too. Its just wasted potential and those DD players aren’t even good most of the time…

Well many Mercy mains pointed that out a long time ago but Blizzard doesn’t really care I guess.
Why I play Mercy in the first place? Bc her mobility is fun and i just like the Character.


You mean people think that Moira is too easy? If that´s the case than Mercy should be treated the same - according this forum, Mercy is “no skill no brain” too.
I personaly see them both differently - Moira is maybe easy to survive but watching her resource meter is sometimes hard when people go wild and need too much heal.
Mercy doesn´t have to watch her healing source but it´s much easier to kill her. Mercy can be also played as easy character - just following people around, or skilled character - with all that jumps and things like prioritizing pocket to boost certain ult charge, and lot of things - making the whole game much better.
I also hate people saying that healers are boosted - man, everyone is boosted by healers if we look at it that way. I wanna see team without support, how far they would go…
Still happy that I moved from Moira main to dps.

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