Mercy rant (20 char)

Ana should be able to keep the tanks alive with not much help from the other support. Mercy does not get blamed because she isn’t supposed to be babysitting the tanks. If both the tanks are constantly getting destroyed then it’s probably a tank problem, not a Mercy problem.

If you hate having Mercy because she doesn’t do much healing, you must also hate having Lucio and Zen right?


Valk is really helpful for pulling off risky rezs tho?

Depends. Sometimes when I play Mercy and I know that my teammates are quite high on hp, i’ll whip out the pistol and harass the enemy backline before flying back to help the team. Normally I’d get a 2k on the supports which helps win the fight.

She’s not meant to deal a lot of damage though? I’ve mentioned it up there that her ability to endlessly pump out consistent heals is the tradeoff for not being able to deal consistent damage.

Her damage amplification can sometimes not be as much (depending on the situation) however it is definitely consistent especially when you consider the possibility of every teammate if not most getting a damage boost.

I don’t agree with your interpretation but I understand the frustration.

My biggest issue is yellow beam onlies who refuse to let the other healer heal so she can use dmg boost.

Or not damage boosting in general. Like, really just not utilizing her utility

Play Moira if ya just wanna yellow beam :unamused:

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I get shouted at as Mercy for being a pocketbot far more often than I get shouted at as Bap/Ana. For example, here’s an exchange from a game where I dared to use damage boost on an ulting S76.


I’m actually playing less Mercy these days because I get the most flak as her. Which is a weird reversal of fortunes, because she used to be the character that racked up the most endorsements on the whole for me.


“Hurr stop damage boosting mercy heal you useless trash youre a healer”
Some people seriously need to **** off. One doesn’t like how his supports act? He should play one himself. I can guarantee from personal experience that this reduces amount of trash healers one encounters by half.


I mean, she isn’t a good hero. I’d kinda agree that a lot of the time she can straight up suck. You get a rare good experience with one, but, that can happen with Sombra too.

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I only hate having a one trick mercy when enemy zarya keeps throwing ults at us, of course the other player is using Moira/Ana so 0 defensive ults like Brig/Zen/Lucio.

Hur durrrr social play is a thing

I also don’t like playing with dps reins and sitting there cowering behind zarya because she thought we would have a shield, we all thought we would, and rein is off doing god knows what.

I also don’t like hammer only torbs.

Like hurrr Durr this is a thread about mercy. I commented regarding my frustration with mercy.

The second part isn’t directed at you. The first part, however, is something that happens on regular basis when Mercy dares to damage boost.

There’s no winning, really. And god forbid you mention how many shots your DPS missed…


I can definitely understand that. People definitely are entitled in many ways.

And if it isn’t done by a pro with coined terms and styles…people deem a play trash and or not possible

Tempo rezzing before the coined term was used by streamers was a nightmare for most mercies.

A style I always thought it was good…but if I’d be solo rezzed on rein/ zarya or whatever tank (a super valuable pick) then often poor mercy would have our team screeeeeeching about how she wasted Rez for one hero. It was a valid tempo Rez. We won… Stop screeching.

So I don’t always think the hate is warranted.

But, I do think it’s valid to express frustrations on both ends. As mercy. And as someone playing with her


They should probably make blue beam engaging in some way if it’s meant to be the main draw of Mercy.

The aspect of Mercy that appeals to me is the mobility, zooming from teammate to teammate and patching them up. Blue beaming an Ashe from around a corner is probably the least interesting gameplay OW has to offer.


I definitely think fire would add to that. I have always thought it was undervalued only on mercy . But tbh, I don’t see the difference between standing with a blue versus yellow beam in termsof gameplay

I mean, you can always beam Pharah not landing her shots instead…


Because I’m probably not standing around with a yellow beam. I’m prioritising targets, moving around the battlefield, and it’s possible to waste yellow beam by healing a full HP target. I’m possibly even exposed to enemy fire!

The only downside to blue beaming is if someone needs healing from me specifically and I don’t switch for whatever reason. Zzz.

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I get what you mean. She feels too predictable most of the time. Every other support has the chance to make their own plays and it mixes up the game.

Her big play making potential was mass rez but now…

I guess I see blue beam.the literal exact same way.

It’s only wasted if you pick a target not hitting anything.

And to me, finding the valuable dmg dealer is much more difficult than finding a critical ally because the game itself will tell you who is critical. But you on mercy can decide who gets on fire.

Especially since it isn’t always dps. A dmg boosted Winston or hog is going to cinche that kill or initiation.

A dmg boosted Zen looking at rein can charge shot him. And get his ult faster than mercy healing…

Ahhh…being dmg boosted on Zen has only happened to me once.and it’s a top favorite game :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:. I had trans like twice a team fight and 20+k heals by the end…amaaaze

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If the Mercy wasn’t good enough to be playing at that level then the Mercy wouldn’t be at that level.

Mind. :exploding_head:

“Mercy got boosted!!!”

Yea… you could say that about anyone regardless of the hero they play. I solo queue Mercy. I’m at the rank I deserve to be at. Simple. As. That.

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Well I’m a zen main, some people might hate having the idea of me but my accuracy is top notch.

I’ve ended most of my games with 9000+ healing and at least 30 discord assists. I’m not a burden unless I’m getting double flanked (I can handle 1)

It’s not always about healing though, if the Zen/Lucio can utilize their kit to the best then there’s absolutely no problem. A hero with a 30 second cool down, a damage dependent off-ability, and having little to no offense capabilities will always be mediocre in today’s version of Overwatch. The game has aged afterall.

The manager (Jeff) isn’t going to delete Mercy from the game, Karen.


I’m not denying that damage boost is strong, I’m talking about how deadly dull it is to use the thing. So let’s say I damage boost Zen instead of Ashe like in your example (although I’d have thought that would be pretty rough for healing the team up, but I’ll go with it). I’m still sitting around a corner, not using my mobility unless a flanker comes around and wakes me up. Boring.

No, I’m going to stick with doing what’s actually fun on Mercy, and that’s healing.