Mercy Quality Of Life change

It sounds from the previous statement like the other supports are much more effective, regardless of what the rest of the team is composed of

I cant see any reason at all to select Mercy - regardless of team comp - if one accepts said statement

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Cuuuuz rez? Also, she’s the second-most elusive/mobile support if you’re clever about keeping your team alive. People like to dump on her, but she’s still perfectly viable, and I still prefer to have her healing me if I’m a tank.

All of those specific defensive abilities are far and away better at doing their job than Mercy’s healing beam. I stand by that statement.

That however does not mean that Mercy is useless. Most other healers have some or multiple other mechanics in their kits that make them ill suited to working well with certain heroes… usually DPS heroes. Pharah, Tracer, Widowmaker are probably the most obvious examples. Mercy’s the only one who doesn’t have something else going on that prevents her from working well with them.

To be honest, if we had a semi mobile healer who’s main healing mechanic was tossing mini health packs like Brig tosses her armor packs… I would be so happy.

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That’s like, … Main healer burden. She can have a smooth transition when she wants to drop main healer status

…isn’t that like… Baptiste?

Isn’t that literally the role of the off healers ? And why Lucio Zen define the dps, where Ana Moira and Baptiste define tanks more?

There is a very very large mechanical difference between healing grenades and 75 HP packs that function like Brigs armor packs. One would be able to heal Pharah and Tracer no problem. The other… well… yeah, it’s not gonna go very well.

That said, Baptiste is probably my favorite main healer at the moment, so… I guess you aren’t completely wrong?

mmmm no. No not really. Off healers are more marked by them being able to use their primary damage and primary healing at the same time, higher utility, and usually having a team saving ultimate. Working well with DPS is not in the job description. I mean, Brigitte is definitely an off healer but she’d much rather have zero DPS on her team.

Besides that, why shouldn’t there be a main healer who’s geared towards helping DPS heroes?

I’m pretty sure they don’t know how programming the “If Valk is activated, make 60 hp instead 50 hp without disconnecting”.
I’m pretty sure there was a bug that you continued to heal 60 HP when Valk finished if you didn’t disconnect.

That’s more like how torb worked then? Or do you mean auto aim packs more frequently? Because I’m not fond of that for either current main healers , or brig herself.

Because healing is already flatly applied. What more does a dps need?

Utility is what dps use. Dive comes from Lucio and Zen making everyone more lethal. Healing isn’t what makes mercy good for dps, it’s her dmg boost and mobility. She could have her hps nerfed to 40 even, and dps wouldn’t feel it as much. Tanks would. But reaper widow, etc, they just need a healer to be able to handle themselves while giving utility. Mercy being able to fly away from danger, is how she is less of a liability to her team of dps.

This kind of utility won’t work for a primary healer, because it would make them explicitly overpowered.

Zen nerfs went to his utility and compensation went to his dmg, not healing. And that’s because if he has a 25% disc orb, and a 50 heal orb, that’s ridiculously strong and makes near every other healer useless.
Even though collectively, he went from dmg boosting 180% to 150, and that a heal buff could have been done, it’s just not functional.

A main healer with constant utility and constant strong heals,
Is valk mercy

Understood - again, it sounds like the solution has been found: use supports other than Mercy

Torbs armor packs kinda just flop on the ground, so that’s not what I’m talking about.

The way I always pictured it working was on a new healer who’s right click would throw an auto aim 75 hp healing pack at an ally. Firerate of 1 per second, but it would be a bit like Tracer’s blinks where the person would hold onto ~5ish of them and they’d come back every… 2-3 seconds or so. Numbers are spitballed obviously.

DPS heroes have a tendency to go from “Full health and fine” to “I’m almost dead, HELP!” incredibly quickly and frequently. DPS heroes also have a tendency to have above average mobility than tanks.

So if we were to make a healer who specializes in helping DPS heroes… we would need one who has reasonably high mobility to keep up, healing that can’t miss for obvious reasons, and healing that is bursty but the burst can’t be too high otherwise it would be more efficient to apply to tanks.

Another thing that DPS heroes would really like is a “healer” who specializes in giving out temporary shield HP like candy, making it so its less likely that they get exploded before being able to do anything.

Neither of those exist. Mercy is the closest because mobility and can’t miss, but at this point literally nothing in her kit could even remotely be considered bursty, and she has other problems.

What exactly is ‘too much’?
Brig already has what you want and it’s very strong as it is. As is mercy

Where would mercy fit or any healer with even an auto aim 50 hps you don’t have to be near for?
Where would any other healer have value that doesn’t risk themselves or have incredible potential to outshine every healer even with just that as the kit?

I’m hard against such a concept tbh. I’m all for diversity, but I think the concept of main healer with auto aim is inherently unfair at high lvls of healing.

I kinda sorta sorta kinda consider a dead Rein becoming a live (and probably a very angry and vengeance minded) Rein to be burst-y


No,no and no.
Even sombra’s emp is 0.6 secs cast where you can be stunned and It happens quite often especially against mccree.
So I personally think this change would be unnecessary.

Brig’s auto aim burst heal is on a 6 second cooldown and is twice as large . Both of those facts AND a multitude of other things make her ill suited to supporting DPS characters.

Mercy’s 50 HPs isn’t high enough to be good at rescuing a DPS hero who’s gotten themselves in trouble. They generally need a shot of healing now not slowly getting topped up over the next 4 seconds. Also… Mercy has serious design issues.

Ok let’s look at this closer. If we go for the 3 second reload time on the packs, this theoretical healer would be able to heal for 75 HPS ~7 seconds straight before running dry and a 15s reload time with no way to lower that (unless we add one). That’s significantly worse than Moira levels of running out of healing. Also again… spitballing. It could potentially be throwing 60 hp packs every 0.9 seconds for a HPS of 66.67.

There would be ways to build the sort of healer I’m talking about without overshadowing everyone, it just needs some creativity.

That’s why we give it other weaknesses, like potentially running out of resources. Like maybe having a bit less HPS than most Main Healers.

Anything that happens after a 1.75 second channel is not burst.

well, as I said, YMMV

And you think it being smaller and every single second would inherently make her 1000 times more meta than any meta we’ve ever had ?

Because most dps already have this tho. That’s not on mercy.
They have stuns heals, invulnerability, mobility, or high dps…
Again, describe what about wmrcy makes her already good for dps players?
Rez is best for tanks because everything else in her kit caters to dps

Then how would this be a main healer? You’re asking for a launch dva as a healer.
Dva didn’t work with matrix on a timer. This wouldn’t be a main healer with such a long cooldown and they’d be pretty trash

Mercy didn’t have Rez all the time, but she was still very strong.
It’s not just about where healing is, but how. Ana had a primary fire buff, but healing nade was what made her OP in that regard.
I don’t see this conceptual hero being anything other than hot trash a la symm or deliberately OP

This isn’t a QoL change, it’s a buff. Not saying I’m against it, just that this would make Valk stronger (if only slightly). A QoL change to Valk would be seeing all your teammates’ health-bars or something on your hud in Valk.

I understand your point of view, but I see this as a QOL change, not a buff