Mercy Quality Of Life change

Whenever I’m healing someone as Mercy and then use Valk, the healing stream disconnects from the target during her ultimate animation for about a second. In a game like Overwatch where every second counts, this can be the difference between life and death of a teammate. I’d like a QOL change where her healing stream stays connected during the ult animation. I think it’s a pretty reasonable change, would you guys agree?

Edit: Guys it’s happening! :smiling_face:




Something I can actually get behind


Yeah I’m for this QoL change too. It doesn’t make much sense for her to stop healing.


THIS, this is the type of buff I want to see for her.

I would also add when ever you switch from her pistol to her staff, the damage boost or healing, should connect to your target much faster.


This was my train of thought as well. I couldn’t wrap my mind as to why this was a thing.


I already knew this was what the post was about b4 i clicked


I mean transformation ultimates have a small cast time where characters can’t really do anything and Valkyrie is a transformation ultimate so it makes sense that the beam disconnects

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That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

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True but the tiny buff would help her viability in niche teamfight situations

Wait, a mercy qol suggestion that is actually a qol suggestion?? Very strange.

But, I completely agree. And it’s not just her beam or her transformation ult. I once died because i couldn’t GA to my Winston when he entered ult. Should be fixed for all similar scenarios if possible.


Ive been asking for this since forever, however, a certain dev said that they dont want to do this specific change.

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Did that certain Dev give a specific reason as to why?

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I dont remember. I just remember him in an interview saying that they specifically didn’t want to do this.

Which is dumb.

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This one makes sense.
I was gonna say Mercy has one of the best QoLs a support can ask for but this one…
Yeah. That is beyond annoying.

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This is more than just QoL, this is a buff. As soldier id like to keep shooting while my ult is activating. But, that would for sure be a buff. Im pretty sure most people would want their heroes to be able to keep attacking while their ult animation is happening. Not saying im for or against it, but its still a buff.


yes, this is a qol change that has been mentioned several times, and I am in agreement that this should be done

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I stand against any buff to Mercy, but I like this one.

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I find it amusing how a whole lot of people who usually are all on board the “Mercy is fine” train are completely OK with this qol buff for her when it is clearly and obviously changing Valkyrie to act more along the lines of a standard ability and less like an ultimate.

I have no issue with any amusement resulting from my support of this change, which is a QOL change, not a buff
