Mercy Quality Of Life change

20 characters??? WHAT IS LIFE!!!

I really hope they add this. I’ve had situations where I could have saved a teammate if my beam hadn’t broke by using valkyrie. In that short amount of time they received just enough damage to kill them. If my beam had been connected in that short span of time then they probably would have survived.

This would lovely, something I’ve talked about before.

Although I think it disconnects because her healing changes to 60hps, I am not sure.

Great that you’re amused.

Now let’s move on with the thread

I’ve wanted this for quite a while, it would be an awesome change.

I don’t think people will agree because this would make it so her ult is impossible to counter or CC.

Even Sombra’s ult has something like 0.8 sec before popping it up.

Even though it’s kinda a crappy to lose an ally during that one second when you press “Q” to use Valkyrie, it’s needed.

It also somehow adds up to Mercy’s gameplay as the person playing her must be careful and find the perfect moment to ult.

If a Mercy presses “Q” and loses a teammate in the meantime, it’s on her. That also sets good and bad Mercy players apart.

I don’t mind Mercy’s ult remaining the same. If anything has to be changed about it, I would rather have a shorter Valkyrie with more impact within a shorter period of time than this “beam disconnect” issue.

I still understand your concern though. Thanks for posting :slight_smile: !


in the past before the reworks, the beam was still connected whenever you mass res

Yes, because she is just going to magically stop her target from taking any lethal damage right?

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No, it wasn’t. (20 char)

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If the damage output from the enemy is too big, then there’s nothing she can do anyway.

But if she chooses to pop Valkyrie at the wrong moment when her ally is low HP fighting in a winnable 1 VS 1 (or 1 VS 2) and that said ally dies, then it’s on the Mercy.

She didn’t evaluate the risks when popping Valkyrie and it happens to a lot of Mercy mains players, just like choosing to rez a teammate during Valkyrie instead of healing the team and rezzing the ally later.

Believe it or not, Mercy has a lot of options and her mistakes can be game changing.

Popping Valk increases her healing to 60 HPS so yes there is something she can do, but the beam disconnects on activation.

This is a 6 vs 6 game not a 1 vs 1 or 2.

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I think it would be great…stay with me…
If the staff beam also damaged enemies that enter into it.
so the gold beam could heal everyone in between you and your target.
The blue beam could damage boost everyone in between you and your target.
And then we bring back heroes never die.

Nope, if the damage output is too big (like 2-3 or 4 persons focusing an ally), she can’t do anything, with or without Valkyrie (60 HPS is not strong enough to outheal this).

In this scenario, better save Valkyrie, try to retreat or if it’s impossible, die fast so the Mercy doesn’t stagger herself and her team.

You’ve never had any situations where there were only 2-3 enemies alive left against you and another teammate ?

Valkyrie is a good ult to temporize fights while your teammates respawn.

I feel like you don’t understand what I’m talking about. Maybe you don’t play Mercy at all, I don’t know.

Yes please, this very much.

I can not stand spamming my button in order to play “connect the dots” with my heroes…

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Woooo, a whole +10 HPs.

You know what I’d rather have if I’m trying to save teammates from dying?

93.75 base healing, a 100 HP burst heal that also increases all healing by 50% for 4 seconds, and a 250 HP Burst heal that’s followed by 50% damage resist for 8 seconds.
75 base HPs, an ability that gives out +30 HPs and another ability that literally prevents people from dying.
A 150 HP burst heal, a 500 HP shield to body block with, and +30 armor per second.
Going from 16 HPs -> 50 HPs, 750 temporary shielding.
80 HPS base where pushing Q sends it to 140 plus a 75 HPS ability I can stack with it.
Pushing Q to send my HPS to a ridiculously powerful 300 HPS.

Literally all of that is significantly better than Valkyre’s paltry +10 HPS.

This should have been there from the start

It was there once, i dont know if it was from the start but after the 60hps buff i remember mass ressing with my beam still connected.

I would fly in to mass res with a beam connected to our widow so i can instantly GA back to widow to safety since GA reseted after res.

It sounds (to me) like you have found some other supports more to your liking


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Sure… However, I’m a tactician. I enjoy picking last and picking what I think the team needs. Some how… despite the game having 7 healers, Mercy is still the only healer who pairs nicely with DPS heroes. I don’t think I need to tell you how popular DPS heroes are, especially in quick play. Oddly enough, I’ve found that insta locking a healer actually significantly reduces the amount of heavy DPS comps you gete even in quick play. So… despite not wanting to auto lock, I am in fact auto locking. Mercy’s current state is still damaging my enjoyment of the game despite almost never playing her. Sure… I’m playing heroes I like, but I’m still not playing the way I’d want to.

For those reasons, I’m not going to stop complaining until Blizzard either helps out Mercy or finally adds another healer that works nicely with most DPS heroes.

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