Mercy problems < Reinhardt problems

If the developers piss off a large portion of the playerbase, you can expect that large portion of the playerbase to cause backlash proportional to their size.

We will not stop complaining because you don’t like seeing our complaints. We will stop complaining when Mercy gets fixed. If you don’t like our complaints, that’s tough; they aren’t going away.

Ok but in my opinion mercy’s problems are her insanely high pickrate and her boring playstyle some people find fun. I find it unbareable that people complain she’s “not viable” while still having 11% pickrate

Have you been on overbuff? Plus you can compare them to any hero I can do it to soldier if I wanted.

Unfortunately you won’t

What? :joy: this actually made me laugh. Are you ok?

So, again, your only complaint is that they’re being too vocal. You can disagree with their sentiment and still respect their right to express their opinions on the… forums… of the game… where people talk about their opinions on the game. Like… It’s not like you’re on r/cutecats and it’s being flooded with Mercy Complaints, this is the Overwatch forums. People talk about Overwatch.

I guess? I’m just tired of the forums being flooded with “mercy isn’t viable” posts. But that wasn’t my only complaint I complained about reins pickrates, orisa not being as viable as she can be, and other stuff

Eh… that’s debatable. I have never been on the forums with out seeing a mercy complaint forum there’s just too much mercy

If you think there’s too much Mercy then maybe you should make Rein threads rather than making Mercy threads. Just a thought.

Well I wouldn’t t say this’s a mercy thread It does talk about mercy but it’s not a mercy only thread. I would make rein threads but I don’t want to become the mercy main. Who goes on the forums to make every single thread about mercy complaints I like to whine about multiple things like private profiles,Reinhardt,stupid player in competitive, and people who won’t flex

mercy is comparable to moira/ana because their role in the team is almost the same

rein/orisa/winston has completely different jobs and playstyles

winston/orisa cannot play like rein and rein cannot play like winston/orisa so you can’t compare them unless they release a hero that does what rein do

I can’t compare heroes pickrates just because they have different roles/ play Styles? Omg facepalm
I can compare the pickrates of the heroes because it’s the one thing they have in common. Their playstyle doesn’t mean anything when it comes to pickrates because they are in the same role. Different play styles mean different times to pick said hero

Yes. Care to elaborate on that implied statement?

So what you’re saying is if mercy has all of her “problems” removed meaning she has the same pickrate,the same healing,her old ultimate, you would still flood the forums with “mercy is not viable” posts

Oh, wow. You really have no idea what we are saying.

I find it funny that here you are complaining about our complaints, but you couldn’t even be bothered to find out what our concerns are.

Those are the problems I see when I come on to one of the mercy threads so what are the other “problems” she has? Would you care to elaborate?

so how come genji has never been nerfed even though he was the most picked dps for over a year

its because of meta, you forget to add meta into your numbers while mercy is just meta because she is just better than ana/moira

rein is also much more simple to play for most players compared to winston which is hard to play without feeding and orisa needs a lot of help from the off tanks to play properly

Oh, yes!
Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Happy reading.

I main tank, so I get it-- but Mercy players don’t need to prioritize our issues. Let’s make our voices heard without putting others down!

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Ok you make a good point here but your argument that I can’t compare pickrates due to playstyle/role still needs addressing. We do need more balanced pickrates In the game.

sniff sniff finally a mercy complaint thread I agree with. But seriously I like it that you addressed the fact that Rez should have some vulnerability because it was dumb that mercy could undo a great teamwipe by pressing q. Sure other heroes could do the same(reaper,genii,soldier,mccree) but they have some vulnerability or take a while to get kills. Reaper moves slowly, genii takes 6 seconds to destroy the team, mccree has 0 movement, and soldier also has 6 seconds to kill the team with little healing. Although I feel like we should make the Rez take 2 seconds but make mercy take 50% less damage. If the team still fails to kill mercy then it’s on them for not taking her out within the time they had

If you see a Mercy main on the forums complaining about Mercy, chances are high that they agree with the sentiments expressed in that post. That thread is only 1 week old, and it already is one of the most popular threads on these forums of all time.

You need to remember that Orisa has 600 effective health due to halt and that’s not counting the armour value or healing

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Sometimes this is true most threads I see have been made the same day and just ask for the old ultimate or whine about 50 hps (healing per second) personally I think 50is fine because it still gives good healing and gives other healers a chance to compete against mercy

At this point, everyone else’s problems > mercy problems.

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