...Mercy Positivity Thread...?

DPS streamers/influencers started it, it bounced around in DPS forum echo chambers, it’s now a full fledged storm. Welp, time for me to remove subs/follows on OW DPS streamers.

A few popular content creators made posts about her. One streamer in particular who’s a notorious babyrager made posts, and people swallow it up and parrot it.

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I was doing my dailies the other day, and the one time I played Mercy I got harassed about it online. Good thing I didn’t have to stay on flex queue for long.

I wouldn’t be surprised if supports (esp. Mercy) are getting harassed/bullied online during OW games occasionally. And if my complaint patterns are any indicator, most of it is probably not even reported.

hence why I said they need to redo WHO can be amp’d in general. (as again mercy isnt only source of amp)

disable high dmg heroes from amp’d effect. you can set the dmg w/o any variance.
fixes every single issue amp has (as its only the high damage per shot heroes that ever have issue) and prevents any future issue.

would actually be a quick ez thing to change for devs.

mercy by design can’t have a kit like others. she “commits fully” to doing 1 thing.

she channels everything.

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Mercy have always been the subject of controversy due to her general ease of use. While she has more depth than that, you can get away with holding a tether, GA-ing every once in a while and maybe a revive here and there while climbing ranks.

Her Rez is another point since it has so much to it but it is her core identity function.

She is not the problem though. The problem stems from the fact that Support have no other options due to the limitations imposed to supports by conservative thinkers:

  • Supports cannot have high damage
  • Supports cannot have high agency abilities
  • Supports have to be dive target that cannot escape when dove on, otherwise the Divers won’t feel good.

With all that, supports only have one option and since its the only one they have they have to be STRONG in it, otherwise why have the class in the first place.


every other DPS: I wish I could do that

Widow: but you can

every other DPS: oh, well I’m still mad at you

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That seems cheap to me like straight up denying specific people so they can’t get dmg buff? I don’t know sounds silly to me why not just have Mercy build charge now?

Like make her have true depth like she gains charge so she can use it in other interactions like she has to build up her amp to use it or she has to build it up so it can be powerful and or than have other interactions to way it out like mercy can maybe overheal or perhaps she can stack rez and have another revive but the rez brings back the other person at half hp or something?

…unfortunately I find a lot of players tend to ‘meta blame’ when, if they’re losing, will blame any player on their team with a non-meta hero (Sym, Torb, etc) even if that player is actually doing quite well… :frowning:

…good point. I think even subconsciously, a lot of players have a bias against her because they feel she’s ‘easy mode’ when everyone else actually has to do the fighting…? :thinking:

you misunderstood.

Disable dmg amp for high dmg per shot heroes (i.e. snipers/genji ult/etc) so Mercy can’t boost the dmg. The units dmg itself could then be freely adjusted to be as high as want it to be. as zen/mercy can’t change it.

Its a buff for basically everyone. Mercy’s don’t have to pocket specific heroes (meaning she can be a team player not a single dps’s player), it lets dps do their max dmg w/o needing to wait for a mercy to amp em (i.e. dragonblade), & it makes support choice more diverse
.if ur team’s dps is all high dmg and amp has little value…reason to use a different support (and this is a serious issue as theres very little reason to swap to a dif support currently because ana/kiriko/mercy/zen can basically be brute forced into everything. (even if there are better choices)

so she is punished and made into more of a heal bot?
ur team doesnt always need healing.
if u cant amp…ur kind of doing nothing and betetr off on a dif hero.

overheal has its own issues (imagine a zarya/hog and mercy who can overheal)

any “buff” to rez would instantly be flamed at by community.
and “half hp” has issues. (people need to stop thinking 1 change has same effect on every hero)

baby dva at half hp? either she instantly dies after i.frames wear off, or she mekas and is full hp.

hog? half hp…takes a breather, full hp.

Mercy’s design will never work in ways others do. (she is core designed to be clunky doing anything but channeling a target)
She would need a legit rework from ground up (and we don’t need that as at that point just make us a new support with that kit for more variety)

Changing how damage amp as a mechanic works is the easiest & fastest answer.

and again…in end doesnt matter. Once sojourn is nerfed Mercy will crash.
She is weak & kiriko/ana will return to every match due to how strong nade/dart/nano/suzu/rush are vs the rest of supports.

I mean its a rez it’s strong but you need draw backs to it again I feel the charge might be good and I wouldn’t say its completely punishing but aye two different perspectives.

Lot of folks want her to be medic but she’ll never be medic.

Ah, naming every ability and core design element as an argument to nerf a hero…never gets old :clap:

And seriously she’s not that hard to kill



I named the things people have issues with and why they all combine into being a problematic hero. Or do I need to go in depth as to why mercy is an issue, or can you just use context clues and see how there’s an overwhelming amount of people saying she’s an issue, from low elo all the way to the tippy top.

That is FACTUALLY incorrect.

You unwittingly made my point. Yeah, its a counter to damage. That thing people are complaining is too high and providing the thing supports need: peels. That’s not

That’s just the literal solution.

because…skill issues lmao


I didnt make your point, I exposed how absurd it is. There is a huge difference.

Not really , but following that line of reasoning, uninstalling also works etc.
Once the “absurd” becomes normal, you can say anything, sure.

I wouldn’t feel much, because my self-esteem isn’t tied to a videogame and I’m not 14 yo.

Also I don’t main 1 character only, again to show that it’s only a certain category of support players who think like this.

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i’m just saying that it’s crazy rude to stereotype and generalize a community like that, when in reality there’s very few people like this

me either, i main multiple heroes in multiple roles.

in reality the majority of mercy mains are like this (excluding the ones playing super casually, e.g. on potato PC in low bronze).

90% Mercy 10% other heroes doesn’t mean “maining multiple heroes”.

The game was designed with counterpicking in mind, especially for the support role.

Again, you just named the kit of the hero. This happens every time a hero’s getting witch hunted, people just name abilities and say that’s the issue without actually elaborating.

Lemme give you an example
“I don’t like Tracer, she has burst damage, a high damage low cost bomb, a lot of mobility with a small hitbox which makes it hard to kill her AND can use recall that just heals her if timed right. She needs a nerf or, even better, a full rework”
That doesn’t sound right, does it?

You saying that she has res, explaining what her weapon does and saying that she has good mobility doesn’t say anything about Mercy being problematic.

Yes, she has a res, and? Same with pocket gameplay and damage boost, you just stated that they exist. And mobility making her hard to kill… that’s kind of the point? She can’t fight and support at the same time so she has mobility to balance it out.

Nothing about her kit is bad from a design standpoint, you gotta elaborate and explain why you think something is bad to have a proper argument. And it’s even better if you consider your options and try different things to have the full picture, including playing the hero in question because things might be not as simple as you originally thought (I experienced that multiple times in different games, it’s not just overwatch).

“I disagree so that’s an objective fact”

Stating that something subjective is a fact doesn’t make it a fact. I’ve played more than enough of this game on completely different heroes to know that she’s not that hard to kill and some people agree with that while some don’t. Yes, mobility increases her survivability, but that’s the point of mobility and many heroes have it while being able to do the same amount of impact at the same time (if not more).