...Mercy Positivity Thread...?

Because a lot of the Mercy mains are self-absorbed, arrogant, ignorant sociopaths with insane victim complexes? I mean this has always been an issue and we always had a lot of peeps get emotional when it comes to their main but when it came to Mercy it got really heated.

OW1 had the luxury of a large player base so nobody would see it that much and it would be drowned out but OW2 doesn’t have that luxury of popularity so a lot more issues are well being known… so Mercy and the people who main her are on the front cover demanding Mercywatch. So either you’re with them or you’re gonna get flagged into oblivion.

trust me you want dmg amp over atk speed amp :expressionless:

speed > amp for 90% of the cast of heroes.
atk speed = ult charge gets cranked up.

attack speed on sojourn would actually be worse than now.
widow, ashe, hanzo, junk would all love atk speed over dmg amp.

widow would be able to charge so fast who needs headshots when u can just speed run bodyshots, hanzo would return to spamzo even w/o cd, ashe would have more Bob love, junk would spam so much harder and riptire faster…

whats that?
faster attack reaper which scales his self healing rate & dmg (as hes already capable of 1shotting) as well as more ults.
is that a bastion in sentry cd? maybe but it literally melted you before you could see.

same for genji, tracer, sombra, Ram, hog, monkey, orisa, etc.

Look at Kiriko’s ult to realize you do not want atk speed over damage.

no thats ana’s.
3yrs as #1 support and still refuse to see she was too strong. (and yes…she was treated special as eveyr other support who was good for even a month got nerfed hard while ana never got touched until ow2 and gg they actually reverted some of nerfs back to ow1 values)

Dev’s had to release an entire hero JUST to counter her…which (brig issue all over again) also counters basically everything.
and surprise surprise those 2 were the meta together.

and the “emotional” and “victim complex” ? devs made community straight up toxic to mercy players with the rework that that same community asked for (the mercy’s didnt).

the changes she got were bad for everyone. (bad to play against and bad to play as due to ppl only using her cause she broken which stopped ppl who actually like character being able to use her in matches)

funny…considering history has shown its the otherway around…

Moth meta era had forums mass flagging anything mercy related (to point forum mods actually locked megathread as it was constantly flagged and locked by system)
The straight up hate was all over no matter time of day.

The Mercy we have now is the Mercy the community chose they wanted when they initially whined about 1.2. (which didnt need rework just a removal of the god mode buff)

yes, there are bad mercy ppl who refuse any and all change.
yes, there are players who want an OP mercy.

neither of them are the majority of her mains.
Most just want a viable hero that isnt a throw. (and accept nerfs if done right & w/ valid reason)


because sojourn is still broken AF and will continue to be until her damage gets reduced to 100 for her alt fire or her HS removed on her alt fire, and people want to nerf mercy because of the fact she’s seen more because of sojourn being broken.

i still think resurrect needs a rework, and needs to be locked behind valkyrie though. i’d rather have a more pro-active mercy then her current re-active

exactly. so many of us would gladly lose rez and damage boost as long as we can still have a fun and viable mercy.

Everyone want’s a viable hero and we all know Blizz can’t do that they gut everything and nearly everyone and I felt Mercy was fine before but I saw post after post by mercy mains claiming she wasn’t.

Now that sojourn showed how strong mercy pockets can be wasn’t this a wake up call? Like oh she was okay this whole time and yes when sojourn is gone mercy will fall but tbh it’ll be her waiting for another person to pocket which imo would be a good point to rework because that’s just not healthy.

Sorry went off from that point also we both don’t have the numbers for that you know? I doubt you know the majority of the mercy main community as do I we both see and have known for years thanks to twitter those who scream the loudest are often heard.

Because people are tired of this broken pocketbot ruining their games.

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Amazing how it wasn’t oppressive in the betas or last season.


Other supports provide FAR more damage than Mercy, even with damage boost.

Objectively speaking it’s one of the most inefficient ways a support can increase the damage done by the team.

Damage boost does exactly NOTHING on its own.

She didn’t cause the OHK meta, Sojourn did. Mercy just wasn’t needed until Sojourn was nerfed.

Please stop trying to blame Mercy for everything.

Mercy has always had one of the highest pickrates in the game.

Just that now, for once in a very long time, she’s actually viable at the highest levels of play.

If it’s ok for other supports to have their time to be viable, it should be ok for Mercy too.

You’re still making this point?

No. Wrong. Incorrect.

Please show me all the other supports that were reworked not because of them being too powerful, but because a vocal minority complained she was “unfun”.

The only thing snowballing here is your illogical bias against Mercy.


God no.
Again, thresholds can be adjusted and its still way more intuitive.

You can see someone with a blue beam behind and say “oh, that dude will shoot me faster, ok”. You can react to it , but you can’t react to "oh that dude is boo … and Im dead, nice".

It doesn’t have to be 30%, it can be 20% and thats fine. There is counterplay to attack speed, there is no counterplay to being blasted in 1 shot or 2 shots.

And I am almost certain that 20% attack boost would not force nerfs on other heroes. Thats the important part. Turning burst damage into oneshots is way worse than turning steady damage into burst damage or more threatening steady damage.

A certain content creator forumers hate

if the cooldown is raised and if the speed was nerfed, i wouldn’t say she’d be unplayable exactly, but her mobility would feel absolutely disgusting to use. like i tried 1.75 seconds, it felt okay but it was very noticeable, and i tried 2 seconds which was quite literally the worst thing i’ve ever used in this game.

the best nerf to her current mobility is strictly going back to her OW1 movement, however you can superjump by pressing crouch except it gets put on a 3-5 second cooldown, and you can still backwards GA like how you can right now. no omni directional crud. however this would be a huge nerf to her mobility, so reduce the support passive for her to 1s instead of 1.5s, and possibly increase the regen hps to 25 instead of 22.5.

this is the best possible change for mercy, because both parties will be happy.

there’s few players who are actually like this, it isn’t nice to generalize and assume an entire community :slight_smile:

jesus christ how badly did they hurt you?

exactly. i can not make ANYONE who actually said that they geninunely loved moth meta. not even mercy mains, especially them. mercy players hated playing her because of the fact she was so broken and easy and the changes just made her a must pick and just kinda ruined the fun of the character. sure it was fun for like a week maybe a month but it got boring FAST for mercy players. and i cant name 1 person who actually thought that moth meta was balanced.

she was fine before, but it just took until sojourn to become meta for people to realize

in all honesty, coming from a mercy main with over 500 hours myself, i believe it should not be removed or reworked. however it is a problem i will admit that, but that’s mainly her only source of damage besides her pistol. i would instead do one of these to balance it out

  • Damage amplification boost reduced from 30% to 20%


  • If the damage boosted player deals a headshot, it deals it’s original damage value (cass bodyshot is 91 with boost, but the HS remains at 140 instead of going to 182 for example).

one of these will balance damage boost out.

the mercy community obviously is very vocal about changes to her, especially nerfs, but i don’t think their as bad as you make it out to be. it seems like your thinking all of them are exactly like that one girl mercy player that advocated for mass rez to come back? i forgot her name

this is actually the opposite. your switching them both.

you would die faster to someone who’s shooting faster, not someone who’s damage is higher. but it can go both ways so this argument is invalid.

you can react to both actually, just can’t react fast enough for a speed amp to someone’s fire rate.

Not in this universe, sorry.

Again, this only works on steady damage. Again, theres a difference between dying in 2.5 seconds instead of 3, but is not nearly as HUGE as dying instantly vs dying in 0.75.

Thats just how it is so, argument on point and 100% correct.

again, it can be seen both ways, because both work the same way. in all honesty if you keep it at 30%, the fire rate will make the TTK just as accurate as the damage boost does. neither are really healthy. you can react to both. and if you die in 0.75 from damage boost, then SOMEHOW it’s value was changed to +50% or higher because that shouldn’t happen

nor die instantly…lol
(unless your tracer of course)

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No it doesnt. Do the math.
It only works on steady damage, not burst/oneshots.

Again :

You are replying to something already addressed.

Literally, by definition, you cant react to oneshots, because you are dead.
In order to react, the shots have to start first, and if its a oneshot … do I really need to explain this? :rofl:

yet you don’t know whether or not the % is too low or too high. 20% could be too high or too low, even 15% could be the same.

also the fact that mercy switches between beams constantly, so it’s gonna mess up the boosted players rhythm, and also, again, it still will make the player kill things TONS faster. and no i didn’t ignore what you said.

and if it’s at 195 for a critical, let’s say sojourns base HS, then she can easily just fire her alt and basically instantly fire her primary to make it seem like a OHK.

look the concept is a really great idea, but it wouldn’t work well and it would be as unbalanced as damage boost

Mercy mains gaslight every discussion and downvote in hopes their broken main won’t get nerfed because they are egirls liking easy wins, and also can’t flex to anything else.

Because Mercy is set up in such a way as to be nearly impossible to counter but not impactful enough to matter. That’s just how she’s balanced right now. It’s bad, but it is what it is. Her mobility and consistency makes her get basically guaranteed value… but it isn’t enough value… usually.

However, occasionally there’s a overtuned sniper or flier in the game who can make use of what Mercy offers so well that Mercy becomes meta alongside them, because she amplifies their brokenness to ridiculous levels. Usually when that happens, there’s an outcry against both the DPS and Mercy.

Sojurn getting her rail gun nerfed to 195 headshot damage but getting two compensation buffs is the most recent one.


Before sojourn, it didn’t seem to matter. You had people whining about Pharmercy, but their arguments were literally “I tired to 1v2 them and lost. Therefore Mercy needs nerfs”. It was nonsense. Plus, I remember hearing that Mercy’s pickrates were nothing impressive before Sojourn showed up.

Besides that, people’s issues with Mercy was her mobility and not her Damage boost. Suddenly, with Sojourn’s addition, damage boost is magically this hyper problematic ability. I really would say this says more about Sojourn than it does Mercy.

Its possible Mercy will fall back into irrelevancy without Sojourn, but if she doesn’t, I’d say we should talk about Mercy nerfs then.

Also, let me raise this point here:

The solution was barriers and off tanks to mitigate damage. I will continue to remind everyone of this. Now that we’ve removed an extra body, and dramatically lessened the importance of Barriers, we see damage becoming and issue. Even if you don’t like barriers, and tanks, and what they bring to the game, we have to reflect on how the choice to nerf and remove these things have negatively effected the game.

Is this true? Pharah and Echo seem fine enough, and I’d argue its their insane mobility, and in Echo’s case, her insane kill confirm. Grenade + Echo Laser can delete even a Tank. We’re blaming Mercy for that? And I think Sojourn will still be good after her nerfs in the same way Soldier 76 is.

1.) Hypermobiliy (even better than Soldier’s conventional mobility)

2.) Grenade to force positioning and damage enemies.

3.) Great m1 and powerful M2.

4.) Ult that’s basically dragonblade with a gun (I say that as a complement. I like Dragon Blade).

But again, if she’s not, I’m more than willing to undo Sojourn nerfs and try nerfs for Mercy. We used to have an experimental mode for that right?

Same thing as usual. Something annoying in the game people don’t like, so its a complaint fest. Overwatch forums for ya!

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Thats burning the entire house to kill a spider mate. Barriers + offtanks is not a counter to oneshots, its a counter to literally anything that is not melee.

Talking about throwing the baby out with the bathwater lol.

They didn’t hurt me at all and on to the rest of the discussion we shouldn’t just have the same issue appear you know? Like mercy not exist or be okay until someone is op that she can pocket