...Mercy Positivity Thread...?

…can anyone explain to me why Mercy discussions are getting so spicy lately…? :thinking: :fearful:



When hero is an issue.

People will discuss about hero and said issues.

Just how it goes.


except she isnt an issue… its the overtuned dps that are the issue…


…what’s the issue with Mercy though…? :thinking:

…doesn’t dmg boost enable that though…? :thinking:


Because she is becoming more and more of a thorn in the side of the playerbase. They buffed her movement and survivability to an oppressive level, she offers tremendous value through only the damage boost aspect of her kit, which causes OHK meta to crop up and a huge balance issue to arise, and she is in very nearly every single game, so there is no reprieve. That, on top of the fact that the dev team seem to do everything possible to avoid changing Mercy herself, and it’s starting to snowball.

There are a lot of issues with OW2 at the moment; Mercy just happens to be at the crux of several of them right now.


Here’s a simple explanation:

The devs are being way too “precious” about balancing Sojourn quickly.


Thanks for the positivity. :heart: :heart: :heart:

It’s appreciated


Mercy is positively in need of a rework


…are you saying we need to nerf Mercy…? :thinking:

…anytime! :slight_smile:

…nerfs or rework…? :thinking:

…I’m sorry I didn’t really get it…? They nerfed Sojourn…? :thinking:

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Flavor of the month? She went from being like C tier last season.

Devs whimped out on properly needing Sojourn (despite like everyone saying if it wasn’t done right, all she’s get would be a pocket and be back to near must pick).

Then people started complaining about damage boost-and some high elo Mercy players have mentioned that yeah it’s an issue NOW with the Sojourn pocket. And would rather wait and see if a proper Nerf to Sojourn would bump Mercy down again. But a lot have said that it was a possible to be an issue in OW2-just unsure how/when.

Then like two more content creators tweeted about how unfun her Rez is again so that had a few days of posts.

And now there’s the complaint of her mobility despite being the same in season one, and yet no complaints. In fact more Mercy players poked fun at “oh boy, can’t wait to hear how people are gonna complain about this” (Aspen and I think Skiesti-I have no idea how to spell her name-made them?)

So yeah it’s just back to Moth meta complaints when she’s not even close to the level of necessity she was back then.


Nerfed her headshot so now she needs a Mercy pocket to pull it off. And gave her two compensation buffs for it.


Meanwhile 50% kiriko for 2 seasons in top 500 compared to <30 total mercy in s1 and less than 18% in s2.

nah Kiriko is the big problem.


Someone called?


Rez, Damage boost, hero pocket design, the sheer effort it takes just to kill her because she has the best mobility in the game and is quite near impossible to kill for anything that isn’t a hitscan.


Impossible to feel angry looking at that. :grin:


I’m not a fan of res but it is balanced accordingly. It is easily the most powerful ability, but has the highest cool down, and requires you to stand nearly stationary to use it.

Has been fine for all of OW 1 and is much more preferred than just another boring DPS pew pew pew ability that every healler has

Oh so she’s the only character in the entire game that can pocket?

She can’t even shoot you back. Calm down, son.


If an ability needs a 30 second cooldown… it probably shouldn’t exist. That and the fact you can rez without a worry with LoS which leads to rezzes that are quite literally unstoppable. And now you just have to deal with the fact that a kill got erased and there was nothing you could physically do about it.



Preferred by mercy players yes, because it requires no actual effort and breaks damage points and forces the game to be balanced around the fact that at any moment with any form of damage numbers, a damage boost can come in and completely change it and make it overbearingly strong.

She’s the only hero in the game with the literal DESIGN for pocketing.

That… that means literally nothing?


As a widow main - Mercy helps me piss people off even more. I can 1 tap basically without having to charge AND I’m almost impossible to dive unless at least 2 people come at me because of pocket heals.

<3 Mercy (unless you’re on the enemy team - then you’re my first target priority)


We had shields to help against pocket spam, I guess…?

I don’t know. Even this thread dissolved into chaos, yikes.

Everything about her stayed the same from OW1, except we got the transition to 5v5, little barriers, no CC and her easier SJ.

Too many variables to say it’s strictly one hero’s an issue I think.

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I don’t think as a whole Mercy needs a nerf. I think damage boost absolutely needs to be reworked. I would adjust her hitbox while she is using her GA so it’s a little bigger as well, but as a whole, not a big nerf for the hero.

Her kit is just not super healthy for the game anymore. It wasn’t great towards the end of OW1, but now in OW2, with one less tank to put pressure on Mercy, and Mercy pocket heros, it’s actually a pretty hard issue to deal with, even in GM. So it’s not like, ‘Oh, Mercy got 5 more bullets, imba’, so much as, ‘Oh, the direction the game has taken balance wise -most especially 5v5- render’s Mercy’s kit a bit out of touch for the game now’.