Mercy players, are you fine with the current state of the hero?

No, its not that shes “balanced” its because she could be so much more fun and impactful without team reliance.
Pocketing is not fun.
I never really cared for valk, but I stick around because I love GA over everything.
I dont care what you say, a 2 second self stun is not fun to play with, I dont care whos hero it is or what kit its apart of, its not fun to play with.
Would rather them give mercy a minor rework that isnt just hastily thrown together that was never play tested internally, allow her to not be as dependant on teammates and have better play making potential, especially with the ult.

And she has a plethora of visual, animation, and hitbox bugs that will never be fixed


Whispers softly:

I want a new ability… I want a cleanse…

I’ll always miss mass rez Mercy, but I think she’s one of the most balanced heroes the game has rn

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I want Damage Boost gone, but I am unsure what to replace it with. At the moment, damage boost is still something to do when I can’t attack or heal anything since taking out the pistol and putting it away is so costly.

Its a mechanic I’ve always disliked because of the expectations put upon me of how to use it and play. Otherwise, most everything else about her to me is fine. People whine about Valkyrie, but there are far more uninteresting and less useful ultimates.

Text chat and Voice… when people actually use it.

I’ve never seen it in text and i avoid voice thats why i was asking if it was a voice chat specific thing

Yeah shes fine, i love GA mechanics

[I still want burst and cleanse but… one can dream :pensive:]

I think maybe increase healing to 60 but slightly reduce damage boost. Kill two birds with one stone.

Salty DPS mains saying Damage Boost is OP.

Salty Tanks saying Healing is too weak.

I think Mercy is great and should be left as-is :+1:t2:

The weapon swap time is my only real gripe with her, but its always been like that :man_shrugging:t2:

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Did you have the noodle dream?

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More decision-making with results, that depend from YOU, not person on other end of your ability.

I do enjoy playing Mercy, there’s been a few seasons where Mercy is in my top 3 played, but I do wish she could be more than a DPS pocket bot. Your impact on Mercy is limited by the skill of the hitscan you have your blue beam attached to.

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I’m totally fine with how she is now and personally I’d rather take another hit to her healing than to damage boost if forced to choose, as I find that to be the more engaging aspect of her kit. There’s a few quality of life/small buffs I wouldn’t mind seeing, but anymore than one or two would be overkill:

  • Ability to manually cancel rez, at the cost of it going of full cooldown
  • Ability to end Valk early
  • Fixing the animation where one of her hands slides weirdly when you use the pistol in Valk
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I would love a Hybrid option of Guardian Angel better explained in Niandra’s “5 Changes to Mercy” video.

Other than that I want to see Resurrect reworked to be on a resource meter.

People are always arguing and being angry at the Mercy Duo’s that only heal dmg boost and Rez their pocket.

So punish that so only healing one person and dmg boosting one person by making Rez a resource. She won’t get those resurrect charges easily. I actually had a concept already posted on the forums. And the few people who commented actually liked it.

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I just want 60hps or a cast time buff. Maybe both if it’s not OP
Cancelable Rez is a must at this point tbh.
Faster weapon switch too

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I beg for mercy not being a pocket bot
So i could play her again and dont be yawning 100% of the match

To question asked in thread title:


She needs another rework for numerous reasons.

Also judging from most of these comments… a lot of the people who liked Mercy 1.0 have quit this game.


Maybe increase healing by another 5 but other then that she’s alright. I mean she’s super super boring but I mean she’s useable.

Edit: also decrease cast for res.

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Personally I would like to never hear “mercy can u swap we need more heals” again. So yeah, back to 60 HP/s please.