Mercy players, are you fine with the current state of the hero?

I think these are the only changes I’d like to see to her right now, though I can live with current Valk as well. The sensitivity thing though please, on console I can’t aim pistol like at all on 100/100 sens. I like how DB works rn but I also wouldn’t really care if they change it back as well


Yeah haha Zen Mercy has been one of the strongest support duos for a while now on PC in higher ranks, but that’s also because tanks up here know how to take less damage for the most part.

Like if you watch the Grand OWL finals Moth is Mercy and barely heals and their Zen does all of the healing all game. But that’s not realistic for lower ranks with less coordination or good tanks haha

I’m sure Mercy Ana is much more consistent though as you have more guaranteed healing for like feeding tanks or DPS lol


I would at least like a revert on her ability visuals. Don’t like the way the beams look now and rez should get a different animation that does not look so clunky.

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I’m on console as well and I see it work sometimes (though I mostly play qp, idk about comp) I think it can depend on the map/other teammates. If there’s a lot of natural cover and your teammates are more self sufficient it can be really strong. After all you can’t take damage if the enemy team is dead

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And cooler Valk visuals pls


Yeah. Our support meta mostly consists of Baptiste and mercy. There isn’t really a support meta but baptiste and mercy is just what I’ve been seeing a lot lately in console.


Bap is everywhere on PC too :expressionless: and I don’t expect it to change even after his nerfs

It could change with the bap nerfs.

  1. If rein buff goes through, we’ll be seeing a lot more rein, you need a lucio for rein.
  2. If buff goes through, you won’t wanna be playing bap anyway as she’s harder to hit to heal, and she’s also great at eating baps heals.

I suspect the changes will put us solidly into a lucio + brig brawl meta.

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Mercy has been so boring lately that I’m ok with a brig and lucio meta coming honestly :sob: I can at least have some fun with a support


I don’t see the Rein damage buff going through, or at least I hope not. But if it does you’re probably right, although nothing about Bunker’s spam or sustain was really nerfed so it may end up being Brawl and Bunker coexisting and fighting for dominance based on the map

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Personally, I still dislike her current Ult. It’s just so boring, and rarely do you get too much value from it, because no one ever groups up. Also sick and tired of Ashe and Pharah players demanding I pocket them.


I don’t main mercy but I do play her a lot. I think she’s fine the way she is right now


I’ve never gotten the sense that this was really a big Mercy player request. Lately it’s been more from people that don’t like Mercy’s ability to boost (Ashe, Phara, Widow, etc.), who want to see that particular change.

And the whole main/off healer thing seems mixed among people as well. IMHO, she’s a “support”, and she does that just fine. She heals, but she also boosts, and resurrects, with some of the best mobility of any support on the roster.

To answer your question though. This Mercy main LOVES her current state. I’ve played her since pre-release, and her current setup is my fave of all of them.

I’d enjoy seeing some minor quality of life changes for her…staff to pistol swap speed increased, not disconnecting from my target when I first ult., things like that that others have mentioned. But I’d happily continue to play her as she is. =)


I dont get how you have a problem with grouping up thats something i rarely encounter and even when it does happen, the beam range easily allows me to still get great value beam juggling making it more engaging than usual as well

Is this an issue that occurs in team voice chat cause i never get this issue with only team text chat on even when theres a pharah or ashe


Personally i would rather her shift into a more utility role and do the same with other healers and shift the game into a less healing dependant game.

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Don’t like the noodle couple who are always together? :sob:


I love her how she is, and didn’t even feel like she needed an HPS buff.


i’d actually bump her back to 50 hps (but only if other healers also get hps nerfs) and fix the on fire rate.
Any other suggestion would require a rework


No it always makes me hungry :sob:

It was even worse last year they were even more spread apart like they got divorced or something, I guess they are back together now :tired_face:


it’s impossible to climb as mercy because if your team sucks you can’t do anything, she needs a little more impact. I also want a hybrid guardian angel setting and maybe like 5-10% more damage boosted by beam