Mercy players, are you fine with the current state of the hero?

Or would you like her to have higher heals buy less damage boost? Just asking as this seems to be a common sentiment among mercy players that they want their hero to be more of a main healer.


I think sheā€™s performs fine in the role, its not like we can reasonably go higher than 60 with the consistency of her beam, what they want is to burst heal like ana and moira to ā€œsaveā€ allies, but weā€™re not gonna get that without straight up replacing abilities


I really like current Mercy personally, I was even fine with 50hps mercy and wouldnā€™t care too much if they go back to that. I donā€™t want any supports to be just healbots, even main healers should have some kind of utility as well. Admittedly damage boost isnā€™t any more engaging gameplay wise than just healing but I still feel like I have a lot more impact while using it


And really, she already has it, even if it doesnā€™t exactly seem like a heal. A full-HP revival on dead people is just a slightly different way of ā€œsavingā€ them, and is effectively a 150-600 HP burst heal, depending on the target.


Meh. I wish she had a bit more dynamism to her kit, a way to make plays that didnā€™t involve her pistol. I still find her base kit pretty fun, but I wish she had the same sort of strategic spikes of impact that mass Rez gave her. Not that I want that specific ability back, but that Iā€™d like her to have something that let her take the reins and Do A Thing that depends neither on her teammates covering her nor her opponents being potatoes.


Revert Damage Boost back to how it used to work and make Rez an ability that you earn.
Then Iā€™ll be happy :woman_shrugging:

(Also hybrid GA setting pls, ty)



So you mean that the most balanced support is a pocket one ?

Not a pocket supp to me.
Sheā€™s the most teamplaying depending supp for sure.
No teamplay means poor mercy abilities.
In a great team, mecy is the best supp youā€™ll have.

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yes I like current mercy. Many want changes to her but how far would you change mercy to the point where she is no longer a character with ease of access with a high skill ceiling.

There are people that want to put resource meter or other limitations on her kit.


Sheā€™s interestingā€¦ I recently put like 50 or so hours into her on a fresh account to see how well I do, and I found her to be substantially harder in low ranks than in higher ones. I struggled in matches with her in plat, and so I used zen/bap to get out and new sheā€™s actually pretty useful in masters.

I think sheā€™s in a good state, but something should be done to assist with her effectiveness when you have bad teammates (yes i know there are some mercy masters out there who can hard carry with her even when they have bad teams.)

I think with her being one of the most popular supports for low ranked players, while also being harder to play with low ranked teammates forces a lot of players to get stuck at a rank they could easily climb out of by playing a different support.

Sooooo if I could change anything, itā€™d probably be something ā€˜smallā€™ because sheā€™s effective at higher ranks you canā€™t change her too drastically as any buffs are amplified in effectiveness at higher ranks. Bonus healing could be a good way to do this.


Sheā€™s fine. Can she be better? yah. Would I prefer bigger changes or a rework? yah. But tbh Iā€™m fine with her as how she is now.


That is exactly the biggest issue with Mercy. I shouldnā€™t have had to get to masters after learning Ana when Iā€™ve already had hundreds of hours invested into Mercy. Appearantly I was good enough to maintain that rank for seasons with her on 2 accounts but not good enough to force my way out of plat without swapping to another support.


For me(not a mercy main) sheā€™s balanced but boring as hell. Her gameplay loop until you get to masters + is so damn boring. Once you get up there you need all the movement tech though which is fun.


I am also fine with her current state, heals are fine, DB is fine, Valk is fine(feels bad but it does work)

I agree on this, however I canā€™t really see a way of fixing it, not even bonus heals, I think sheā€™s doomed to be like Brig or something, which I would like changed, I mean multiple heroes are in that situation though and she feels playable just not climbable, so I guess I would just deal with it, but yeah I wish it was as easy to climb with her as other supports.


Yes. I rather enjoy the current state of the hero. Her mobility is great, skillful, and fun. It feels rewarding and intuitive. I enjoy the spikes of impact and carry potential that come with rez, and I really love the flexibility and power of her ultimate. With 55 HPS she feels way more solid and also she is very strong with Zen once again which is all I wanted last year.

If I could make any changes, Iā€™d do stuff like:

  • Revert damage boost to how it used to work
  • Separate sensitivity for pistol and staff
  • Valkyrie beam either doesnā€™t break upon activation or it gives a burst of 60 healing to all allies within 30m upon activation to make up for the beam breaking for 1.5s
  • Make healing beam visual look nicer again, less like ramen noodles, and make Valkyrie have much cooler visuals on her beams to look more powerful and Ultimate-like like her wings.

And then bigger changes Iā€™d be fine with although donā€™t necessarily want are stuff like making rez charge on a resource meter and have it have a slightly faster cast time in Valk to compensate.


This is why I donā€™t play her much in comp, as much as I find her super fun I feel like I donā€™t have much impact. But Iā€™m also super bad at her.

Iā€™ve had a lot of success climbing through low ranks w her on multiple accounts but I have to play drastically different in lower ranks to do so than you are supposed to in high ranks.

When I play her in lower ranks I play her more like a main healer, often damage boost my tanks more than my DPS, pistol quite often, go for very risky rezzes since they are less likely to punish you, and I also have to shotcall very loudly and firmly the entire game to boss my team around.

The higher you get you quickly need to drop a lot of the bad habits (pistol and rez) and focus more on backline peel and damage boosting DPS a lot more

It is tricky for sure though


As someone with over 300+ hours on her, I think sheā€™sā€¦ ok?

Thereā€™s something off about her though, she works well in certain situations but in the other half sheā€™s justā€¦ not good enough? When sheā€™s paired with another main healer sheā€™s exceptionally well but if sheā€™s paired with a lucio or zenyatta ( based on my experience ) she lacks the heals to keep everyone alive.

Sheā€™s in this situation where sheā€™s only viable as a pocket healer and to me, pocketing is extremely boring. I would suggest she get a burst heal ability but paired with her resurrect on her E it would be too powerful.

I wonā€™t get into it but i still prefer mass Rez ( without invulnerability ) on her ultimate. If they can do that then give mercy a burst heal ability I think she would be in a perfect state while making it harder to get Rez ( due to having another healing ability )

Other than that, sheā€™s in this state of ā€œ sheā€™s okay. But itā€™s really boring to play herā€


Itā€™s kind of funny that you say that because Mercy has been meta with Zen for the last 2+ months and Iā€™d prefer to have a Zen as my second healer than a Moira or Ana any day :joy:

Just goes to show that people have very different in-game experiences lol


Minimal weapon swap delay. My hope being that for our high rank overlords, damage boost is superior for the most part - but for the rest of us, we can get our pistols out and prove our worth if blue beaming allies doesnā€™t seem to be cutting it.


Oh really? Iā€™m a console player and having a zenyatta and a mercy is sorta like a throw pick for healers since majority of the time mercy has to pocket somebody and the zenyatta has to take care of the team.

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