[ Mercy : Our Beloved Angel ]

How on earth does that become a habit? Pray tell.

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Yeah ok balanced…when she has bugs that’s don’t like her get ult change she once got from damage boosting basic abilities and that her beams in Valk don’t go through shields like it did before too.

But she’s balanced guys.

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I don’t understand…?

it does, doesn’t it?

My point still stands, despite not comprehending your statements.

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I feel she’s balanced right now. She doesn’t have as much impact as she used to, but she’s still fun.

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She’s not getting ult charge when using damage boost on most things she use to. And no I’m not talking about ults, I’m talking about basic fire and abilities like Ashe’s dynamite.

It’s a roulette as to if you’re going to get ult charge or not.

It’s supposed to but there’s a bug that’s preventing it from happening.

I think mercy’s problem right now isn’t that she’s not balanced (Because I think she is too), but it’s that she doesn’t have any “OMG THAT WAS SO COOL” moments, like you do with pretty much all other heroes in the game.

Ana can hit clutch sleep darts, lucio can boop, baptiste can clutch immortality field or jump dodge stuff. Mercy doesn’t really have that anymore in my opinion.

Before her change, if you got a 5 man rez it was like “OMG LETS GOOO”, but she just doesn’t have that now.

Idk what the devs could do to make her more engaging to play, but I think she definitely needs looking at in that regard.


Ah, I haven’t noticed these “bugs”. I didn’t mean she’s balanced bug-wise but generally a balanced hero. Fixing these bugs won’t change the fact that she’s balanced.

Hard to say she’s balanced when parts of her kit can’t be utilized the their full extent.

Go to the bug report forums and see these have been mentioned a couple of times.

I’ve always been doing this (mainly typing and texting) since I was in 4th grade, I just think it looks better when it comes to making lets say titles, bios or like a topic like this one that I’ve made. It just happens to me most of the time and I wouldn’t really realize that I’m doing it. My boyfriend does this as well lol.

Hi. Good to see a new fellow mercy mains here.

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I do totally agree with how you feel about Mercy, she really doesn’t have those “Wow” moments as often anymore than with 5 Man Rez, the only thing that does “wow” at some points to me is when I use Super Jump out of danger or dodging ultimate’s considering that tool is such a game changer and makes Mercy’s play style a bit more fun to play. Her current Rez makes her very vulnerable and it’s out of the Players control, so I wish we can cancel the Rez, I also want her healing back or at least 55HP/sec like someone else said above. The only thing that haven’t touched nor should they is Guardian Angel, Angelic Decent, Caduceus Pistol and her Passive (I think they didn’t touch her Passive).

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To answer the OP, Mercy ‘might’ be balanced but she has quite a few design flaws which could be improved upon. Doing so could actually make her feel more engaging to play as for many overall, as well as allow for more skill expression. Right now it feels a bit confined, and generally you can just deliver impact more easily as the other main healers currently in the game (Moira, Ana, Baptiste). Delivering impact with Mercy is quite a chore.


You are the true complement for OP.

She always puts capitals in all words. You, never.

Rip nonbinary mercys

In this case, Jeff had explained that they tried multiple iterations of Mass Res before deciding to rework Mercy. All of which he said felt unfun/unfair to either the Mercy player (or her team) or the enemy, so they decided to scrap the ultimate entirely for a rework that felt more overall balanced and consistent to everybody.

We will never know what all they tried, for how long, or if they even tried more than one idea. Who knows? But from what Jeff said, they tried to keep Mass Res, but it always felt problematic for one party or the other.


Seong I Am Not Trying To Be A Jerk But Capitalizing Every Letter In Your Sentence Like This Is Rather Annoying!

I do love you though and thanks for healing :slight_smile:

You’re stating it’s harder to make an impact with Mercy? if so, doesn’t that sort of contradict the statement that she needs to be allowed more skill expression?

YMMV may vary but I’ve been able to very consistently deliver impact with Mercy, and I’m sure there are plenty of people better than me so I’m certainly not the only one.

Which brings up the question of whether some subset of people are just really, really lucky or if she allows for more skill expression than is popular to believe.

It’s more difficult because her skill expression feels a bit confined when compared with the other main healers. Not to menion it’s quite difficult to even get ‘on fire’, but that’s also somewhat understandable.

Great that you’ve been able to deliver impact as Mercy, but that doesn’t mean many others can too. Perhaps you have teammates who you can rely on or perhaps you play her differently compared to the majority of the playerbase (for example, more as an off-healer). There could be many reasons why some people apparently deliver impact as Mercy, or they claim to, and presumably on a near equivalent level of impact when compared with the other main healers.

But… Orisa is our beloved angel.

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I’d like her chain beam ult to have better reach. Often I use it and it doesn’t chain to everyone like it should, even when they seem close enough.