Mercy (open dialogue)

Thanks! The discussions have been pretty engaging too! Even as someone who doesn’t play mercy, I’m learning a lot about the subject :grin:

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I’d like, if not all, then most of the healers to have some form of resurrect and other characters to be capable of shutting down resurrect.

For example, Ana’s biogrenade shouldnt just stop healing, it should … if splashed on corpse or responsible for a death, also stop resurrection. Widowmaker’s venommine could do the same thing if ticking on a character at time of death. Let Reaper get soul eating back for the purpose of stopping a death. Let Sombra hacking a corpse prevent a resurrection.

Give other healers some form of resurrect. Maybe Lucio could “raise the dead” but only temporarily… a sort of zombie version of the character that expires quickly. Maybe Moira could resurrect but the character would come back at half health and experience health problems such as going to a wraith form intermittentlly and being unable to attack. Let Ana use her ult to resurrect a corpse and buff it. Etc.

Then after all that, let Mercy have group resurrect with los checks or faster resurrects while in her ult. But get resurrect off E. Return Mercy’s 60 hps back. She cannot keep up with 50hps. With 50 hps, she’s worse than Ana and Moira. I’ve even out healed decent Mercy’s with Brigitte (though the team had to stick together to do it).

Make em dance like thriller and you got a deal lol…

That’s an interesting idea though, and one thatd be hard to implement

Making her just a little more offensive would actually get me to play her (battle angel has a ring to it)

I think you’re on to something

that sounds like a bad idea, no offense its just that its bad enough we have 1 res in the game having multiple people have res just means no one would die and it would be a lot of work on the dev because that would mean changing most of the heroes for 1 little ability, at that point they would just remove it

Its a fun idea…good as an arcade mode for sure.

But yeah removal of rez is probably better

I don’t think single rez is really a problem. It allows counterplay, raises her skill ceiling, and allows her to do something that is “impactful”. I think it’s fine the way it is.

I favor balancing her out by improving valkyrie, since so many people find it underwhelming. Maybe the direct target of her beams could get double the usual effect, either a 60% damage boost or 100 hp/s. That would allow her to do almost a nanoblade ult combo, give her a form of burst healing, and make Valkyrie a little more skillful (since it would now matter who you beamed and you’d have to balance hitting most of the group with going after priority targets).

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Hmmm I like it but 100hps seems a little much (keep in mind she can switch targets)

Id try 80hps but otherwise it sounds nice

If 2x is OP let’s cut the duration. I think it’s clear Mercy players would like an ult that is a higher power spike than one that lasts for ages.

But really 100 hp/s isn’t that much. I think Ana and Moira can just do that, normally.

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True…hmmm it would be fantastic for supporting your main tank

Is this of any interest to you? Not a Mercy main but I’ve tried to be fair!

Pretty cool no lie!

I’m all for rez to be replaced but your charge idea would be interesting in game

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Thanks yo :slight_smile: it just seems to fit the nature of the game so well I think it’d be a shame to remove it :slight_smile: but it shouldn’t be the weight that she’s balanced against either…somehow ha!

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That sounds pretty overpowered to me, honestly.

It’s definitely iconic I’ll give it that lol

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The fact that the people who play Mercy are blamed more for her balance than the devs is disheartening.

The way people in general are treated in and out of game speaks volumes of how frustrated the community is overall.

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Well, if they want to keep her healing at 50hp/s, they should give her a burst healing ability. I don’t even care how they do it, just remove rez off of E or remove it completely and give her a burst healing ability. She’s bad at keeping tanks alive during teamfights.

I like Mercy, I’ve been playing her since S1, and lately I garner very little enjoyment when I play her. It’s almost stressful. If we have two tanks (specifically any tank that doesn’t have shields/self heal) and I go Mercy we almost never get a second healer. So I have to switch off to Moira/Ana.
I don’t know if it’s just people’s preconceived bias that Mercy is still capable of solo healing or if they’re just angry at me for switching off a character i have 500+ hours on but she just doesn’t work solo.
Even if we have a Zen or Brig I still switch off, still get yelled at for switching, still fail to keep my team alive due to the sluggish nature of her new healing, and I end up switching back to Moira/Ana like I wanted to in the first place.
Do I still like playing her? Yes and No.
I can still manage 6-8 resurrects a match, I still enjoy Guardian angel and the Angel Hop (angel shot?) and I like shooting down over confident flankers when they come at me (because I can never get anyone to turn around and help me, c’est la vie I suppose)
But I’m a supportive person by nature, I thoroughly enjoy taking care of my teams, and I’m not especially aggressive, so she just suits me.
But I acknowledge that she just doesn’t work a majority of the time. I switch when I need to. Do I want to? Not really, I enjoy bouncing around and keeping everyone alive.
I’m not particularly a fan of Valk, but that’s just…because it’s kind of boring. I think the decision to give Mercy and AOE heal was a bad one. As it wasn’t something she was supposed to be able to do.
I’m very sorry if this comes off as rambling or unorganized, I have a massive headache but I just wanted to finally say something on her.
So basically, at this point, I’m indifferent to her. If I get to play her? Great. If not, well whatever I guess, it’s better to switch off instead of trying to force myself into a stressful game where I can’t keep anyone alive.


The community is as good as you let it be, look at this thread for example.

You encourage open dialogue and treat everyone with respect, then you get good discussion.

Burst healing could work, however as far as keeping tanks alive she’s still solid…nothing beats a good pocket heal

Honestly, this is mostly on your team. None of the healers really work well alone. It’s not just that they need help to heal (although they do), but the off-healers are also some of the best and most versatile heroes in the game. A Zenyatta or Brig or Lucio will almost always benefit the team more than another DPS.

Did you ever get to play her during Mass Res? That was when Mercy was in her prime of Fun. I really miss being able to feel like I was making an important decision in the game, who to res and when, how to survive through the whole fight and help my team but also be able to tell when things were taking a turn for the worse so I could get behind some cover and come flying in for a big res. Those were the days. It didn’t work every time, mind you - lots of times you got killed, but that was part of the skill battle. Then they introduced that invulnerable garbage and it snowballed from there into the crapshoot she is today.