Mercy (open dialogue)

Ive been in a few mercy threads today…that went south.

So I’m in the mood for a mature discussion on the hero.

So whether you want a revert, rework, or you think she’s fine…tell your thoughts


She should have 60 hps during Valkyrie and her pistol should be hitscan.

That’s all.


She should get another Halloween skin. End of discussion.

GImme Auriel Mercy, Blizzard. You know you want to do it.


I feel like they should just start over. They didn’t even try to balance Mass Rez, they just went straight for the Revert because it was disheartening.

Sigh. At least I get to keep my cute little Medic hat…


The pistol damage would have to be tuned a little but that’s not a bad idea

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In all honesty. I’m just tired of seeing the character all over the place because of all this nonsense.

I’ve barely touched the woman, and seeing all this keeps me far away from her spot on the character select screen.

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They all go south. Winter is coming.


She should have a more fun ultimate but it’s going to have to be really weak. Not impossible though, Whole Hog is my favorite so it can be done.

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make her able to dual wield her staff and gun at all times and she damage boost/heal herself, who needs mccree.

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Mr.Kaplan, I did not touch that medic!


I hear ya…i just don’t find her fun…never did

But she is an issue, and issues must be resolved…thats fair to those who do enjoy her

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The undeniable reality right now is, that the support category is as balanced as it’s ever been. This is what matters.

I’m all down for some changes to Mercy. However, they need to come AFTER more important heroes like Rein, Sombra, Roadhog and Torb get their kits and bugs fixed first.

I think Mercy is balanced as of now, but I can see how people don’t find her fun. I think people who target the devs on Youtube or on the forums give Mercy mains a bad name. There are 2 types of Mercy mains. The ones who give constructive criticism and the ones who are just flat-out rude to the devs and anyone who disagrees with them. Insulting the devs is not the way to get your hero ‘fixed’.

I think maybe more of a fun ultimate would be good for Mercy, but nothing else. Balance isn’t the issue, it’s just her being fun. I am bored of all the Mercy threads, and I can totally see why the devs ignore them because they are spam, rude or just get toxic in seconds. Especially when people just create threads to talk about cough someone being silenced and think they are entitled to protest against something that is clearly against the CoC.

It’s boring seeing Mercy everywhere, and I wish other characters who have been worse off for longer start getting attention. Mercy has just come out of being meta and they think she is in the worst state out of every hero right now. I think some Mercy mains need to be less selfish and realise people have been far worse off.

I mean, they did try to balance it.

It was the last buff that was the mechanic’s death knell, because invulnerability is pretty much always a bad idea to slap on an ability.

Though, this was attempting to address a different “issue” - that big rezzes were sacrificial. I don’t think this was an issue, though.

I agree with this to an extent. She does have issues, but are they the biggest issues plaguing the game right now (not even character wise)?

I don’t believe so, and that’s what’s bugging me about all this. She is the most popular character so crowding like this is to be expected regardless.

And that right there is the problem that Blizzard caused. Certain types of players love her, and that segment of the gaming community is much larger than the types of gamers who want a Reaper or a Junkrat or a Rein. Blizzard screws with her, they screw with all of those players who just want their cute petite angel who heals a lot. Stupid stupid stupid choices on Blizzard’s part.

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I always thought that with mass rez, the revived should have a half second or 1 second of invulnerability and 50% health instead of full health and have a small radius.

I really did like the Valkyrie change at first, because it was more tuned to how I actually played Mercy, slightly aggressive, but I noticed it was really too strong. Now I really don’t play much of Mercy lately because it hasn’t been fun.

Anyone remember in closed beta where she could rez multiple people from spawn? That was bonkers.

Oh it is…my Lucio feels so good to play right now…however name a single hero other than that winged Blondie, that makes players groan and complain when they flex to them.

I feel that’s a problem truthfully, when I flex I’m never in the mood to play Mercy, every other hero? Yeah sure…but not mercy

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What is the solution to this, though? Just turn everyone into amorphous blobs so you’re as disconnected as possible from the character?

Invulnerability was added February 28th. They had about seven months to either try to change it, or undo the Invuln buff. They could’ve done the simple thing, small cast time and a damage resistance buff, and could be stunned while casting. And can cast while moving, with little to no speed reduction. It was that simple, but they didn’t even try, sadly. So we got freaking Apocalyptia for a year XP