Mercy now has the lowest support win rate above Gold rank

I was about to agree with the OP for dimissing the popular idea that Mercy would still be a ‘must pick’ after this, but then it turned into another ‘hurr durr rework again’ post. So tired of them. Mercy’s pretty fine at the moment.

Except, you didn’t state a fact, but an opinion. And an uninformed one, at that.

She’s the most survivable support hero. Guardian Angel is her true strength. Heroes like Ana can’t survive as well without someone else giving her heals and peels.

Fix the other supports and many will ditch Mercy to actually play what they’ve wanted to play all along.

They should already know this. That is what their play-testers are paid for after-all, right?

Seems like you should learn what “Uninformed” means. Can look for the “Self-Irony” as well.

uninformed (comparative more uninformed, superlative most uninformed)
    Not informed; ignorant.

Yeah, just like calling a fact that Mercy has best utility in the game an “opinion”. Actually, there more precise worlds to describe such a behavior like “delusional” and so on, but the thing with delusional people is that they will stick to their wrong opinion no matter what, so it’s a pointless conversation since you are not only unwilling to accept objective facts but also trying to discredit them without using any worthy arguments, beacuse, surprise-surprise, these arguments dont exsist since facts are facts.

50% means when one team doesn’t have Mercy and the other one has, they have equal chance of winning. Her previous WR of 57% and more with her very high pick rate meant that every time she’s not picked, the team that doesn’t have Mercy probably loses. 50% is perfect balance considering she still has high pick rate, because you know, one team has to lose no matter what, - or draw.

In TCG, every deck type is balanced around reaching this 50% number. Not catering to ‘not fun to play’ or ‘feels like a chore’ comments.

Moira got a random nerf during the Mercy/Zen meta, making her useless for a while.

No no, she has the lowest everywhere but gold and lower (she’s the second lowest there)

It’d be fine if she had the lowest by a small amount
But her winrate is 5% lower in gm

Ideally, all winrates would be 50%

Winrates have a degree of variance as you aren’t always playing against players of the same rank and players that are climbing generally need to have a positive winrate. Thus, players at the bottom tend to have winrates below 50% and players at the top have winrates above 50%.

Man you edited this? I mean, props for factual information but why would it matter that much?

Because the numbers keep getting worse for Mercy and I wouldn’t want to mislead anyone into thinking the situation was any better than it actually is. I also edited the original topic post to reflect current numbers.

When I originally looked at the numbers, they still included some data from the day of the patch because Overbuff does 1 week averages. Today, all of that data should be post-nerf, and that is why it has now become more apparent that any above-average player can now get more mileage out of Moira than Mercy.

Ha ha ha… I just remember everyone saying, “this change will do nothing” while I was freaking out about how dramatic of a nerf it was. I hate always being right. Just for once, let me be wrong about something to humble me.

The changes were just released, along with a new hero, a rework, and some buffs/nerfs to other heroes.

Let me the META develop before screaming for any more buffs/nerfs. And besides, what does it matter if Mercy is weaker than she was before? Like you said, people will still play her. Just like people still played Ana, for example, when she was crap.

Fans of the hero will continue to play the hero they enjoy, regardless of strength/weakness.

What, why?
20 characters.

Well also let people learn when Mercy isn’t the best choice pick. Instead of “Always”.

doesn’t matter when she is or isn’t the best choice, she’ll be picked regardless.

Gibraltar. Any map sections where Pharmercy or Widow works well.

Mercy being trash is due to greater meta shifts favoring comps that end the fight before damage boost/rez/60hps/valk can really do anything, and this shift happened before the nerf. The current iteration sucks but she’s finally map and comp dependent and that’s a good thing.

Well, that’s certainly someone’s option.

There are a lot of people that play suboptimal comps because they find it more fun.