Mercy now has the lowest support win rate above Gold rank

And yet, she is still the most picked support. Could it be that people picked Mercy because of the hero’s aesthetics instead of her power level like I’ve been saying all along?

Basing an assessment of a hero’s power level solely on their pick rate is foolish and short-sighted. There’s no way that Blizzard could have thought that nerfing the second lowest potential healing in the game (after Zenyatta) at all was a healthy way to change her, or they would have done it long ago. It really seems like this nerf was just another effort to reduce Mercy’s pick rate to make the passengers aboard the Mercy hate train happy.

The numbers are in, and they keep falling. We don’t need another 3 months to figure out where Mercy settles before another change is made. We need a new Mercy rework NOW, and it’s not unreasonable to ask for it in a timely manner. After all, Blizzard should already have all the resources they need to recreate a much more exciting and skillful version of Mercy than what we have now.

Edit: adjusted title to match current stats. Moira has overtaken Mercy’s healing in all ranks above Gold, and Mercy has fallen to the lowest win rate at all ranks where Moira out-heals her. As I’m writing this, it looks like she is now also the lowest win rate support in Bronze.


nah, her power level has a lot to do with her pickrate but her player-friendly design will always make sure her pickrate is respectable

the meta hasn’t even developed yet so it’ll take time for stats to settle before we come to any meaningful conclusions


If her stats DON’T improve however, the dev’s will have officially confirmed beyond all doubt that the rework and their attempts at balancing it were a failure

I partly hope her stats don’t rise again just for that point lol


I thought win rates dont matter.



Moira has been ignored for almost her whole existence and only received one buff when she could use something to not be the “deathball” healer.


In my opinion it is :smile:

Its time that other heroes get attention, fixing bugs, improve ranked. It is not fair that mercy would get another rework while other heroes wait months for bug fixes.


Of course people pick Mercy because they love her. It has nothing to do with winrate and it never had.


Doubt it. That hasn’t been the case for any other hero in the history of the game. People are in high ranks because they’re willing to do what it takes to win.

More likely, people are still feeling her changes out. Pickrates will adjust when people get a better handle on how she has been weakened and when she should and should not be played.

Also, honestly? A huge percentage of the playerbase hates her aesthetics and design. Sorry, but it’s true. And a lot of people really love Lucio, Ana, and Moira’s designs as well.


Her winrates will go up when people know when to pick Mercy, and when to switch off Mercy.

Instead of “Always go Mercy”.


You don’t know the mercy playerbase very well if you think the majority will do that lol


So, less than a week after these changes, her winrate is starting to drop?

Okay. Please, tell me more about how this has never happened in data to only be reversed a week or so later.



Whenever Moira is available.

Those are the real answers in the current patch. Mercy is just objectively less powerful.


nice nice thanks blizz

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This is just objectively incorrect.

Pick Mercy when 1 shots are common or you need a constant source of healing. Pick other heroes when you can do without both of those things.

Give it 2 weeks and she’ll be back on top.


This happens every time she got nerfed.
It will go back up in due time.


Eh, there are times to not pick Moira. Moira is very bad with Pharah, and has trouble with a spread out team and people on the high ground in general (due to a lack of vertical mobility).


Because if Mercy isn’t #1 at everything, she’s instantly F-tier?


Anything Mercy can do, someone else can do better. Healing throughput? Ana and Moira are both clearly better. Mobility? Lucio doesn’t need to depend on his teammates. Lucio goes where Lucio wants. Moira can escape from Graviton Surge. Durability? Lucio and Moira are both much harder to kill due to constant self-healing while in combat, and let’s not even bring up Brigitte there. Lethality? Zenyatta maintains a constant 60% of Mercy’s healing output while simultaneously boosting his entire team’s damage and fragging out on his own.

What does Mercy do better than any other support? Resurrect. Nobody else can do that. Mercy is better than other supports for less than two seconds, about six times a game. In every other moment, she’s just objectively worse.

Resurrect is not enough to keep her afloat on its own. Mercy is #1 at standing nearly still so the enemy can more easily shoot her.


Funny how it takes just a week to go from “This nerf will never do nothing, they will just have to do another nerf later”.

To “Mercy is good for nothing, nobody will ever use her ever again all is lost, the sun is on fire”.


I never made that switch. I have been firmly on the side of players who think that the Mercy healing nerf has killed her since it was first announced on the PTR.