Mercy now has the lowest support win rate above Gold rank

Really? Because you seem to be ignoring how it’s calculated for Brig.

3.5% isn’t a good pickrate either. She was not even in the top 10. It is a pickrate that put her firmly in the middle of the pack, which generally indicates a hero is neither over or underpowered.

She was not top 10 in a meta that she waa was designed to excel in. If she was a generalist character, this would indicate she was underpowered. But she isn’t, she has a specific task. And that task came up a lot, but not often enough to be meta.

I don’t think 1 second will make a large difference for her right now. Because those outside factors for her have not changed. But I can see it becoming a problem later on if they keep nerfing her until she’s bad at her niche, and then them needing to buff her because they overnerfed at a time when winrate was an especially unreliable statistic because of how static the comps are right now.

Which is good. We dont want must picks. However, there has never been a hero to maintain her pick rate and her win rate consistently through so much of the ladder for over a season.

She is unique. Theres no denying it. Otherwise you could give me an example of another hero having that same level of pick rate with that same level of win rate through the same amount of tiers (Bronze -> Masters). Go ahead. Name me 1. Just 1 hero other than Brigitte to pull that off…

Trying to excuse her statistical representation as niche is not accurate at all.

And ofc, all this is just to say worrying about Mercy’s win rate now is ridiculous. Just saying. This all stems from Mercy win rate…

There has never been a meta that static either, and her niche supports that static meta. You keep repeating that without acknowledging that point.

Pickrate is a measure of how often a hero is useful. If she was OP, she would have a high one because she’d be useful most of the time. She is not.

Just because she’s an outlier does not make her OP. Blindly looking at stats without any appreciation for context or why stat is the way it is, is meaningless.

Yeah. Mercy dictated and survived, remaining a must pick, through multiple metas and multiple nerfs. Crazy, right?

There has always been dips, though this one is admittedly kind of diff, and we really dont know how it’ll play out.

Brigitte was just an example to demonstrate how circumstantial and usually biased win rate interpretation is. Therefore, putting any weight into conclusions made about Mercy right now are obviously premature.

Honestly you’re just saying the same thing. Too many things to consider to make any conclusive decision. Goes for both.

Yes. Mercy did, and she has the pickrate to show for it.

Mercy also doesn’t get swapped often and is a generalist character. You aren’t bringing her to do a specific thing and then swapping if it turns out you don’t need it or can’t do it. You are picking her at the start of a match and staying on her the entire time.

So winrate does mean something for her because all of the the caveats that go with judging niche heroes winrates don’t apply.

That said, it is also too early after a nerf. As people adjust their playing, her winrate may improve.

Yeah I know how win rate works.

Yeah, too early… Like I said.

Saying the same thing. Like I said.


This is the dumbest way you could ever possibly choose to explain your subjective (Sorry, but it’s not objective) opinion. I could take almost any hero and explain it like that to make them seem weaker than they are.

“Reinhardt is better than any other tank until his shield goes down”

“Winston is better than any other tank until his jump is on cooldown”

“Lucio is only better than the other supports for 3 seconds, once every 12 seconds”

“Hanzo is only a better DPS every 12 seconds”

I could go on and on.

Her win rates dropped 3% in GM in less than a week. She’s near the bottom of win rates at every tier. Geoff claimed that their intention was for her to still have the highest healing averages. She no longer does (this claim was nonsensical to begin with, but still). It’s almost as if nerfing a character’s primary function by 17% without any compensation was WAY too heavy a nerf.

This wasn’t well thought out. It wasn’t well done. I hope they have the basic honesty and courage to admit it and address the actual problem. Res doesn’t belong on a 30 second cooldown. Enough is enough, stop messing with Mercy Blizzard and get it right.


That’s a rather interesting point of view coming from someone with zero play time on said hero. Almost as if you’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.


Mercy feels horrible to play right now. :confused:


Good, that means the nerf to her and the buff to other supports is working. Good job Blizzard.

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That’s not how nerfs are meant to work.

How are they meant to work then? :grinning:

To balance a hero, not to make them bad.

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Its over nine thousand!!

50% winrate is balanced. She is no longer a must-pick. I say good job Blizz, keep it up.

Winrate means nothing bud. Brigitte has the highest winrate in the game, would you like a nerf to her? Mei also had one of the highest winrates.

We don’t need a change for her. If she’s not meta, it doesn’t mean she needs change… Ana was throw pick-like hero since last summer.

Mercy does well in every meta. It’s not going to get any better for her without changes.

Its almost like there is a possibility for multiple accounts to exist. Unbelievable, but then, what should I have expected from people labeling fact as a point of view? Silly me.