Mercy not being "fun or (personally) unimpactful" is not a valid arguement


she just needs something on E as well
something skillful

something that doesnt rely on her team for a change,which is why current mercy is not fun, you have to rely on your teammates to shine, with massrez she coulddecide between tempo and massrez and shine herself.


Across all skill ranks

Mercy consistently gets on average about 5-6 rezes per match.

So the average number rezes in the lowest skill ranks are almost exactly what you see in the highest.

Skill has little to do with rez being successful.

This is likely due to rez having very obvious and specific situations where it either can or cannot be pulled off.

Have a tank shield or nearby cover? Go for it.

Battle is basically over and your team is already winning? No problem. This won’t likely sway the outcome of the fight, but maybe we can win faster.

Battle is over already? Let me pad my stats and save you a walk from respawn.


wait so you mean to tell me the best ability in the game has some kind of balance and can’t be used at any time with little to no consequences?

“Best ability in the game” is a pretty big leap in logic.

I personally feel rez is massively overrated.

If it’s so powerful, why do the highest levels of players basically use Mercy for her ability to damage boost very specific heroes?

They don’t pick her for her healing output. And rez is either a death sentence or just helps you ‘win more’ when you’re already winning.

Anti nade will sway a fight much more often than rez ever could.


No it wasn’t counter intuitive. Mercy undid stuff. She undid damage. She also undid kills (so undoing damage).

Current Mercy’s ult and rez on e, intuitive or not is boring and terrible. It needs to go!

No. I actually think rez should be removed completely and she should be given another E ability. Or at least rez should be avaiable only during valkrie. Either way she needs another ability she can use during mid fight.

Pretty much comes down to : High Skill Level, Tanks shield the Mercy. Low Skill Level
 players just cant kill her fast enough. In both situations it even more depends on the other people in the match
 Rez is basically just a gamble

Why do you hate fun?

This is 100% true and the only subjective thing that should effect balance changes is whether something can be deemed “unfair” like they did with Roadhog’s hookcombo and Hanzo’s scatter arrow.

Mercy is being unimpactful right now because she’s underpowered and a liability unless ran with Pharah who is a liability 95% of the time either way. With flatline 60hps she was in line with all the other healers and was a must pick only and only because she was able to damage boost Grav+Dragon combo. They took that away and nerfed Grav and buffed other healers which should’ve caused changes in the support roster, but ensuring that this happens at the expense of Mercy being trash-tier was a really d-move from the devs. She just needs to be as good as other healers by having that 60hps or as much if not even more compensated through the rest of her kit to be impactful again

I can’t speak for people on PC, but on console, res is so buggy that it doesn’t even really matter how you use it. Very little skill goes into the ability purely because of how poorly it functions.

Sometimes it’ll activate without you intending to. If you try to res, depending on the position of the soul relative to the walls, it may not work. Sometimes, if two souls are close to each other, the screen will display you as ressing one person when in reality you res the other. I mean, you can’t even see the max range you can res for crying out loud.

And it doesn’t even stop at res. Movement glitches, even beneficial ones, are so numerous and buggy that it’s almost like you have no control over how Mercy plays at all. She can target people behind walls, her GA visuals don’t show up depending on the circumstances, and sometimes she just flies the wrong direction and end up flinging herself backwards into a dangerous situation.

And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m being a little hyperbolic, but her bugs are the thing that’s keeping her from being great, not any healing or ability changes.

Mercy would be completely fine if her bugs were addressed, but they are such a huge hindrance to her that even the player themselves can’t predict what’s going to happen. It keeps her from being as impactful as she needs to be, and that’s a huge problem.

But I agree, valk is better than mass res ever was, and I can’t imagine a viable Mercy with mass res as her ultimate. I am, however, not opposed to reworks. I think they’re worth exploring, especially with the sheer amount of unhappy players. You and I aren’t the only Mercy players in the world, and it’s important to take other people’s opinions into account when talking balance. Let’s make a hero we can all enjoy.

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Every hero is considered boring and/or unfun to somebody. No, it’s not a valid argument to rework someone. I think it’s valid when a hero has a dismal pick rate but Mercy has consistently been one of the most played, most popular heroes since launch. Even when she wasn’t popular in high tiers and pro she was a one of the most played heroes. She’s popular now despite being considered boring and unfun by SOME people.

She’s the reason I play this game. Not a big fan of shooters but I love Mercy’s playstyle and I’m against any more reworks. There is no other hero in the game that plays like Mercy. She’s unique. Outside of number tweaks, just leave her alone. Release more supports (and tanks) so people have more variety.


A lot of blah from the OP that is not very interesting to read and mostly off track.

Mercy’s problem is not being unfun or unimpactful, it’s not even about Mass rez VS Valkyrie. Most of you fail to see this and generalize stuff over and over again.

The only problem about Mercy is that her current “e” ability is stronger than her ult. Simple as that and none of your arguments can prove this wrong. Valkyrie as it is now would seem strong and adequate if Mercy’s “e” was something less impactful.

Valkyrie 1.0 was stronger than Mercy’s “e” ability so it was fine then (even though it was more powerful than Mercy 1.0 with Mass rez). Current Valkyrie is weaker than her “e” ability.

Most of the Mercy mains don’t care much about Mass rez coming back or not. All they want is a balanced hero with an ult that is stronger than an ability on cooldown, why won’t you understand ?

Except for Symm (and it’s debatable), I can’t see any other hero that has a basic ability stronger than their ult. That’s basically the only problem with Mercy.

All it takes to correct this is putting her single rez on “Q” and a shorter version of Valkyrie on “e” and Mercy will be more logical. Resurrecting someone will never pass as a cooldown ability 'cause it’s simply too strong and it’s very unlikely to think of another ability that could be stronger than resurrecting an ally except for multiple ressurects but the community doesn’t want more rezzes (even two resurrects were too much to them before the January nerf).

It’s tiring and very hypocritical to accuse Mercy players for complaining about their hero when you (the community and pro players in general) are responsible for all of this.

Because of your complaints you created the single hero from the game that has an “e” ability stronger than an ult. Well done !

Edit : The only idea of an ult that could be somewhat stronger than an “e” resurrect ability (without adding more rezzes in the game) would be an ult that could cancel the timing before allies resurrect at the spawn, making the teammates respawn instantly but again this would feel like an ult that wouldn’t be easy enough to counter for the community just like with Mercy 1.0 (unless there’s a long cast time again).

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Literally her only issue is lack of a midfight, which makes her seem boring.

I’m finding her a lot of fun right now, but I understand where she is boring.

Her value comes in on the long term fight, when ultimate advantage comes into play.

But you can’t stop your Reinhardt from being one tapped, Ana and Moira can. It’s the only thing missing from her kit. It’s not fun to be healing your Reinhardt as he’s crying for heals and having to watch him be killed as there is nothing more you can do for him.

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You mean unhealthy for the game. Stop propagating this myth like it’s the only reason she got reworked. She got reworked for a number of reasons.

Same thing applies to you. Stop propagating myths. Mass Rez was unhealthy for the game and everyone with a decent grasp of the game understood it.

Valkyrie is impactful, the fact that some players are not able to utilize it properly doesn’t mean that the ultimate is not impactful.

On fire doesn’t mean anything. It never has and it doesn’t now.

Broken and/or unhealthy mechanics shouldn’t be kept just because they are fun to a minority group at the expense of everyone else. That’s not a valid argument.


So, basically, just because mass rez was “unhealthy” (whatever that means, I feel like you’re talking about a diet), Mercy mains don’t have a say about their hero after more than 20 nerfs ?

Any hero mains with that many nerfs (and still in a problematic situation) would go ballistic on the forums. If that happened to Genji or Tracer, the community would go wild, even without the pro players community.

As I said in an earlier post, the only problem with Mercy currently is not valkyrie nor her single rez, yet the fact than her coolown ability on “e” is stronger than her ult. Valkyrie per se is not weak but the resurrect on “e” makes it feel like less impactful. Removing rez could benefit Valkyrie actually.

If not, switch the single rez to an ult and valkyrie to a shorter “e” ability version and the problem is solved.

The only reason the devs are not doing this is because it would prove them and the whole community that having rez on a cooldown was the worst idea they came up with.

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this is pretty much the absolute truth now that i think about it

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Since she was changed on the basis of “fun” to begin with, it definitely seems fine for her players to want her changed on the basis of fun.


A broken, unhealthy mechanic shouldn’t be back in the game, no thank you. Also I’m a Mercy player as well. Don’t paint Mercy mains like some homogeneous group that universally holds the same opinion. Many of us love Valkyrie and feel it fun and impactful. I don’t want Mass Rez back both to play against and to play with. Also please don’t give me the nerf story - having an OP broken hero (which she was during initial Valkyrie phases) is hardly a sad thing.

My favorite hero is Symmetra, don’t even get me started on “who’s got it worse” please, no need for sob stories. Mercy was nerfed because she was broken and OP and rightfully so. And currently she is not problematic, she is perfectly viable.

I’m personally fine with Mercy as she is now. And plenty of other Mercy players are. Mass Rez shouldn’t come back in the game. And the claim that she is not viable is absurd. Valkyrie is incredibly useful if used correctly. People need to learn how to use it since clearly they haven’t based on all the “spectator” commentaries.


No one asked for the Valkyrie rework, that’s on people like you it went live because no one played ult economy against mass rez.

Yeah, it’s fine to have an hero that has an “e” ability stronger than an ult. That’s the very definition of “balanced”.

I guess we don’t agree on anything. Have a nice evening though !

There were multitude of issues with Mass Rez.

Her E ability is not stronger than her ultimate. More importantly it can be counter-played and it requires skill now to pull off, which is good. It also keeps Mercy’s identity. Win-win.

Probably. Have a good winter and enjoy the holidays!