Mercy Nerf isn't enough. Please don't flame

Maps are pretty linear and if you have awareness you can predict it 9 times out of 10

So you outplay them?

Well done :grinning:

Another day, another anti-Mercy troll post. No wonder why you got silenced… :unamused:

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The post is constructive and is feedback more than anything. I just don’t want to make the mercy mains angry. I know some are upset about the PTR changes, but I agree with the devs choice and reasoning.

I don’t think Mercy needs a rework at all. She will always have that ult and kit.

I think the last rework in this game will be the Torb and McCree. Yes, McCree. I don’t see Combat Roll staying in this game. It’ll be changed or replaced with something. I don’t use McCree but I always found that ability not suited for McCree. What’s is weird is Sombra’s hack/emp makes him forget how to roll.

I don’t see anyone else getting a rework at all.

The devs are wrong.

The pickrate of Mercy is all in the resurrect.

Nerfing GA, Healing, Pistol Damage, Valk none of it will change for as long as she has res on E.


But apparently, no nerf to her base kit will fix her problems. Val and E res, fundamentally Val, are the issues. Not her movement, not her healing, not her dmgB, but Valkyrie.

And the buffs to the other sups won’t help as well because the utility of removing weaknesses and E res is almost infinite in a game like OW.

We don’t do logic around here, scrub. Beat it.

Or just remove res. Mercy mains always say res is the problem but they always offer a more powerful substitute, or an ability just as broken when in there are really just 2 options, you Nerf every other aspect of mercy to counterbalance the strength of rez, or you remove rez. No res as an ult no " death prevention" just make the ability to bring team mates back from the dead gone.

Rez as a cooldown ability is the problem.

Make it an earned ability again and a lot of problems get solved.


Yea let’s nerf her only way to protect herself (and when I say protect herself, that’s only the case around 60% of the time. The other 40% is just prolonging the inevitable)

I think what makes Guardian Angel so overpowered is that she has been confirmed to be temporarily invincible in that short window of time that she’s moving to a target during her ability.

That being said, if you COULD hit her during it, she would be a useless healer. She would more than likely drop dead every single time she used it, just from DPS spamming in her general direction.

I do agree with your idea to reduce the cooldown on her G.A. though. At least a second or two more would make it more balanced, so Mercy players wouldn’t have the liberty of just spamming it all the time.

BUT in exchange I think her healing should be changed back to 60hp per second.

I think that was a nerf too far, there are way too many high damage chaotic characters in the game to justify that kind of nerf to her healing if they aren’t even going to nerf her Res instead.

lmao unranked console peasant thinks his opinion matters

It’s because Mercy’s rework is completely broken originally she was a mobile single target healer and now she flys every where up in the sky shooting everything and healing everyone at once while hiding behind a wall for a rez. Shes good at everything thats why shes a must pick! I love Mercy but the more i look at her the more broken her new kit seems they took all her buffed stats from before and threw it into the new rework and its just annoying.

This won’t address her high pick rate either. Nerfing her GA to have a four second cooldown? Seriously :rofl:?

Her high pick rate is caused by resurrect being a standard ability that’s unearned, it has the potential impact and power of a reasonably good ultimate ability. Resurrect the right teammate at the right moment and it can change the outcome of a fight or even the match (assuming it’s near the end or on overtime).

Valkyrie is another problem with her current design. It is classified as an ultimate ability but it really doesn’t feel like one.

Oh, and on a final note… GA wasn’t an issue before the trash rework arrived.

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Zenyatta is the weakest healer of the game, unless he activates Transcendence.
He’s also very easy to take down for barely any others characters.

… wut? Mercy has no abilities that give invincibility, she used to have one back when mass res was buffed but after that? No…
Please link to wherever you found this, I’m genuinely curious

Someone posted a detailed frame-by-frame gif showing Guardian Angel having no hitbox for at least a few frames.

I think they used some kind of software to show it.

How many nerfs do you think you can reasonably apply to this character before you start thinking the problem may be something else?


Some general info to combat some misconceptions I’ve seen a lot these past few months. Mercy is not:

  • Invulnerable during rez
  • Invulnerable when using her GA
  • In fact, current Mercy can not by her own means gain any immortality ever
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TLDR basically I want to trigger all the Mercy mains and garner a 60+ reply post.

Well played buddy, you got them hook, line and sinker.