Mercy Nerf isn't enough. Please don't flame

Mercy needs 1 more nerf and it’s her Guardian Angel. This ability is 2 seconds in cooldown. You hear that? 2 seconds! It is fast too and when you need to kill the support to win the game. The mercy be flying around and stalling. She is also regenerating her health back because sometimes when she flys away, people end up missing the shots against her.

Now the reason this ability needed to be hit is because it is broken and overpowered. I always thought it was unfair and it even made me lose games for failing to kill the mercy. This ability also makes her hard to kill Pharmacy. (Ignore the new updates for now please about the falloff).

Mercy players don’t think at all when it comes to this ability. It has no skill or though at all to it. I am not trolling here. They see a team mate and they press a button to fly back and forth without a second thought. There is no risk or reward at all.

Compare this ability to Fade and it is huge. Moira’s Fade is 6 seconds. 6 seconds people! I’m a Master Moira main and a one trick. Fade actually takes some thought when to use it and when not to use it. Fade at the wrong time, well… You’re going to die. I had always wished the devs made Fade 5 seconds opposed to 6 seconds because lets be honest here. Moira is easy to kill especially if you can aim.

But Mercy on the other hand can keep on escaping without thinking about using her escape ability. Just press a button to fly to a team mate, regen health back and while doing it and she still be healing or damage boosting. Moira and Ana cannot be doing that things like this.

The balance to supports where to not make Mercy a must pick but she will still be number 1 healer to go to.

My solution is to make GA 4 seconds and if possible, make Moira’s Fade 5 seconds.

That’s all I wanted to say about Mercy. I don’t main her but people don’t realize how strong of a support she is.

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Is it 2? I think it was 1.5
Plus I think devs actually comfirmed they wont nerf her mobility. Means they want her to be mobile healer like Lucio.
That is bad news to Lucio maybe

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Yeah it is 1.5 seconds but when you use it. It says 2 seconds. I don’t think the cooldown in-game shows .5s

The day they touch GA is the day I stop playing. GA is the most fun thing of her kit.
Gut EVERYTHING else, IDC, just not GA.

Remove rez and give her a death prevention skill on a 20s CD, make Valk an single target beam which heals 90hp/s and 40% dmg amp.
Mercy balanced.


Moira’s fade is fine if anything it needs needed to 8 seconds along with a ton of other crucial abilities. For mercy, keep GA but make it so you have to earn rez.

Fade is not a stun. It an escape and escapes should be 4-5 seconds in this game if you ask me. It was like 5 seconds on PTR when she was originally on those servers. They had changed it before releasing her.

Just rework her already.

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If they do this they’ll also have to remove or change at least one highlight intro, several voicelines and sprays, and stop selling the Mercy statue. Rez is a full third of Mercy’s overall identity and has loads of design space bound to it.

I also vaguely recall Blizzard saying they weren’t going to remove Rez from the character and would try to make it work, when or where they said this I can’t remember.


GA is what makes Mercy fun.


Uhhh… Is anyone forgetting that Mercy didn’t become a must-pick until rez became a cooldown ability?

Even when Ana got nerfed into the ground and left Mercy as the ONLY viable main healer, the pros wouldn’t even touch Mercy while rez was her ult (and she had no E), unless it was for a Pharmercy run. They just ran Zen-Lucio until Mercy’s rework.



Leo the Lion the plat Moira main is in Masters eh?

Or am I not supposed to know you’re lying?

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“before we can reverther, she has to be carbage”.

didn´t Jeff basically said this about her revert ?

They said they are going to try to make it work, if not then they’ll remove it.
If this nerf will not change anything in her pickrate, I think they actually will remove it.

Death prevention could work like a rez, she gives someone a blessing which is active for 3-5s and if they die, they get instantly resurrected again, thus not changing anything about her lore.
But toning down the power of it since Mercy has to predict who is going to die and cannot react to an already dead teammate. Thus substantially raising her skill ceiling.

How about bilzzard starts hard nerfing the DPS until they stop complaining about nerf mercy more


yup. not a nerf imo too.
people just don’t seem to get that as long as she has res as an ability that she’ll be the main healer forever. unless they REALLY overnerf the res ability.
I mean, think about it.
would you rather have some grandma who can’t guarantee your survival all the time and she barely has anything in her kit to make herself safe?
or would you rather have a mercy who has tons of mobility and even a chance to bring you back to life again?
most DPS and tanks would love a mercy more, oh yes they would. They don’t want to die and have to come all the way back from spawn and lose the point and then blame the support players for not going mercy.
but SCREW that, I’m not playing mercy.

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I said rework, not revert.

I already know they’ve said that a revert is out of the question.

Yeah, nerf her more… She’s not trash tier yet.

She should only have 1hps.

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and she should have a sign pointing the exact location where she is

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To use GA you need team mates… How can one stall with it?

That’s on them. You don’t nerf a hero because other people miss shots… It’s why Tracer barely gets touched, she has high mobility yes but it has restrictions and downsides to balance it.

Let’s look at the comparison.
GA vs Fade
GA requires a team mate - Fade does not
GA is super predictable - Fade is not
GA doesn’t turn you invisible or makes you immune to damage - Fade does


Moira can fade away behind a team mate and throw out a healing orb… benefiting both herself and the teammate she is behind. Moira can do things like that.


This is interesting, but I’m concerned that given the often ludicrous speeds at which things happen in the average match, this will be nigh impossible to use on any character beyond a tank. Or, if the timer is long enough on the blessing, would encourage anyone with it to play extremely recklessly and attempt to do things like 1v6 opposing teams. I’m hoping there be ways around both of those possible issues.