Mercy needs to go to the gym if she wants to be buffed

Okay so I saw a lot of stuff that I want to say in response to some of the things being said here, but a lot of it is at the top so bear with me. It may be a while:

I know, it’s the low hanging fruit here because people have responded to this before, but I gotta start somewhere. So here we go!

Yes, you are able to damage boost, but your healing feels like molasses now so if you want to keep your tanks up, you are going to have to be on healing a lot more than you use to. That ten heals less is a huge difference. There’s a reason it was buffed to 60 HP/s in the past. It was because she couldn’t keep up. And she can’t keep up now.

Partially fixed, and it goes against the point of the nerf in the first place. Come to think of it, a lot about this rework shoots itself in the foot, but that’s an elaboration for another post.

The main problem Rez has is that it does not belong as an ability. As long as Rez is on her E, they aren’t going to give her too many buffs because of the power Rez still holds. It already goes against part of her identity. Can’t exactly be a mobile healer if you have an ability that holds you in place for 1.75 seconds.

Ironically enough, even though this rework was to prevent hide and rez, in order to pull off a rez currently, you have to hide unless you want to get stunned or headshot, etc.

As stated before, it’s broken in the sense that it is what is holding her back. If it was something that had to be earned, then it’d be a different story.

Eh. At least you admit it’s biased. But that is a pretty big double standard. Granted, Ana’s pickrate is not as bad as Mercy’s was at her peak, but it’s pretty darn close. But plenty of forum goers say that is fine because she takes skill. And that’s stupid. But hey, that’s probably biased on my end, too.

Okay, you get half a point?? I mean, the players were the ones that started it, but the players also didn’t really start it until they started making claims about people abusing the SR gains from Rez. It’s probably both, but leaning toward the players.

This. Sarcasm and everything. This.

The way I see it, it goes both ways, in multiple circumstances.

Like, take Mass Rez. There were plenty of ultimates who could wipe out multiple members of the team or even get a team wipe in rare circumstances just by pressing Q. So to me, it made sense that we had at least one Q that could bring a team back.

And along that same vein, if she was reworked because she was unfun to play against, it seems fair to me that she should at least be considered for a rework if she is unfun to play as. And nothing is stopping them from brainstorming ideas for this alongside working on other heroes like Reaper and Bastion.

It’s really not that. It’s that they can’t do anything but heal people because of how slow it is. Sure, 50hps is nothing to scoff at and it’s not the lowest healing the game has, but heroes that heal less than that can do other things while they are healing. Zen heals less, but he can also shoot and use Discord. Lucio heals less, but it’s passive and he can do damage and boop. When Mercy heals, she can only do that. If she wants to do anything else (aside from GA), she has to stop healing.

She does, but Mercy takes those abilities a step further imo. She’s the introductory hero for supports. She relies on her teammates for mobility and is vulnerable otherwise so she helps train gamesense and positioning. She also helps train ult economy. If you know an ult may be coming soon, then you know to stay out of the way until it comes. So these skills are more intense for a Mercy player. That’s why it can be easy to tunnel vision as Ana or Zen, but in order to play Mercy, you have to keep track of all 11 other players on the field.

Okay, that’s all I really wanted to respond to, but before I go, there is a comparison that granted, I have made in the past, but I still think it explains how this buff to Mercy feels so I’m gonna go ahead and re-elaborate on it here.

So let’s take Soldier. Good ol’ 76. He was the meta DPS in S3 when we had Triple Tank. But then, when we were getting rid of Triple Tank, he was one of the heroes that got nerfed. His damage went from 20 damage per bullet, to 19 damage per bullet. If you thought people making a big deal out of 10 less heals was crazy, this got pretty bad reception too, and it was only a change by one point. But anyways. Here is the context.

So, people start complaining that he is not doing enough damage. Which is a valid complaint, considering how bad sustained damage is right now. So let’s give him a buff so he can do more damage.

He was good when he had 20 dmg, right? So let’s give him back that 20 damage but only when he uses Tactical Visor. Every other time, he will still do 19, but during his ult, let’s give him 20 damage per bullet. That should fix him!

That’s the thing. In this current state, three things are king: Mobility; burst damage; burst healing. If you don’t have any of those, you’re out. So Soldier still can’t compete because he won’t be able to outdo all the healing Ana, Moira, and Brig can do. But hey, it’s still a buff.

That’s essentially what the Valk buff is. It’s something. But it’s not the right buff. It’s like what Titanium said in his giant thread about this:

On a lighter note:

If you can find a gif of their end card where they just splash green slime all over the screen with their logo, that’d be an awesome addition.


I wish I was level 3.

So what are you trying to say?

I probably misinterpreted your comment maybe. I got that you were saying that I implied A = C.

If what you were telling was: “You didn’t say that she still heals for 50 hps in case C it looks like A = C” then I’m sorry, but I though I’ve been clear enough when I said that she can do 60 hps only when flying.

Balance has no bearing on “fun” though, maybe it’s better to say she is not desirable to play and not being balanced might or might not be true.

Underrated post

Who said the change is a nerf?

We know it’s a buff, but it’s really a partial revert of the latest nerfs, which don’t fix Mercy’s main issues. Valkyrie is still as bad as it was before the healing nerf.

Apparently even that was too much for the moderation because it got edited out.

Just wanting to say, if even a sentence about Broccoli has to be deleted just delete the htread entirely.

The sentence wasn’t meant as insult, this whole thread was a light take and had a joking tone from beginning to end and if you cna’t stand the whole joke you don’t deserve it entirely.

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