Mercy needs to go to the gym if she wants to be buffed

Hi, Vsauce Alexarius here.

Today I was healing at a faster rate than usual which means I was nerfed…
Or was I?

So, in order to understand the inesplicable math behind the current state of Mercy, lets use a bit of that magical, heavensent tool called Logic!

Angela was happily healing every1 at a rate of 60 hps, but a meanie wrestler stepped in and told her: “No, you are now allowed to heal only 50 hps”.

Lets call the 60 hps “case A” and the 50 hps “case B”.

Now, seeing how depressed and slow she was, the wrestler told her: “Well… you get go flying a bit faster and when you do you can go 60 hps”. Lets call this, “case C”.

Now, numbers usually don’t lie and what we can see from this situation is simply:

A > C > B

As always, thanks for reading.

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Lets not bring logic into this


Give her some weights.

So is the issue that the changes aren’t what they want? (like a child that cries that they didn’t get the present for Christmas that they wanted)

Or is it actually being seen as a nerf?

Who said the Valkyrie change was a nerf? It was a half revert which still didn’t fix the actual serious problems with mercy.


My hope is that it’s a misunderstanding and that “Mercy mains” are referring to C as a compared to A (which is true) while “non Mercy mains” think they are talking about C being a nerf compared to B" (which is false).

And what are the serious issues with mercy? Fun isn’t an answer here.

Here is a post that explains why the changes make no sense in her current state. Also in my opinion, if a hero is so mind numbingly boring to play that it diminishes people from playing the hero, then the hero IS NOT BALANCED


But here’s the issue with saying she is boring. I find her fun in niche maps. Dorado, Rialto, horizon, busan. I like using her where their is a lot of high ground opportunity.

Tell that to Blizzard.

  • Damage boost is now impossible to use because 90% of the time you’re gonna be better off using your heal on them
  • Healing doesn’t feel rewarding anymore because everything out damages your healing
  • Rez still breaks Mercy even after a ton of nerfs
  • Hide and rez is still a thing
  • the fact that people prefer an Ana meta over a Mercy meta(which I don’t support either, a meta shouldn’t revolve around a single hero) is because the aim = skill philosophy. Which I disagree with because when you look at rainbow six siege, aiming is one of the skills involved but positioning, game sense, map knowledge and many other things are skills you must learn.
  • Mercy is all around a badly designed hero which divides the community and I wish the divide would end

Didnt they idk rework her because her ult was ‘disheartening’ and ‘unfun’?


I’m surprised people care what it’s called. It’s not what so many Mercy players have been crying for, and it never will be. The people who currently don’t find Mercy to be fun will never ever find her to be fun again. Now, if you like to mock them and their tantrums then just be aware that you are feeding the hate monster that exists on these forums. When people feel hated and disliked they keep on trying to defend themselves, and that is how those threads, however illogical or factually incorrect they may be, will keep popping up.

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Soooo put her on Zarya’s training regimen ?

The first statement is false. One thing I love about playing so many different dps and tank heroes is with mercy I’m a pretty good at using damage boost at times where it matters.

The second statement is fixed on the ptr.

I wouldn’t call current Rez broken it seems pretty fair right now to me.

Hide and Rez is not a thing. At all. Maybe it’s a new version of hide and Rez but it’s not what ride and Rez was.

How can you say Rez is broken if you also state that Ana is meta. If it was still so broken mercy would still be meta. Also Ana is hard and at higher levels should be meta. But that’s a biased opinion so we can give you half a point.

Mercy doesn’t divide the community the people that main her and those against the people divide the community. Blame the people not the pixels.

Rez made mercy get all those nerfs. Rez as an ability will only make her either overpowered or underpowered


Idk how to balance rez dude.

Like why would they put something so powerful on an E ability, like bringing someone back to life. Gosh, its such a powerful ability it should be an ultimate.

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Yep. The patch notes that came along with her rework directly said that “It was frustrating to play against”, which is why it annoys me to no end when people say “fun isn’t a valid reason to change a hero”, because evidently it is.

I don’t think I have seen people call the buff a nerf. its mostly been about how its more of a partial revert to the last nerf they gave her.

I think rez shouldn’t be an ability at ALL. It’s like putting Transcendence on E. I literally don’t care if cosmetics have to be removed because of Rez, I just want it gone