THANKKK YOUUU god finally
I hate Mercy so much, I don’t even wanna talk about it.
An actually reasonable response, I can agree with this.
But more than ironically, if it all gets toned down, mercy will see less usage since she relies on being able to damageboost high output heroes. The more damage you do, the bigger % damage gets boosted and the more likely it’s to hit some breakpoints and the more ulti charge mercy herself gets from the boost. If self-mitigation is less required, tanks with less self-mitigation who require more healing output will see play and mercy doesn’t synenergise well with those types of tanks either (rein for example).
Aka if dmg boost is not good cuz high hitting heroes don’t exist, damageboost is less valuable and other utilities become more valuable.
Kinda like goats. They weren’t hitting that had (zarya excluded), so there’s nothing to damageboost, so it’s not worth bringing a mercy into low damage comps.
You don’t have to buddy, I also hate doomfist but I don’t search for doomfist topics just to spite myself.
It’s not a mercy problem that devs decided to do something like give machinegun to a sniper. Striker just won OWL’s latest season as Hanzo, why are we giving him machinegun again?
It’s entirely a dps problem. All these dps buffs and hitscan dominance are not because of mercy, but poor dps design. Echo has an execute beam and 180dmg stickies on 6 second cd for crying out loud. They will continue to be strong in brig/zen meta, regardless if mercy gets a nerfbat.
At least Doomfist takes skill and time to understand fam.
Mercy on the other hand?? she doesn’t require much skill, all you do is healbot a dps or damage boost bot them, and if they die it’s no bigie! you can bring them back to life with the press of a single button!
you realize that every other support is a healbot too right? Supports heal.
Too strong? It was hardly increased.
She can’t really “main heal” as much as others unless she can beam juggle very well…
She can’t do that and damage boost at the same time. You need to pick one at a time.
Invincibility? When is she invincible during her ultimate?
Yea her ultimate is a skill check. Do you have the aim or ability to stop her? If not, then she will get to continue healing.
It’s very possible to kill her - especially if you have even one hitscan character helping. Focus fire is very powerful.
Damage boost is a risk. If you damage boost at the wrong time your teammate could die. If you damage boost you may literally get 0 value if they don’t hit shots during the boost. While damage boosting someone another teammate could die as well.
You claim it’s too much healing without any sort of actual argument, so I’ll dismiss it without one as well.
The hitscan crisis happened when they over buffed Ash. Widow’s always been an issue for many, so that’s not Mercy either.
A delay? It would need to be very small or they’d need to buff damage boost to compensate because Mercy isn’t OP at all.
You think you’re being honest?
You claim it was more to do with appeasing people than game balance.
Prove it.
Show me the evidence that supports your claim that her healing was only buffed to appease people.
I’ll wait.
Get to GM with her then.
Let me see you perfectly beam juggle during a teamfight while also finding times to resurrect.
Let me see it!
Put your money where your mouth is.
You, like most people ignorant of Mercy, have no idea how much gamesense and precision you need to be able to accurately and effectively beam juggle to keep teammates alive while also keeping yourself alive.
And dont forget the side effect is a 30 second rez cooldown so if they die again, oh well.
Oh yeah??
Well let ME see YOU get to GM with Doomfist then.
I dare you! I double dare you! I TRIPLE dare you!
As you said:
I didn’t claim he doesn’t take much skill. I just think it’s entertaining that you think he takes a bunch of skill, but not Mercy.
Nice try, but you’ll have to do better.
How about you attack my arguments? Or is your position so weak that it cannot withstand debate?
Also standing still for nearly 2 seconds where anyone within range with with half a brain could kill her.
oh… woops… nvm.
shhh don’t give them too much!!
Mercy is not too strong. She is where she should be. She is never a detriment to her team (which she was with 50hps) and never overbearing to the point where you can’t substitute her. If you want a support like that then look at zen. The entire top rank meta revolves around him.
Very Well.
Oh wait, you didn’t even put out any arguments to begin with, all you did was “xD” the FACT that Doomfist absolutely requires skill and time to understand and get the hang of.
Also, don’t talk smack when you have a private profile, at least I have the decency and courage to show my profile to everyone, unlike you.
What are the other meta characters on the team and why should other supports be the better fit mechanically?
Right never mind that I haven’t played the game on this account in several seasons. Or that I’m primarily a DPS main who has avoided mercy like a plague since the inception of the game.
Regardless literally none of this has any bearing on my original point, pointing at a DPS main and saying ‘look your least played support hero is also your worst support hero’ is about as useful as watching a bronze widow and determining the hero is bad hero based on their performance.
Add to that, I’m not complaining about her ult, like I said you can kill her, especially if she’s stupid enough to engage the 1v1.
My concern is the dangerous effect it has on her uptime and healing availability when she’s capable of main healing.
I think in order to talk about how a character should be changed, you should actually play that character.
It’s one thing to play against them, and another to actually play them.
Especially since it seems you don’t like Mercy to begin with…
I didn’t want to poke you on the fact that you can’t hit Mercy as Widow or Hanzo, or that your other top character picks, aren’t meant to focus Mercy.
So recapping. You can’t personally take advantage of any of her “too strong” abilities yourself, because you’re a DPS main, who also can’t kill a Mercy with DPS characters built for it, or on characters that aren’t built for it.
I think my initial thought for you still holds true here.
Mercy doesn’t need adjustment. Your aim does.
Sorry but… have you not seen bap’s heals at least?