Mercy needs more buff

Drastic measures had to be taken to ensure a reply

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A successful Rework wouldnā€™t need to be nerfed for an year, dominated a meta and caused a large chunk of the community to hate the hero. And the Hide-and-Res issue could have been solved in several forms, not just remove the cause of the problem entirely.

You are just blaming her issues on Mass Ress to buff up your argument. There were many factors for her to be doing poorly, lack of an E ability, for example.

So unless every PC player comes here to give their piece on the situation, the tendencies and feedback in the forum are usless? that makes no sense. If enough people are bothering to log into the forums to complain, every day, for this long, that is not indicative of a problem? Iā€™m sorry but you are just sounding disingenuous at this point.

(I would love to continue this discussion but Its late where I live and this isnā€™t going anywhere.)

I thought you were on OW hiatus! HI

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Ah, well thatā€™s a wonderful opinion! Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

I have a different measure, a different opinion. We will have to agree to disagree! :blush:

You sincerely are no longer worth my time.

Its like arguing with a brick wall

ā€œHere, have some evidence that what youre saying may be falseā€


ā€œthis person lacks the proper knowledge on the topic, therefore they are ignorantā€


Seriously my dude, get a grip.

Iā€™m sleep deprived to the point of near delirium and I still make more sense than you.

ā€¦says the BrigBot

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Thatā€™s kind of hurtful ngl :frowning: Why do we have to hurt each other like this?

:worried: Cuts me deepā€¦

Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t see any evidenceā€¦ I just saw opinion. Iā€™m sorry senpai. What is evidence!?! :tired_face:

Savageā€¦ I do my best to be stable and relate to others. Why you gotta go there? :disappointed_relieved:

Please donā€™t be toxic :frowning: Thereā€™s no need. I hope you get some sleep and calm down. I wonā€™t take this personally. Take care of yourself!


Donā€™t want toxicity? Donā€™t provoke people by faking to be nice just to send people in circles by ignoring everything they say, and then attempt to villainize them when they become upset!

Its simple really.

In fact, so simple you donā€™t even have to reply!

See that blue button? You donā€™t have to touch it!

In fact, if you ever feel as though someone is being toxic to you, you can turn off your PC or phone!

You can go outside! And be fake nice to real people!

Doesnā€™t that sound great? Actual human interaction, where you arenā€™t allowed to be rude for the sake of it, whilst pretending to be nice?

Sounds good to me! Why donā€™t you go give it a shot?

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Oh wait! I forgot!

:grinning: :smile:

There we go

:frowning: Iā€™m sorry you felt offended or provoked, it wasnā€™t the intent. Please calm down :disappointed_relieved: I hope youā€™re okay!

Iā€™m sorry if I offended you :tired_face:


Nono! This is real life advice!

Go out! Enjoy the world! Do whatever you want smile!

Breathe in the air!
Smell the roses smile!

Donā€™t waste your time on the internet when you can be outside developing real life skills smile!

Be a face for positivity in the real world smile!

I totally agree!!! :grin:

That said, you should probably get some sleep :rofl:

The lack of melatonin in my system doesnā€™t allow for that smile.

Plus, more wakey time is more time to do productive things here on the internet like argue with random strangers who want nothing more than the satisfaction of a reaction from other strangers on the Internet smile!

But hey! Who am I to shame? We all enjoy different things smile!

Are you implying Iā€™m like this? :sob: Thatā€™s pretty hurtful.

I wish you would reject the dark side of toxicity and embrace positivity! :blush:

Where did I say that?

If you think thatā€™s for you then thatā€™s your opinion smile!

I donā€™t think it was for you smile!

But hey, thatā€™s just a theory smile!

And an opinion smile!

Oh okay! Thatā€™s cool! :blush:

If thatā€™s the case, you can just reply to the thread, and not to me, and thatā€™d like really clear things up and keep unfortunate misunderstandings like this from happening!!! :blush:

Hope you sleep well! Good luck! :grin:

I just get in the habit of hitting the nearest reply arrow smile!

I can sure try smile!

Iā€™ll need it smile!

Thank you for being so considerate!! :smiley: :blush:

Good night!

Guten nacht smile!

Thatā€™s a terrible idea