Mercy needs more buff

You refuse to move on to another hero, complains and spam the forums with the same thing over and over again, then out of nowhere you guys want Bastion buffed because some gold players said Bastion needed buffs.

If the ptr buffs don’t get her in a better spot I say this is the way to go. There’s lots of CC options to stop her if they reduced it to 1.25s in stead of 1.75s

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Where did I ever say that? I do play other heroes.

What has been happening on the forums does not fall under the definition of spam in the CoC. Go look.

Bastion needs more than buffs, friend. Bastion is in and has been in a very bad place for quite some time.

Just because we play and want changes for Mercy doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to want other heroes changed as well.


Let’s start with these buffs and see where this puts her. I don’t want an overpowered monster
not again!

I’m sorry but not all Mercy players told their team to die on Point. I know I never did. I loved doing the tempo rez whether my team was on point or not. But I’m also very sorry to say that this Mercy rework made her less engaging than Mass Rez Mercy (Which if it doesn’t come back, move on and adapt :smiley: )

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No :-1:
20 characters r

I can relate. I’ve been suspended so many times I’d be surprised if I dont hold the record for most forum silences :sweat_smile:

Popularity around these parts isnt something I put much weight in :relaxed:

Exactly. They cant be wrong. And that’s all any of this is for the most part. A swapping of opinions.

Popularity of opinion does not mean there is a proportionate measure of truth. All it means is it is supported. Truth is not a popularity contest. :blush:

The first quote of mine, that is me speaking generally. I would have assumed that was obvious with how it was worded. :blush: You then went to the specifics of your interaction with said person, which is irrelevant to my comments.

I did not say ______ or whoever it was you were talking to could be versed etc etc. I said someone could be well versed in the subject matter and arrive to similar conclusions that _____ reached. I cant speak for them, so I dont.

My overall statement tho stands true and valid. You shouldn’t assume. Your bringing up the specifics of what they said is irrelevant in that sense, as even if they are completely ignorant, there is nothing to be gained outside of a self catharsis to state such. :blush: You can easily achieve the same effect without the “you are ignorant” etc stuff. :smile:

There really isnt. It’s a lot of speculation and assumption on your part. Maybe you’re right this time with that specific person, doesnt mean you will always be.

Your position is not one of fact, it is one of opinion. It is subjective, speculative, so on and so forth. Just as theirs is. Therefore, you are equals, even when you disagree.

You seem to think that your position is somehow fact, and it’s not, and therefore those that disagree with you are ignorant. That is not always the case.

I ask you realize we are all just sharing opinions, and as you said opinions cant be wrong, and therefore we should respect ALL of them, right? Not just the collective shared opinion of vocal Mercy mains and what not?


I always thought that it quite ironic, that ultimates, that wipe out an entier team are completly fine, but the opposite is complety broken.

Why not make mercy mass rez like the riptire of junkrat. Same range, same speed and mercy scream all the time.

Change the requirements so that its not easy to get a five man revive every time but in average 2-3 people.

Mercy needs to be reworked. Rez needs to go and be replaced.

Its what we have been saying for an year, Pre-Rework Mercy is infinitelly easier to balance because Ress is an ultimate, so it is allowed to be powerful, but a free ress for everyone every 30s regardless of if they are playing well, is not doable. Making you stand still for 2s begging the enemy team to kill you just makes it terrible for everyone involved

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I agree with that. I simply amuses me that only the mass killing is ok and a show of skill but the reverse is totaly unfun.

I gues i came from the “lets throw all our ulties at the same time for good measures” only to get punished by mercy.

Hmm wonder why zeniatta isnt geting all the hate. since he easely counter the same with his ulti.

He doesn’t get flack because he’s a #skillful Support(aka, needs to aim). Which is why the “whiny dps-main” meme is so popular, only heroes that require aim are allowed to be powerful, anything that undoes or makes it herder for them to get kills is anti(their)fun (Thats why Mass Ress was removed and Hack was gutted right after it got buffed a few seasons ago), and the people that play “brain-dead” should stay on bronze.

Well i suppose double standards are always a thing.

I also dont see blizzard doing anything about the current mercy in the near future.

Which is also kind of funny, since they(bliz) invested so much time to tweak, change and than rework, only to tweak and change the rework only to have a completly basic uninspired hero with no identity as the result.

Lets me question their knowlege about their own game.

I haven’t been silenced yet, hopefully this string doesn’t grant me one either.

I mean, near 1,700 likes, the most on the forums.

Say whatever you want, that speaks volumes to me.

I never said the level of truth was proportionate. All I said was that if an opinion is heavily supported, it is likely to hold some modicum of truth.

This is opinion.
Shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t

Well I have, will do, and will continue to safely assume things that are made obvious.

Maybe you should read the thread in question as well. After all, the entire original debate was on how their points had already been disproven in said thread.

I mean, I HAVE read the thread. I know they haven’t due to them bringing up all the points that are covered in it.

Despite what you’re thinking, I do not possess a superiority complex, and you don’t have to keep rebutting points I’ve already explained to you multiple times.

You are entirely in the wrong here. Are you even still aware of what the original debate was about?

Exceptions can be made for ignorant people. As they are by definition

(Oh no I said the word again!)

You shouldn’t twist my words to fit your agenda.

I’ve said it many times in this thread, and I’ll say it again.

This person was stating things that were explicitly covered and debunked in Titanium’s thread.

I told them that they were misinformed and that they should read that thread, rather than me having to type the whole thing.

They proceeded to stick their fingers in their ears and continue to spout more things that were covered in the same topic I’ve mentioned countless times here.

I am not to blame not to blame for another’s willful ignorance

Shameless favorite band plug

Paramore: Ignorance [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube


Putting a bunch of random emoticons at the end of all of your sentences doesn’t make them seem more innocent

If anything, they make you seem arrogant. Like an adult speaking to a child that they dislike, but are forced to communicate with.

Difference being, you aren’t being forced to make the pointless, repetitive arguments you’re making.

Call me toxic if you want, but I don’t want to repeat myself anymore.


I agree

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Mercy needs a rework, no hero should have an ability on a 30 second CD!

You can’t really call it an ability when its that long, more of a pseudo ult.

Ummmm, the pistol fire rate increase isn’t such a good idea. The dev’s need to focus on her healing
 like a lot more than her pistol. Why buff her pistol when her healing is like
 terrible? But making the Rez faster than what it is now sounds like a good idea. Maybe instead of 1.75, make it like 1.25???

Actually that’s not true.

Mercy with mass rez was super hard to balance, she was considered a super bad and troll pick for a while, because her ult had so much power and burst impact that her base kit had to be weak as a result.

Removing mass rez was a great idea and opened up room to add power to Mercy’s base kit. The problem is just that they gave her E rez on a cooldown. Any other E ability would have worked amazing with Valk as an ult. Her base kit and ult could have both been relatively strong, but not OP.

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Post something inane about Mercy mains = Angry Mercy mains

But rez is so core to her as a character, it can’t realistically be removed.

Say what you want, but I’d rather have a fun troll pick with impact than an unfun, unimpactful, annoying moth who still maintains trollpick status