Mercy needs her 60 hp/s back

It was still weak, since players still prefer Lucio/Zenyatta on their side, not Mercy. Even after nerfs to Ana and Lucio.

In lower tiers, it was strong ult. In higher, people were quick to neutralize it.

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wrong wrong play ana :slight_smile:

Uh huh…that’s definitely why they were must picks while Mass Rez was still an ult, huh?

Didn’t know the must pick healer for her ult was actually weak. Majority of the player base isn’t in high ranks, so that doesn’t matter.

She wasn’t must pick, until rework. Even after nerfs left her as only healer without recent nerfs.

And Blizzard listens to high ranks, not to low.

Mercy was a must pick for much of mass Rez after she was given invuln. I don’t really care that the top 14% of the player base was able to take care of mercy when that isn’t where she was the problem.


On paper…“No aim and mobility” are just two bullet points, but these “strengths” actually hold a lot of value, which she sort of needs to trade for more healing. (should her healing ever be buffed) Both Ana and Baptiste do, that’s why their primary (secondary) heal more.

idk why but Baptist felt like “Mercy rework”…I feel like this is what you’d get if she was reworked again.

Well, they wanted Mercy to stop being troll pick at higher tiers, so rework happened. As “unexpected” side-effect, it also improved her in lower tiers further.

They wanted Mercy players to not hide and Rez, so they rework happened. Her being a troll pick has never been mentioned by devs, ever.

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Now it’s mandatory to hide & rez, since you got slowdown and cast time. Or you can hope that enemy won’t pay attention, which is mostly luck.

Mostly it was for OWL, which ran out of healers: all healers were already used and boring to watch. Except Mercy.

Like their current killing of Goats, which don’t really happen for most of the playerbase. It happens not because of tanks being too strong in average 2/2/2 games, but because meta has to go, in places where it exists.

Ok I see people complain about the slow speed of healing tanks. The 50hp/s healing is fast on squishy heroes (150-250) but when you have to fully heal a Hammond from 20hp to 600 it takes approx 12 seconds to heal that Hammond.

How to fix it while keeping her healing not overpowered?

Make Mercy healing a %hp/s. That way it isn’t overpowered healing squishies but she also could heal tanks more reliably and faster. Obviously that would make her really strong in healing tanks, but that speed increase would be somewhat something around the lines of 60-80hp/s for tanks and 30-40hp/s for squishies.

It is JUST an Idea, I literally have no Math skills, obviously those who do can make best calculations on how that could work.


Give her healing ramp-up: longer teammate doesn’t take damage, faster healing them will be, up to 3x of normal amount.
Like this:

  • no damage for 5 s: healing increased to 100 hps;
  • no damage for 10 s: healing increased to 150 hps;

Taking any damage resets it back to 50. Healing ramps up gradually, with rate of +10 hps for every second teammate isn’t taking damage.

Mercy is no longer a healer for tanks. There are Ana, Moira and Ba(р)tiste for healing tanks.
Mercy is a pocket healer. U said right: she is good with dps. This is just what she is played good with. Rework gave her solo target res and Valk for safe pocket. On Emongg’s stream Jeff once said that Mercy was better as a pocket sup. And this is right. Just stop trying to do what she is not created for. It’s like picking Solo-healer 76 or Brig as MT.
(Yeah, I wanna play Mercy as MH too but game conditions just do not allow to. Sad but true)

As a Mercy player, I do think 60hps would be great. That’s the only buff she needs.

60hps would be nice or maybe decreasing the cast time of rez. It takes way to long maybe 1.5 seconds and I would be fine.

Mercy is a DPS pocket and always was. It was never her job to keep tank-heavy comps alive.

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Dodo would know since they derail literally every mercy thread lmao.


Every mercy threads Megadodo is there to derail discussion


Honestly I like the cast time. It feels like a fair way to balance a powerful ability, and it makes me feel more badass for pulling off insane rezzes in dangerous places.

But yeah, definitely buff healing to at least 55 if not 60.

Res always feels kind of k]clunky maybe they could reduce the cast time to 1.5 seconds in valk. Not a huge change just a quality of life especially with the move speed changes.

I could work with that. I definitely think Rez is fine as is during normal gameplay, but i’d be down for a slight cast reduction in Valk. I think Valk could use some tweaking in general.