it feels horrible to play mercy and have to heal tanks or to play tank have a mercy on your team, 50 hp/s is too slow and makes mercy only work in 3+ dps comps. it is impossible to keep tanks alive consistently as mercy, she is not being played as a main healer in most comps
take a look at pro play for example, she is only being played with 4 dps and a hammond or pharah-mercy in combination with another main healer
the only thing mercy needs is her 60 hp/s back and shell be fine, her strengths and weaknesses will balance out
cant heal and damage at the same time
has a very hard time healing tanks
can only heal one target at a time
cant boost and heal at the same time (unlike ana and zen)
cannot heal and resurrect at the same time
very good with dps
dont need to aim
you make her healing good as it was and we’re right back at mercy being the best healer again
whatever the composition is she will be picked 100% again even with deathball comps
mercy will still have her downsides and the other healers will have strengths
for example, one of mercys weaknesses is her not being able to deal damage while healing
Just move on, Blizzard isn’t going to fix that mess.
They screwed up the Mercy play experience so badly that Ana is picked over her in Silver. They KNOW Ana isn’t a good pick, but, they take her anyway because she feels like your choices / skill matters more.
They are NOT going to buff her, because her win rate isn’t bad.
Which means until they have another crack at rebuilding her, you are stuck with a Mercy who doesn’t feel impactful to play.
just move on.
the only reason her winrate is so high is because her pickrate is low
common sense
Her pick rate isn’t THAT low that it causes that effect.
It is just REALLY low compared to what it was pre-rework.
Anyway, they are not going to fix that mess anytime soon. Move on, you will be happier once you do.
mercy has a better winrate all the way to diamond even though ana is more meta
mercy starts to fall off diamond+ but she is still fairly high picked hero on most ranks, buff her healing and she will dominate higher ranks as well
Yep… People would rather pick Ana and lose over Mercy and win.
It says a lot about how she feels to play these days. The meta doesn’t mean anything at the lower ranks… where Mercy has typically always had a massive pick rate over Ana.
But even silver, where they can’t hit the broad side of a barn, people would rather play Ana over her.
Mercy feels like trash to play, so people don’t.
But, since her win rate is fine, Blizzard isn’t going to change her, so… move on.
because they’re just following the meta
if dive or bunker comp ever becomes meta, you will see mercy being the most picked hero again but right now its more deathball which ana is very great at
They don’t follow the meta. They have NEVER followed the Meta.
Hell, Plat doesn’t follow the meta, and you expect silver to do so… most of the players in silver haven’t even heard of the meta.
they actually do
zarya and hanzo meta was one example of every rank following meta
That was a difference in the heroes being buffed or nerfed.
Not a meta change.
Ana has NEVER been picked over Mercy before in silver before. during 3 tank she didn’t even move.
Mercy getting the 10 hps nerf did it. She feels like garbage to play (even though she isn’t).
So people don’t.
Ana feels less Garbage to play (even though at the low Elos she is) so she is picked.
it literally went from dive to deathball + hanzo
that is meta even though it didn’t last long
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Dive never happened in low Elos. Goats didn’t either.
Ana isn’t played for a Meta, she is played because she feels playing her makes a difference. (which is a good thing)
Mercy dropped in pick rate when she lost 10 hps. Her win rate is fine, so they are not going to revert that.
it doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel like garbage to play however.
mercy is fine, if you need to heal more then go moira
I agree. In Her current state she needs 60 hps back.
meta makes everyone adapt
like tracer was the most picked dps in the game in dive meta, if lower ranks didn’t play dive why did she have so high pickrate? why did zarya never get picked if dive didn’t matter in lower elos? how come lucio wasn’t picked either?
meta affects ranks even if they aren’t picking exact heroes their general pickrate still rises
She didn’t have a high pick rate in low Elos during dive. She has NEVER had a high pick rate in low Elos.
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she did though, lower elos are the most players in the game and her pickrate was the highest
as soon meta shifted everyone stopped using tracer