Mercy Needs Buffs

As a support main I think Mercy is trash. The only good ability she brings to the table is her rez ability. If she can only heal/buff one ally at a time she sure as hell could use some buffs. Her healing should be bumped up to 65 hp/sec bc of this. I think her Guardian Angel ability should be exactly that. Add one second to this ability’s cooldown with the tradeoff being that she now gets 20% increased healing/buff to the target that she flies to for 2 seconds. With her Valkyrie, bring back instant rez while the ability is active. Also grant 15% damage resistance to allied targets affected by her healing/buff beam while Valkyrie is active.

Mercy needs buffs, but everything you just suggested is extremely overpowered so I’m assuming you’re just trolling.

All Mercy really needs is an increase to her base healing output. 55 or 60 HPS on her heal beam. Or an R cooldown ability that gives her more healing for a few seconds.

No instant rez ever again.


So Pharah can be healed 65 healing for 2 seconds every 3 seconds?

I believe mercy’s healing was reduced due to her pocket potential and I think 65 healing would be too much, maybe 55 could be tried, but I think due to squishy pocket potential that 65 is too high.


Not trolling, I’m just kicking out ideas. I’m not saying that everything I suggested should be implemented.

mercy’s fine right now, she’s viable in every single rank and we have stats to back this up. her rez is still an extremely strong ability, has best mobility and most consistent heals.


1% GM pickrate for the past several seasons and being picked about 4 times total in OWL, then almost immediately swapped off of to Lucio or Brig after dying or ulting. Sym has more playtime than Mercy. She hasn’t been a viable or meta pick in masters+ for 10 seasons.

So does Zen and look how he’s doing. Consistent doesn’t mean anything in how the game has been going the past several months. Burst and raw healing numbers are all that matter.


she’s being played more than 16 heroes and a strong winrate.
i dont care about owl they play a completely different game basically.
she’s also being picked more than 2 support heroes.
this isn’t even her meta, were in a deathball meta rn.

mercy is more of a hero for lower ranks anyways.

She’s one of seven supports. Why are you comparing her to the DPS pickrates when they have to compete with 16 heroes in that category. Supports always have higher pickrates than majority of DPS. That’s how numbers work.

She’s been bad in masters-GM for the last several seasons, not just OWL.

Both of these supports heroes (Bap and Zen) have been meta picks at one point or another in the last 10 seasons. Zen dominated in GOATS and for a bit last season with Bap. Bap was completely overtuned and got hit with a nerf hammer and yet still is seeing A TON of OWL playtime, so he’s clearly not as dead as people perceive and will probably stabilize soon.

Mercy has been an unviable and off meta pick since her HPS nerf. Through 10 seasons and multiple metas. It’s almost like she’s actually just bad and not “off meta”. I spent the first 7 months after the HPS nerf arguing with Mercy players and saying she was just being held down by the meta, but it’s been a year and a half and other supports have even received heavy nerfs to their kits and/or HPS and she’s CONSISTENTLY been the worst.

Said who? Top OWL Support players have even said she’s super complex and interesting to play in high ranks. Custa, ArK, Swimmer, NeptuNo have all talked about this in interviews or on stream, with NeptuNo even doing an entire interview on OverwatchWire explaining why he believes “Mercy is one of the most complex heroes to play at the maximum level.” She also synnergizes with fast paced comps like dive and with most “skilled” DPS heroes like Genji, Widow, Mcree etc. and dive, all of which are supposed to be viable strats at the highest levels.

Meanwhile Moira and Brig, who are just as- if not more- mechanically easy are some of the top support picks in GM this season, and Moira is the second most picked main healer in OWL.

But ok.


its not her meta

she’s statistically fine in masters/gm and she has been for the last 10 seasons, before that she was must pick OP. she would be even stronger considering how much healing has been toned down.

dude that’s exaggerating

her entire kit is forgiving, most mercy players wanted a rework because they found her skill ceiling to be too low.

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I think I’ll take the OWL support players opinions on how hard she is to play at higher ranks over yours, but thanks. Or my experience maining support in GM for the past 13 seasons. Have a nice night :wave:

no need to be rude, but okay…
have a good night i guess :stuck_out_tongue: (though it’s 5pm for me)

Won’t happen. They are in the process of nerfing healing over all. The other parts of Mercy’s kit just don’t that good. Lucio’s speed boost is just good for a game that has a time limit.

they would have to nerf other aspects to her kit in order to buff.otherwise she would be way to strong in dive comps

All I would appreciate is Instant Rez only in Valkyrie and 55 HPS and Valk 65 HPS. Everything else is fine. They dont have to be in the game, Im fine with 55/65 and Im good.

Nerf other supports if you want Mercy meta. Unless you buff the living mess out of her.

The only way her current kit is meta is if she is a dmg boost bot or blatantly op.

She needs a hard rework tbh

With the way the game is being played these days I don’t think she ever will be. High sustain is key, which Mercy severely lacks. I suppose you can run her as a second support but there are far better choices.

Unless the game changes drastically, I feel like Mercy is always going to feel outdated.

Buffs or no buffs, Mercy isn’t “trash/not playable/ garbage”. She’s statistically balanced. And if she was to get buffs, there should be no revert to instant rez or anything similar to that.

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Mercy is OP with her resurrection. Remove that and then it’s called balance.

here’s what i wrote about mercy =)

Main Mercy here. She is playable but not viable right now. She is good only in some situations.

My only reason to pick Mercy atm is : I have a Pharah > The other healer is a Main DPS with good gamesense (Ana/Bap/Moira).