Mercy needs a rework

Sorry but you cant use playtime much as an argument nowadays. I have 3 accounts with at least 3 stars each for every role.

For example this is my sombra main yet i have a combined 900 hours on zen/lucio/mercy on another account just sayin

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Warning, moderators no longer redirect Mercy threads to feedback thread, they are shutting down new ones.


Sure, right after they fix Brigette and buff Hanzo, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Bastion, Doomfist, Mei, Reaper and Ana.
And possible a Dva nerf tossed in there too.

Well now we instead we are in a situation where we stop healing and put ourselves in a dangerous situation to rezz one person whilst hiding.

The rework was intended to stop mercies hiding - They hide more now than ever to get a rezz off.
The rework was intended to stop mercies from not healing teammates - She now stops healing teammates while rezzing.

As you said, opinions are subjective but what I just posted are facts related to the hero and her changes.


P.s. Thank you for:

I like the fact you said that because it absolutely holds true and some people need to realize that (on both sides)

I agree. But blizzard subjectively changed Mercy because “it was unfun to play against” according to Pro’s
This is a really good read and discussion on the problems with mercy being too boring. nothing to do with balancing as she is pretty balanced just really boring to play.


They hide for 3 seconds and generally not during teamfights if they at least know how to play well lol. During teamfights if a Mercy plays well will always heal her team and if it happens that you’re not the only healer and one of ur teammates died you might rez the player but you know you don’t let your team die cuz there’s another healer and also you’re still participating in the fight considering you’re trying to get the dead player back in the fight…

Actually as far as i know the rework was considered only because of how unhealthy the mass rez was for the game. And while the solo rez might not be healthy it’s at least healthier.

This too
PS: The they I used in the first paragraph was mostly referred to the way I play Mercy and actually do my best with her. It’s just as subjective as everything else XD

The problem with Mercy being balanced is they can’t buff her without nerfing her first.

Except Mercy’s DID NOT hide like you said. If you played her plenty before the rework, you would understand that. We all know running off to hide put your team at an extreme disadvantage, and we also know that mass rezzes for the sake of getting mass rezzes were pretty much detrimental to winning a team fight. 2-3 was much more common, and helped keep the tempo of the fight. Mass rezzes stopped and restarted the tempo. So if any Mercy player understood these points, they didn’t hide. And they didn’t just “wait for the team to die.” That is so messed up.

And if you’re going to blame anything on that front, blame the flawed SR system that Blizzard took forever to “fix.”

How is it more flexible? You use it to heal your team, yet it can’t counter ults. It really has no immediate and extreme fight-swing potential like all of the other support ults.

Flying max distance from the fight, letting your ult remove any healing prioritization is the definition of no engagement.

I honestly cannot understand how it is more enjoyable than an ult that added depth to her play and required much more from the Mercy player in terms of planning, predicting, tracking. Not to mention Valk gives Mercy no distinct moment to shine.

I understand that they are subjective, but I was asking a serious question to try to understand the other side.


I’ve never said you should focus the healing beam to only one target and never switch nor did I say you only need to stay away from the team… The extra range is there to help you.

I might be wrong about this but considering how game changing can the solo rez be that and the ult compensate well together wouldn’t you agree? At least that’s how I see the things.

But if buffing her after nerfing her to compensates the buffs makes her fun, do it. They could make changes to her that would not be overall buffs, just like how you said that they need to nerf her in some ways before buffing her. Check out the “Potential Solutions” section. Those are very creative ideas to change her without buffing her. (sorry for the plug x) )

Which means you have to win the teamfight before you can use your rez. So rezz is not impactful during battle, it simply stops people from having to walk back from spawn (based on your argument)

Actually you don’t. As soon as a team gets a pick they full engage because it’s a 5v6. If you now stop mercy from healing it essentially turns into a 4v6 for the next 2 seconds that mercy is gone which most likely will cost you another death.
Also in any rank past plat people TEND to play main + offhealer. Example: Mercy as a mainhealer for high sustain paired with zen for utility and a defensive ult. Your zen isn’t going to keep the team alive in a 4v6 hard engage.

Jeff himself said that mass rezz was “unfun to play against” you can find it in his video.

And completely unhealthy for the person who:

  1. Depends on the fact your teammate has to die in a sensible spot
  2. Depends on the fact your teammates can and will protect you during said rezz
  3. Puts herself in a dangerous exposed situation (you can’t even GA out mid rezz to cancel it)
  4. Has to stop performing what her kit was built around (heal / movement)

I’m not discrediting your opinion just having a good conversation and hope you feel likewise :slight_smile:

The main problem is everybody can say that he/she plays hero x for x hour and is master and is top 500 …

i have trust issues.

I said generally so it doesn’t mean you can’t use it. For example if your team is doing good in the team fight… it doesn’t necessarily mean you won the team fight… the other team could have their ults at like 90% and while your team is doing good you could try to rez that dead player to have a better chance at winning the teamfight that was about to come.

It’s not the only possibility the other team could also be down 1 player or even 2. Still doesn’t mean the teamfight is won.

Absolutely <3

Did my screenshots prove you otherwise or?

“Mercy was never OP before. She was not a must pick.”

Before is past tense, aka before the present time. If you specified it was before her 2.0 rework, then there would be no assumptions. Please, stating your opinion explicitly isn’t hard.

“You are being rude and hostile to mercy players i never said you were angry at the situation.”

How? Telling them that the devs are not changing her? There’s hundreds of identical posts on the forums. Spamming the same thing over and over is not going to change anything.

“I dislike people who come to the forums whining about others who simply share their opinion.
Mercys describe what they like and dislike about the current changes. You just come here being entitled and rude and basically indicating people should shut up already.”

I think you need to look up the definition of entitled. I’m indicating that this horse has been beat to death already, and that other characters need the attention more. The RevertMercy bandwagon is textbook entitlement.

“I said she can make no gamechanging plays. Every other support can so … what even are you trying to imply?”

She has a definitive impact on the game, maybe not as “bursty” as some of the other supports, but she does have a more sustained impact. There are no implications, this is fact.

“I will give you the adult tip of the day: you can discuss and argue your opinion in a civillized and respectful manner.”

I’ll give you the hypocritical tip of the day: When you accuse someone of belittling, and then you do it yourself in that accusation, it makes you just seem angry that anyone has the counter opinion. Any immaturity or offense you are trying to interpret from my posts seem to be coming from your own anger and bias. This topic has already been discussed and beaten to death. The devs have 10k+ comments on the forums opinion, so why make a duplicate post to parrot exactly that?
At least you could stick to the #DPSwatch nonsense sometimes to change it up.

Was not for you :wink: I trust you.
We only have different opinions.

P.s. I am not arguing from a “omg revert mercy” “she is boring” standpoint. I argue from a standpoint where I can express how her new ult is the weakest support ult to date and her E is counterintuitive to her entire playstyle.

For all I care they can completely remove rezz from the game. I would rather not have a ressurect than a suicide button where people will flip tables if I don’t use it.
I also don’t care much for valk since it does nothing for my team in a real engagement. The only way you can win with valk is:

  1. The enemy uses 0 ults
  2. Your team uses more ults than the enemy

Example: My zarya yesterday used grav and our genji went in with blade. valk boosted us all with damage.
I didn’t do it because it was neccessary or gamechanging. I used it because we were about to capture the last payload point so why not :upside_down_face:
Had I not used it, the result would have been exactly the same.

I know it wasn’t for me I just wanted to make sure you understood I wasn’t lying.

I don’t doubt they are great ideas.

But nerf and buff or redesigning a character is time consuming.

And they got a whole list of characters that could use buffs, meanwhile Mercy is in a “balanced” state.

From a limited resources perspective, Mercy is lower on the priority list.

She’s balanced right now and that’s the most important thing.

While I agree that Mercy is right now a very bulky hero in a weird state, the devs need to put their focus on heroes with huge balance issues.

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If your team is grouped up, there is no reason to switch targets because of the chain healing/boosting.

How is being so far away engaging for you?

Personally, the rez on E feels cheap because you do not earn it, and to use it feels clunky and ruins her natural flow. Not only that, it is so extremely situational to use, unlike any other ability, and can’t really actually be used DURING a fight. And I would much rather have an awesome, powerful, earned ult that allows me a moment to shine and say “Yeah, I did that!” Something that everyone else has.

You are 100% correct in saying that the power of rez on E conflicts with her ult, which is why her ult is lacking in power. It’s something I (and many others) brought up many months ago. The state she is in was quite predictable.

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