Mercy needs a rework

Your arguments are flawed. She was objectively a must pick (see OWL). I’m not angry at the current situation, she is viable and is now much more balanced than before, making playing against her not feel like removing a cancerous tumor. I don’t dislike Mercy mains, I dislike the constant whiny threads, when more important issues need to be addressed. Mercy relies 100% on her team because she is a SUPPORT, and that is and always will be her play style. She is purely support, not offense.

There’s no reason why they can’t at least engage with some of the feedback posted. Discussion in both ways would be a good start. The community would know what they might be prepared to do and work around that, then some changes could be tried on PTR following from that. Right now all we’ve got is a megathread that appears to be used for hiding Mercy related discussions/criticism/negative feedback and zilch from the team in response.


And just like that, she was fixed.

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Nobody discuss that since 2.0 Mercy was op, but before the rework she wasn’t. If you think so, just explain us why during seasons 2 and 3 her pickrate was between 5-0% even with Pharah in her best days, while Ana and Lucio had around a 80% both. Also, explain us why Blizz buffed rez twice before the rework.

People now is angry because Mercy can’t do anything relevant, her entire kit is around holding M1/M2, she has not moments of burst. Resurrect destroys her mobility, contradicting herself as a mobile character, and takes no skill from the Mercy, only hiding from her and maybe skill from her teammates if they babysit her. She can’t carry anything nor save anyone with her ult, which can be drawed even by a single Winston just holding M1. Yes, Valkirie gives survivality, but that’s all. Chained beams? Just focus fire and forget it, nobody will notice. 60 hp/s? Lucio’s amp it up deals only 20 hp/s less healing but he can do what he wants meanwhile, being more or less the same good or even better, and that’s a normal ability that is given, not earned!!!

The problem with Mercy is now beyond balance. Her pick/winrate are fine because her basics (M1, M2 and GA) are strong enough by themselves. However, both E and Q are horrible and feel invested. They need to be changed.

How did he wrote that list? Nice job, and good suggestion about Mercy, I could give it a try at least.


No. She doesn’t need a rework, as, aside from how she feels, there’s nothing wrong with her current state. And you don’t need a rework to make a character more fun and engaging.

My suggestions, ones I’ve repeated in several other Mercy threads today:

  • Reduce slow during Resurrect from 75% to 50%
  • Increase healing rate during Valkyrie by 25%, to 75 HP/s (was 60 HP/s)

[developer comments]
The big slowdown during Resurrect made the ability more easy to counter, but did not make it feel particularly good to execute for the Mercy player. With the increase in speed, Resurrect should feel a bit better, without being much harder to interrupt.

Also, while we feel Valkyrie as an Ultimate is the way to go, we do recognize that it may feel somewhat underwhelming when used, especially when compared to some of the other support Ultimates. The increased healing should make the ability feel more powerful, while at the same time offering the enemy team some more incentive to actively try and pursue Mercy in this state.


I doubt she’ll ever escape the so-called ‘‘unfun’’ situation unless they remove resurrection. However I’m glad the moth-meta is gone and people can actually play other healers.


I’m not trying to discredit what you guys are saying and wanting a response (as a Reaper main I understand not having your voice heard until very recently lol) What im trying to say is blizzard has a lot on their plate rn (hanzo rework, Sym rework, Reaper/Mei buffs, other hero’s like torb that are on their list, Uprising event coming soon) so it may take a while to get a word on our guardian angel.
Sorry if I came off as dismissive :sweat_smile:

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I just played Mercy for the first time since the latest nerf and she’s still fun to play. Her ult adds no real depth and is fun to play against, but I like her core mechanics.

When you play Mercy you can’t think of it as a traditional play style, it’s more like tag where you aren’t it. Because the mechanics of Mercy aren’t that hard to learn, what separates a good Mercy from a bad one is survivability. A good Mercy will know who needs to be prioritized and how they can get to them while also avoiding the other team’s flankers.

I said she was never op or must pick BEFORE her rework. Please reading doesnt take much effort …

You are being rude and hostile to mercy players i never said you were angry at the situation.

I dislike people who come to the forums whining about others who simply share their opinion.
Mercys describe what they like and dislike about the current changes. You just come here being entitled and rude and basically indicating people should shut up already.

I said she can make no gamechanging plays. Every other support can so … what even are you trying to imply?

I will give you the adult tip of the day: you can discuss and argue your opinion in a civillized and respectful manner. Belittling and offending people by telling them to stop stating their opinion makes you seem immature. No one will listen to someone who talks like that and if you think speaking to people in such a rude way will shut them up you are wrong.


They need to finish what they started with Mercy.

I’m enjoying her so much more now than I did before so your opinion counts just as much as mine. It means that while for some she might seem boring others may enjoy her. It’s subjective and you can’t really make changes based on subjectivity.

How can we take you seriously if you only played mercy for a little bit more then 1 hour ?

She used to be though.

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I don’t know, maybe because those stats are not even correct overall.? I’ve played Mercy for way more after the rework. Do you want me to prove it to you?

I would like to see something done about the fun factor, yeah. I especially dislike her ultimate, it doesn’t really feel like I’m doing anything useful when I use it. I haven’t played her outside of Arcade for several months now, and when I roll her in Mystery Heroes I always sigh in annoyance. It has become a joke in my group of friends when we are playing MH and I get Mercy, “She’s your burden, your fate”.

It’s okay I guess, I like most of the characters anyway (22 out of 27 is great, no?). It is just sad that I used to really like her but just don’t anymore.


I love this post.


I like the valkyrie idea, but a single rez with a cast time as an ult seems a little underwhelming.

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How is she more enjoyable? Is it because there isn’t the pressure of making good plays with mass rez? Her core is the same (except the crap rez), and her ult is not engaging nor does it require much thought of when to use and how to use it. There isn’t much risk in terms of failure of Valk usage. I’d say that is flat out boring compared to what you could do and had to do for mass rez.

Sure i can only look at your profil, overwatchtracker and overbuff.

And it tells me the same 1 hour in competitive and 12 min in quick play on mercy.

I’m making screenshots right now gimme a minute or two

Oh well maybe because enjoying something is totally subjective?

Let’s not talk about good plays… Most Mercy players were just hiding from the fights not trying to help the team win them and then just pop out of nowhere(from their hiding spot) and press q… that’s nowhere near making good plays… at least not with some skill or smth.


I enjoy using her ult and you can use it in multiple ways to help you team. I’ve won team fights because of that ult. The extra range and the ability to heal from further away (multiple heroes) from cover is something that’s extremely useful in a teamfight(one you’re actually taking place in and not hiding and letting ur teammates die without trying to help)

You say that. I say that for me it’s more enjoyable.