Mercy, nearly 2 weeks now

very well said OP.

I disagreed with most of the aarguments made by the “nerf mercy” crowd, but the changes Blizzard made didnt even address their concerns. No one asked for these changes and very few are happy with them


After 2 weeks she seems just fine to me.

She dies more when caught out of position and she is stronger when played with teammates, just like she should be.

The version of Mercy makes perfect sense, ya’ll are just drunk on hypermobility juice.

I think a nice thing to do would be to have normal GA be 1.5 seconds again, but using slingshot adds to its cooldown.

1.5 sec GA worked for 6 years in the less dangerous OW1. Yes, in OW2 it became more powerful with versatile and easy slingshotting, so then why not nerf only that part of it?

But overall she’s hardly gutted or anything, still decent to play.

Only if she plays with 4 tanks and they’re all critical the whole time.

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She’s probably stronger from a balance perspective, but I have no satisfaction or joy whatsoever playing her.
Hoping for a revert to GA, but it’s unlikely, so maybe I’ll see something in season 4.

Tweaks need to be made to her CD on GA and tweaks to the synergy in her kit. I don’t necessarily think we need 1.5 back, but I do think there is a middle ground. Resynergizing her kit by default will help her feel more fluid but I do think her GA needs to be tweaked to be shorter so that we can open more play styles out side of pocket along with being able have skill expressions with movement again. I don’t die more often really than I did with the 1.5 CD, I just feel at mercy(ironic) to my dps playing well. I don’t feel like I am able to make as many plays anymore on my own merit like baiting an ult intentionally since it is so risky.

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Honestly, keep everything but reduce the GA cooldown ever so slightly. I’ve noticed I’ve been dying a whole lot more than previously. Granted, I have been trying to play back (and sadly pocket more). But my personal play style of bouncing between everyone no longer works. I struggle to even keep up with a sprinting soldier or blasting off Pharah. Feel as though reducing the GA cooldown could help bring her back up in terms of speed.


The fact that her synergy was broken at all makes me think that they don’t really understand the character. The synergies GA had with beam and rez weren’t accidental they were all pretty clearly tuned to work together in a very specific way. Adjusting just one part of the character without the synergies that are supposed to exist feels very much like not even understanding that those synergies existed on the character.


Yeah they really show with every change to her since OW2 Beta that they have 0 clue how/why her viability and fun factor come from in her kit.

Teasing “adjustments” to Mercy and then only giving her 5 more ammo, for example, was a slap in the face.

Changing her GA entirely in Beta 2 when no Mercy player wanted that to happen, for example, and thus causing her to have insane mobility that is now having to get nerfed.

And then saying they want to make her a better triage healer and keep her fun, but nerfing her GA CD which makes her unfun and clunky and also makes her physically discouraged to fly around and be a triage healer.

And the healing changes which make pocketing super powerful/encouraged and hard-damage amping even more prevalent…

When are they gonna work with the actual top Mercy players on the hero.


This is an opinion stated as a fact, but it is not a fact

Oop- :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Although Dodo will just respond that the Devs stated it as a nerf in the official blog post lol

he’s not very smart then

mercy is crazy now and being played in some metas

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Slingshot delays Mercy’s GA cooldown. Try again.

Mercy’s stats on Overbuff don’t back up the idea that this has buffed her overall. Her winrate tells a different story.

GM, Masters and Diamond has gone down by between 0.5 and 1%
At Plat and Gold it is roughly the same
At Silver it has gone down by 2%
At Bronze it has gone down by 5%.


I’ve survived many more times thanks to the self-healing than i’ve died because of the GA cooldown. Before, it was RIDICULOUSLY low. Now it’s just super low. My healing per game went up somewhere around 1-2k.

I find her more fun because i must juggle my GA CD and my health economy, and am rewarded for it with more survivability.

I don’t understand why you guys think she’s better at hard-cover camping, given she has LESS regen out of combat and MORE regen in combat than before.

I really hope they don’t revert the change because i’m finding her more fun.

Lmao, that would make Ana absolutely broken.

Because her beam and GA changes both encourage hard pocketing a longer ranged DPS than any other playstyle

I end games with like 75% damage boosted now while still almost outhealing all the other supps in the game because its just braindead damage amp until crit playstyle now

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No you see, I’m told Ana is immune to being broken since you have to point and click. They should give her an instant full heal if you headshot an ally. It would take so much elite skill that no one would ever dare to call it broken.

If a dps can 200 to 0 a person with a headshot, why not a support 1 to 200?

(I don’t mean this seriously of course, it is more of a commentary on the issue with Widow)

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Absolutely agree with all of that. I heard a conspiracy theory that this nerf was always meant to be reverted or be “less harsh”, they just wanted a way to quietly get rid of passive regen during valk.

I doubt it’s true, but in some way I wish it was cause they really didn’t have to nerf GA that hard, especially while not touching things like beam linger or not implementing a GA reset after a successful rez. The weird in-betweens are just frustrating.