Mercy, nearly 2 weeks now

But it didn’t work?

They want her to be more proactive as a healer but her mobility nerfs negate her ability to do that.

She was completely fine as is, no one had a problem with her ability to heal. The people complaining about her mobility just need to work on their aim. If anything she’s harder to hit now because it’s more valuable to sit in the back line behind cover pocketing a single person instead of jumping between teammates.

At most implement a change to cut her flight if she’s in the air for x seconds. Prevents her near indefinite uptime around certain characters.


Her mobility was a bit much. They only slowed her down a notch. Nowhere near broken or useless.


um… no.

They increased the CD of her GA by 66%. That hurts if not kills just about every possible Mercy play style except for pocketing.

A Mercy who’s pocketing can still use all the walls she wants to block most long range fire and GA to jump away from any danger that gets close.


It is though? She can’t defend herself or heal herself like a lot of the other supports, she relies on her mobility arguably more than any of them.

All it takes is a single dive character to watch her fly and jump on her afterwards to kill her because she’s now stranded. It’s more valuable for you to just watch a team-mate die than help if you have to fly in view of the enemy team.


This scenario you propose is literally just a scenario where the enemy team is playing poorly, spraying their damage into the group instead of focusing on targets as a team.

“Mercy is stronger when the enemies are playing badly” is not making her better at triage where it actually matters, merely where it doesn’t matter because the enemies are bad in the first place.


She can slingshot herself and keep herself moving so, uh, no.

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Sometimes you outplay others, sometimes they outplay you.

Her mobility was busted before, now it’s brought in line.


You make a lot of posts but never really actually seem to say anything. Just quips but never with any explanation or justification.


It’s a forum. I’m not going to write a novel and cite sources for my opinions.

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Shes had the same mobility since closed beta OW1, or are you referring to the omnidirectional superjump “rework” nonsense, that never should have been changed from OW1, you know the thing that NOBODY asked for? Because that is what should have been changed, not adding 66% longer CD to GA, its been common knowledge around the OW community that mercy players will literally go full apocolypse mode if GA was ever touched (which it never was more or less, not the BASE GA), they could nerf everything else from her kit to F-Tier if need be, but dont you EVER touch GA.
Well they did it, so I understand why theyre upset, ive seen this rhetoric for literal years, and activating my almonds as to why they went down this road knowing full well this would never be well received since GA is generally agreed upon by most mercy players, the only fun thing Mercy has left


According to the fact, that she is still basically in every game, heals more than before and does not die more often and her team is still more likely to win against non-Mercy team - I bet Blizz has all those numbers at hand, too. Why would they change anything only to please some entitled “mains” that cannot adapt to a CD change??

I think that they will change her but not revert the changes. My prediction GA lowered to 2 seconds, lower the heals of 50% HP heroes get. If not they are going to increase valk cost by 10%. If they are extra spicy they are going to lower the HP of rezzed tanks.

While healing 4 crit health Roadhogs, all bunched up.


Same as most people say, Boring and too powerful in pocketing.

Rather play Kiriko or Lucio at this point, atleast my performance is not being actively hindered by players who can’t hit their shots.

Mercy has always been a popular character.

There a lot of things that influence pickrate.

I’ve haven’t seen a big change in my overall heals per match.

Mercy HPS has been redistributed, but that doesn’t really seem to translate to more healing.

Her increased triage healing is good at saving someone from sustained DPS, but is not so good against burst.

There’s a lot of things that can instantly drop a 200hp hero at less than 50% hp.

In many cases, the best defense against burst is to keep people topped off so they can survive a hit.

And Mercy now is worse at topping people off once they’re above 50%.

And once someone dies, the amount of healing you can offer them is exactly zero.

Because smart Mercys are playing a super passive pocketing playstyle.

It doesn’t help that a lot of hitscans got buffed, forcing the pocketing playstyle and punishing peeking and movement even more.

I’m not really seeing that at all.

At least in my rank of diamond/masters, Ball has made it necessary to lean more towards Kiriko, Brig, and even Moira.

Indeed they do.

Curious where you got your data from.


Telling people they cannot adapt because another group of players would rather complain than adapt.


The only issue i have with mercy is that everyone can kill her so easily now while ulting, feeling like it’s a punishment to use her ult e.e

you guys do realize that mercy is being played in the meta now…

what are you evn on about

Fun and enjoyable play doesn’t mean she’s not strong. People know she’s strong. Know the healing changes along with no changes to damage boost just kept her at the A/S their pick as a pocket.

The complaint is her GA is clunky and made her less fun to play as. It messed with the whole flow of her kit.

And that there’s more than likely going to be a Nerf that’s going to just mess up even more of her flow.


this game is not fun

when will you learn

Dunno having a blast on Lucio chilling in arcade and Vs AI where everyone just sorta goofs cause it’s a game.

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