šŸ•Šļø [Mercy] Minimalist rework

Due to a setup on how the controller setup works Angelic Descent actually takes the spot of an ability (alt fire to be exact) due to the fact it canā€™t really be bound to the jump button like it is on PC
THus the only free button is the reload button whil the staff is out. Basically Mercyā€™s E can only be usuable while her staff is out

This version of Rez would only be available during Valkyrie.

How often do you think Mercy uses Valkyrie?

I think a health boost ability done by a press of a button would be really lazy. there was one thread which said mercy gains ā€˜light orbsā€™ by healing her teammates, she gains one orb by healing 250, she can stack up 5 orbs and they can be used to increase HPS or rez (cost 2). i think this would be a much better idea and would reward resource management.

I donā€™t want rez at all. It messes up the balance way too much. Itā€™s legit impossible to balance

But it is on the jump button on console itā€™s tied to both the jump button and alternate fire button on console, I know because I switched alternate fire and jump because of accidental rezzes while using angelic descent

Thatā€™s for pointing that out. And itā€™s good to know.

I know Iā€™ve been told this before, but I wasnā€™t even thinking about it when designing this.

Yah but in expalnation for that design choice it has to do with the fact that it is hard to impossible to look around with the analogue stick and shoot hold the jump button. Hence why itā€™s connected to alt fire. Blizz just didnā€™t think it through when they gave her the current rez.

Agreed I switched jump and rez because it was hard to hold A/X and look around and do all that good stuff

Iā€™d be afraid of Mercy being able to ā€œstab stun meta in the faceā€, because all that does is bring us straight back to dive, only now with a mandated Mercy.

IMO, any hero who is meant to destroy a stun meta should be a DPS or Tank-type of hero so that it actually does something to suppress just rolling dive with it and winning.

The E ability is interesting for a burst heal but keeping Valk with one Rez isnā€™t a good ult.

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen you suggest better Ult rework ideas than this. :slight_smile:

Well I didnā€™t mention it, but the assumption is that you can also heal boost the Valk chain heals to 70hps.

Not necessarily stab as in make it obselete but a very minor stun immunity (like 1 second on an 8 second cooldown) could do wonders if thy refuse to rework Brig and Doomfist

Well, imagine if they applied this ā€œDizzinessā€ status to both Brig and Doom.

šŸ›”ļø [Brig] Replace Stun with Dizziness

Putting my glove in to say they should rework Hog (who Iā€™m admittedly biased for): Tighten his spread and reduce his hook cooldown to make him better against flankers. Then they can nerf Brigitte a bit and still have an effective strategy against dive with the two of them. Then you can change Mercy to counter stuns, and that could put in place a very healthy meta.

Then again, Iā€™m also an almost-fanatical purist of Rock-Paper-Scissors game balance, so take that for what its worth.

Ah yes your dizziness ida. I love that idea and well. How that appplies to doomfist. Well that depends on what else you do. In my experience itā€™s the Uppercut thatā€™s the worst of it though I think they all just work together.

Heā€™s clearly meant to appeal to the fighting game method of fighitng,and juggling is just as frustrating in those games but in those games every single hero has at least some way out of getting juggled.

Iā€™m not again a hog rework though Iā€™m just a tad scared of buffing his one shot potential mainly because I do remember the very first HOg (before even the first nerfs to the cooldown) 6 second on shot. as much as I hate doom Iā€™ll take doom over that non sense from a safe distance.

THen again itā€™s alos important to note that tank busters were even worse thn thy are now so that might have had something to do with it.

So I wonder how many people get the idea that unless thereā€™s something simple like this is put in, the devs are probably going to just do 55hps, or maybe slightly less Rez cast time, and check back in 2-3 months.

As Much as I am deadset on my belief that mercy cannot be fun to play as an balanced without a rework I do see what you mean.
Just one more reason why the current debachle of Mercy and other reworked messes are lessons Iā€™m taking to heart. ā€œWhat not to do when a game devā€

Devs are gonna do, what devs are gonna do. Unless itā€™s ludicrously broken like rework Bastion.
They arenā€™t going backwards. Obstructing them is just going to slow them down. But you can nudge them to the side of where they are already headed.

like I said, something akin to a rework is required to make this hero fun again so if they wonā€™t do that then it really dosenā€™t matter to me.
I can dream of one day putting my angel wings back on before this game dies (no this is not a doomsayer comment about a death soon) but if itā€™s not a rework then I doubt I could find any change they make fun. thus I wonā€™t play her thus it dosenā€™t matter to me