Mercy "Middle-Ground" By ZodiHD

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Thats how McCree is balanced, he has this really OP handgun but has a garbage kit to compensate.

  1. Not all Mercy mains want mass rez.
  2. There are people who want mass rez and people who don’t. That includes Mercy mains. :blush:
  3. I agree that Mercy mains want their hero to be fun and impactful, though I’m pretty sure that can be applied to any main of any hero. I’m not sure anyone would want their hero to be unimpactful and boring / unengaging to play.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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For starters, Res isn’t any more OP than an ultimate that will stop a player from dying like Trance or Nano - it results in the same thing, your team being alive. All healers are given kits that allow them to heal their team through killing ultimates, except for Mercy, who used to be able to do something (bring you back) but now she can’t. Hell, she can’t even outheal a regular Winston tickle gun anymore, what more do you vampires want, her kidneys??

As someone who understood what Mercy was before they gutted her and made her the Moth of the Damned, I wish people would stop saying that Res was OP just because they’re parroting it back because they heard streamers say it. There are so many ults in the game and so many fast moving parts, there is a place for Res, the fact of the matter is that y’all simply cannot get over the psychological bump in the road of seeing that stopping a player from dying and bringing them back to life are literally the same thing.

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I like the changes! While I’m not personally a huge fan of this, your ideas do seem well thought out and constructive.

This is the only part that confuses me. Mercy already has no delay from swapping between heals and damage boost, so I’m not sure what this means?

I guess that shows how much i play mercy, I thought there was a slight delay before the beam took effect. I’ll edit it out, thanks for your criticism!

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I never said that all Mercy Mains wanted Mass Rez back.

I specifically mentioned the “fun and impactful” part because many people think that Mercy Mains only want Mass Rez back.

I was just pointing out that this idea isn’t the middle ground.

For my POV it was, combining the ideas that mercy mains wanted of fun and a form of mass res, while it also being counter able and not usually a mid fight mass res.

It still ultimately fails at coming to the middle ground. It’s the reverse of balancing Mercy perfectly but making her incredibly boring.

So your saying it’s OP or UP but fun?

Not really. You can counter a Transendence by displacing Zen or using an anti-nade. You couldn’t do anything to stop Mercy once she ulted.

Hack her, her allies spawn with 3/5 health so anti them, ult them before the 1 sec period ends, or draw it out for 5 seconds then fight back.

This version of mercy will almost never get a 5 man res, that’s what I aimed for.

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You could kill her. I was shut down often before I was able to complete my Res. The fact of the matter is that all healer ultimates perform the same goal; keeping the team on the field. Res is the same, it had counters before it was altered and given that crappy invuln that no one wanted in the first place and was only added because people said she was ‘too fast’ and they couldn’t kill her, so they decided to give her cement shoes.

It’s almost like maybe if people had just tried to kill Mercy in the first place or accepted that hey maybe she DESERVES TO GET TO USE HER ULT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, TOO! that we wouldn’t be in this mess!

It’s not as if you always have an Ana to nade a Trance, or you can always boop him away - so why is it acceptable to have very reliable Trance in game and not Mercy’s old Res, which was completely possible to shut down??

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Carver, Calm down this is a space for a calm discussion of the changes I supposed above, don’t sit here and be triggered about old res, please.

No. I was saying that this idea is the reverse of making Mercy balanced (not OP or UP) but making her incredibly boring to play. It satisfies the people who don’t want Mass Rez to return but doesn’t make Mercy mains much happier.

The mass rez OP has suggested has a cast time though… And the healed targets come back with lowered health, So… What is the problem with it being unbalanced again?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I thought they were talking about pre-invincibility Rez.

I remember people being happy about this. It definitely was approved of by the community.

That’s something that works in every hero. It also didn’t make Mercy loose her Rez. She would still have it for the next fight.

Hey don’t sweat it, apparently we’re just supposed to be chummy and not disagree about anything or have points of contention, so sure. Mercy was super OP and had to be nerfed into the ground. I think next they should take away GA, her mobility is just way too high compared to Ana and Zen, they really should fix that.

Perhaps some, but I wouldn’t generalize the community there. There were certainly people against the idea as well. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.