Mercy Megathread

You’re right, I don’t know why I started thinking that. Maybe from pairing with Ana’s, my mistake.

It’s ironic, because that’s the kind of change Valkyrie does need. Mercy needs to have a reason to pay attention to who she’s healing, and either letting the main beam target receive more healing or, as I would prefer, letting her toggle to a single-beam with much improved healing would solve some of her power-issues.

Edit* Not sure why the quote wasn’t added, I was responding to you Rusty :slight_smile:

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Actually, that’s false. It does 60hps to both, her main target and the chained ones. If it had an increase in healing for the main target it’d actually feel slightly better to use, because it’d incentivise switching your beam target instead of just having it on the person that will chain to the most targets.

Pretty sure that “hugging the sky box” is just a way of saying that Mercy has no reason to get into the fight and can just fly at her maximum beam range. It literally gives you the means to stay as far away as possible from the fight and still somehow contribute. I much prefer Mercy’s out-of-ult gameplay for that very reason, because Valkyrie is super unengaging as it literally allows you to disconnect yourself from the fight and be mostly save. I’m actually not a huge fan of Valk in general, but at least diving in to resurrect someone gave you a reason to get into the fight. Right now it feels like a glorified spectator mode.

I agree that people who say that she’s useless have no idea what they’re talking about. She is very viable, but her ultimate gameplay is less engaging than her regular gameplay and her E-ability feels like a chore to use with the movement speed reduction. The only good thing that came out of the rework was the bunny hop they added to Guardian Angel after enough people complained when they intended to remove the bug that caused it initally.


Here’s the thing - her ability is so powerful its had to be nerfed to the point where it’s janky to use. We can’t deny that nearly 2 seconds of virtual immobility is a big thing to a very mobile character.

Because that ability is so powerful her ult has to be underwhelming to compensate for it. Its completely reliant on the team as mercy cant get involved with damage herself (or she can but 1 mercy pistol vs 5 boosted team mates most of the time its not worth getting her pistol out). Thats 15s of holding m1/m2. Its a long time to be passive and so long as i hide off the ground behind a wall i won’t die. It’s very boring and without instant rez or lower cool down there’s nothing to tempt me into a fight. Its a long ult to be passive with, but putting rez back into the ult while it’s still an ability would make her op again.

I don’t like playing this version of mercy. While she’s more balanced the mechanics of her ult now force me to heal/boost while my team does stuff and i just don’t die.

Id rather rez was an ult only ability and e a mobility ability. I’d way prefer a shorter, more impactful ult than the current one.


Yes, we complain! Why shouldn’t we do it?
She may be balanced but she is boring. Ofc I am playing other characters, since she is not enjoyable at all…


she is balanced for some people…because she don’t have ultimate anymore


Every thread is a Mercy megathread.

Just a quick update from the old Megathread.

So Mercy Pickrate across all tiers of competitive have fallen to 9.40% with D.Va at 9.35%

Finally the gap between 1st and 2nd are closing… with D.Va finally having a shot for the first time in 8 months to claim 1st place.

Mercy has been dominant since the 2.0 changes with her peak being around 14.5 to 14.8% pickrate.

This is now the 4th week and in the last 13 days she has fallen roughly 5.5%

Now the pick rate is around what she was before the changes brought in with 2.0… so excluding all opinions Mercy is balance on a statistical value but if she continues to drop (like Roadhog did) Mercy 3.1 can be deemed a failure and this change did more harm than good.


It was only 1 second… problem i noticed was DPS kept reengaging the resurrected andbmot Mercy whilst everyone is immobile… i mean in my current comp games Im more or less dealing with her as Moira than the DPS on my team who acknowledge she is a issue but does nothing about it

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Mercy is a low-skill hero. She is balanced in a way that she is good in low tiers and viable at high tiers. (maybe she is a bit up, but I’m not sure why)

And, as much as I hate to say it, her being boring is not a good reason for a rework since it’s a perspective thing. Unless we have a poll with a relevant amount of answers mercy should stay the way she is right now.

Try looking through the actual tiers. She’s only used a lot in lower ranks where in the higher ones she’s at 3% and Ana at 2.75%.

He base game hasnt changed, whats is the imoact we provide to the team, Valkyrie is not as impactful as Resurrect… yes we can heal but it dont heal through focus damage nor as effective as Zenyatta…

Yes we can damage boost, but it isnt as powerful as Orisa.

Its a jack of all trades that eliminate the essence of skillful gameplay for Mercy.

Her base form requires more skill than valkyrie… hence why it isnt fun to play as Mercy in her current state.

Also the sheer reliance on the team… its not fun having your damage boosting valk wasted because your team wont push in… its not fun trying to stagger through an ultimate and unable to protect your team as they take it.

Its not fun having to be forced to play Passive Mercy to increase her current proficiency

And it isnt fun having the first pick of the match denied by Mercy.

1.0 Mercy cannot deny first picks. All the pro’s agree what is most fustrating about the current 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4/3.0 and 3.1 Mercy is the very fact Skill Version Resurrect exist and denies early picks that instantly elimates the early advantages secured for the team.

1.0 Resurrect was an Ultimate, use that up and you have to heal to regain it… it was good for countering ults if timed properly… what it cant cancel out was ultimate waves that came one after the other… there no point in wasting 4 ults…

Like if Zarya traps 5 people and Hanzo ults through them… there no point in Winston and genji trying to ult on that and try and steal potg… instead it should be saved for countering Mercy.

1.0 was heal as much as you can, gain ult… check ult status… watch the flow of the fight making umsure not to get baited into using ult. Find the right moment and resurrect, all the while healing and using guardian angel and engaging in the fight if you were an aggressive Mercy, Passive Mercy would just stay safe and go in for tempo res.

2.0 Mercy eliminated the need to clutch res for Mercy players and it eliminated the need to manage ultimate economy… resurrect is always online 3p seconds after use… in the past if we used our ult but kept dying and couldnt gain much healing done on team mates… we wont have an ultimate ready… our rate is at 1950, Zarya at 1875… it takes 6 minutes to fully charge our ultimate if we do nothing… if we heal just a bit or get heavily contested by Moira or get killed alot, we can only guarentee 1 resurrect ult per round.

This is why the dps community need to wake up and git gud. There no point in having a uber cool and amazing superman vs batman fight with the enemy tank or dps if all you do is feed Mercy as she drags out that fight. Honestly if you can get her, pressure her and kill her. A fight is easily won when the main healer is dead.


Your looking at the weekly data… thats only from last Wednesday to Wednesday

In the past Blizzard shared Data that was closer on a monthly (30 day) scale

Also by doing all Tier you get the average for what everyone is using across the board.

To look at only GM means you are looking at less than 1% of the total community. And thats only 3% of that less than 1% who may all not even be online this week

Also the community is a whole… not just the privilege less than 1% community who claims they know it all.

People like Stylosa, xQc and Seagull etc.

Problem with that is you can make practically any hero work in Plat and below. Sym isn’t bad there due to the lower mechanical skill there but once she gets above Diamond her kit gets shut down immediately due to the players knowing how to counter her properly.

76, D.Va, and Tracer are also low skill heroes, but they aren’t getting nerfs or entire reworks about making their pick rate lower. Why? Because they’re fun. Because they do damage. Because you have more than one or two abilities that actually feel like you’re doing something.

I’m not 100% sure what other people’s definition of “balance” is, but if that means that your ult is not a “game changer” like all of the other heroes’, and one of your abilities is high risk, low reward where you will die more often than not, and 100% of the champions will counterplay you, then a lot more of OW heroes need to have this level of rework.

On the topic of fun, however, low skill champions are great for that. Aside from the fact that, at this point, calling a hero “low skill” is pretty subjective (because what really defines skill anyway?), these heroes let even the most casual of gamers have fun while still making a difference in the game. One of the “low skill” heroes in the support category was Mercy. Now Mercy is no longer fun for anyone to play, and it no longer feels like you’re making much of a difference, which goes against what low skill heroes are designed to do.

Tl;dr: Yes, her being boring IS a good reason for a rework.

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Although I don’t agree with another megathread, given the last one had thousands of posts and had no real communication from the Overwatch team and feedback is easily lost among that many posts, I think Mercy’s ultimate needs looking at. It’s mainly a spectating ability. It has no where near the potential impact that an ultimate by Zenyatta, Lucio, Ana or Moira has.

I think Valkyrie actually shares some similarities with Meteor Strike - they are both ultimates primarily designed to do one thing (healing and damage respectively) but both are mostly used for mobility because the primary aspect of them just isn’t working well enough.

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I think she is some what balanced. But, her issue if the fun factor. No point in playing Mercy if she isn’t fun anymore. Might as well play Moira. Or really just any other support.

If she was at least fun I don’t think there would be any problems with her in current state. But, she just isn’t. At the end of the day this is a game. A balanced hero is great and all but, no one will play that hero if its not fun to play.


Yeah, I tried. I have to admit it is easier to shoot down the allies instead, although she is healing them. But “hard to kill” doesn´t make her ult fine. It is simply more of the same, but with aoe. Nothing to avoid any ult, just useful when there is no enemy-ult included.

Pre-rework Mercy (1.0) was also a low-skill hero. She was only ever viable in low tiers and was considered a troll pick in gold and higher.

Following your logic, there would be no difference between the current Mercy and the previous Mercy. Why then are you so against reworking/reverting Mercy so that the people who actually enjoyed playing her would have a reason to play her again?