Mercy Mains Unite!

So my fellow Mercy mains, whatever -con thing is next (sorry don’t know all them, just know major ones like Blizzcon) you should all cosplay as Mercy, and have picket signs, not to revert Mercy but to nerf all the other heroes into the ground.

Maybe that will get our point acorss!! :smiley:

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It’s Gamescon next!

I think it would be more productive to have a sign saying:

”Rez On E should never be!”


Mmm I don’t think I could pull off those heels (or heals). Good luck with that though. Someone cosplay her Year of the Dog skin for me!

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Unite in peace and be our own Guardian Angel :gift_heart:

Can Rein’s bugs be fixed first?

I think you should dress up in a cardboard box that has a Mercy sign on it and the text “Mercy is as much fun as my costume”


I love this idea, it made me giggle quite a bit.

Of course I’m going to keep asking for Mercy changes of some sort, but I would love the Reinhardt bugs to be fixed as well.


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