Mercy mains dont make sense when they say she "isnt fun anymore"

I honestly wouldn’t expect them to say anything else…they posted on another Mercy thread (a few insults I believe) and then muted it after others called them out. :woman_shrugging:

Well, unintentionally then.
Then we agree to disagree.

Just remember that your opinion of her =/= fact or the opinion of all people who play her. Some other like her still, think she has an impact, and don’t want anymore drastic changes.
I’m not saying you think that about your opinions necessarily, we Mercy mains who don’t fit in with the typical forum crowd just don’t like being marginalized and generalized by the rest is all

I know, that’s why it’s an opinion after all!

In all honesty, I don’t know if it’s hypocritical of me to say, but it’s contradictory for Mercy Mains to beat up other Mercy Mains. :woman_shrugging:

Hm… perhaps you should think more about it?

I’m sure that’s how Widow feels when she ult’s. Without a doubt.

When you heal everyone, swap to damage to confirm some kills, and pull out that pistol to take out the weak Pharah or Widow.

Seriously, I think the people who complain about Valkyrie being useless simply refuse to get better with it or to experiment with it.

It’s really not that much different as someone who’s played since season 1. In fact, remember that 50hps was her original healing rate.

Any hero who has an ult that lacks wow factor like Infrasight or Supercharger have wow factor somewhere elsei n their kit. 1 shot kills are very wow factor after all and tey’re built so easily into Widow’s base kit. Disrupting enemies or stopping ult’s with shields or halt is in Orisa’s kit plus the dps she can do while effected by Supercharger herself is wow factor if you can land shots.

Mercy has no wow factor ANYWHERE in her kit, that’s the better way to put it.

And if you think Valk has wow factor in it then I honestly don’t think you play her. The healing can’t even stop focus fire, the damage boost is Discord Orb for disorganized team, barely noticed by theMercy player herself and the pistol, unless you’re god her. Also the amount mercy’s get shouted at for battle mercy’ing away their ulti is quite extensive.

Also her healing got buffed for a reason and since then there has been a lot more incoming damage

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Except for, you know, resurrecting someone from the dead?
Oh, and being able to fly free during her ultimate? Something that literally no other character can do.

And if you don’t think it does then I don’t think you play her. That or you use Valkyrie poorly instead of the instances where it can work.

There is more burst damage.
Which is damage she has always had trouble dealing with.

you think rez is a wow moment right now?
“oh okay maybe I can get this rez if I hide behind this wall. hopefully that doomfist doesn’t decide to walk around and kill me while I’m a sitting duck”
Rez as it is now is a skill check of everyone NOT Mercy, it’s a Self CC where her positioning is in the hands of the person who died and her survival is based on either the competence of her team in protecting her or the enemies incompetence at capitalizing on the main healer who self CC’d them self.
that is not a wow moment
and free flight, yeah that’s so wow factor, so impactful
I could get the same feeling by going back to WOW and hopping on one of the several dozen flying mounts that can be acquired without even entering combat. it’s a passive ultimate and the only skill required with it is knowing when to pop it and when you do pop it there’s no burst. it’s just 'oh hey I’m pocketing all of you now yay, even with this ult I can’t save even a single person from focus fire though"

So we reduce the healing even more? also newsflash sustained damage has also been buffed in the form of the hitscan buffs recently, just because heroes like Doom and his ilk are overtuned right now dosen’t mean sustained damage hasn’t also progressed immensely from the days Mercy got that buff.

Do you not?

You can make anything look stupid with a contrived scenario. Good job for typing a lot of nothing. You know resurrection is more than that if you’re a decent Mercy player in my opinion.

If you’re thinking is that limited that’s fine, but the rest of us are not so limited.

Or based on how the Mercy saw the team-fight unfold.

Mercy can, if she’s good, use herself as bait to get people away from a dead body, only to use her superior movement to get back and resurrect.

Or, she can pull out her pistol, kill the guy who was 1 shot that just killed her ally, and then resurrect.

To say it is a skill-check for everyone but Mercy seems to be an admission of not trying to use the ability skillfully honestly.

That doesn’t fit your narrative though, so I can only assume you will ignore these examples while clinging on to your own contrived examples.

Hey you don’t like flight, that’s fine, but I do! Who would have thought?
I was actually asking for something like this back when OW first released and Mercy didn’t have an E. I wanted something to utilize the wings more than just Angelic Descent.

It’s context friend. Free flight doesn’t have the same impact there because you can do it so easily with everyone as you admit.
The point of the “wow factor” within OW is that Only Mercy can do it.

It’s a passive ultimate when you use it and the only skill you use when activating it is knowing when to pop it.
Corrected that for you :wink:

Yeah, that’s fine. I still perform fine on Mercy though. Sure, there are times where the teammate would have lived. Sure, Mercy is a little under-powered now. I’m not combating any of those points.

it was the satisfaction of getting revives on your teammates and dodging enemies by using GA, you know, when mercy had value and everyone focused her… but that’s just me. Its also not even about mass rez. The first two reworks on mercy was fun because i got to do something useful (that actually worked) and decided team fights based on how well i was doing as mercy.

Clearly you never played her. It’s quite simple.

Before and after rework, she felt impactful, you had to avoid enemies, heal allies, but her ult felt like it impacted the course of the battle, now its tiresome and slugish, you instinctly get scared of rezing allies because you have to stand still like a moron only for the entire enemy team to dive on you and destroy your hopes and dreams of actually rezing one person, I’ve had several games as mercy where I didn’t rez a single person, that says something. it says “Maybe balanced, but definitely not fun”.

No I don’t, a wow moment should be something impactful that only you could do not something that required babysitting from your team.

Rez IS Limited to one person right now and since everyone who’s played this game in competitive mode above Bronze can tell you first picks are very important, thus unless you’re saving it for that GM smurf carrying your team you should always try to use it ASAP. thus the only question the Mercy player has to ask is can this rez be survived.

You’re bringing up context that occured before the rez even started. baiting people out? really,
and killing off a target that’s already close to dead does not a wow moment make.
and the only “skillful” use of the ability is clever uses of cover, which if memory serves was called hiding back in the days of Mercy 1.0

that flight makes it so only GM Hitscans will ever pose a threat to you while it’s active unless you’re an idiot who’s by the ground for some dumb reason. it takes the fun out of the base kit of Mercy by automating everything and dosen’t even give you actually impactful level healing like other ults taht make healing easier.

enlighten me. what skills exist in this ultimate that aren’t just easier versions of what she already does.
the beams are automated,
her flight makes her almost unkillable to all but masters and hit scan ultimates.
DPS Mercy is hella easier and that’s assuming I want to DPS. until the 50 HPS nerf the healing and Damage boost were a lot more powerful in 95% of circumstances. and if I wanted to shoot people I’d play a DPS where I could do that without getting whinned at for the rez that’s on cooldown or the heals I’m not providing while I’m damaging.

that’s great, you can play the games dainty little sidekick, I’ll play the other heroes I’ve picked up over my 2 years playing this game.
hopefully this upcoming buff dosen’t make her widely accepted as viable or I might have people actually ask me to pick up this sidekick again.

So it needs to conform to what you specifically want. Good talk.

Just because you’re incompetent and unwilling to learn doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be.

If that’s the only question you ask yourself, then fine. It’s very telling, honestly. Perhaps if you thought more before you acted you would see more opportunities.

If you’re not going to accept context with abilities for determining their skill, then how do you determine what is harder to use? Head-shots are super easy to get when the enemy doesn’t move and you have no pressure, so Widow is very easy to play because I don’t consider the context of the match when considering abilities.

Are you for real?

Also, yes, getting a kill and then resurrecting is a “wow moment” lol. You’re so biased it’s borderline sad.

Aha, your giving hints at your lack of skill. Being near the ground with Valkyrie is extremely helpful in certain contexts. However, as we saw above, you’re not willing to consider context lol.

You know McCree has high-noon
I should stay by cover
Your thoughts:
Better get in the air so I’m not an idiot, screw context!

I’m officially done wasting time on this post and on you. I’ll see you later. I suggest you watch videos of good Mercy players and try to think outside the box.

See ya :smiley:

I agree. I still enjoy her but I feel like alot of her impact is gone. not just mass rez being gone but the nerfs took too much from her. She can’t keep up with most of the damage like she should be able to and yes we can fly in valk but her ult otherwise has no impact for the team except for being a way of keeping mercy out of range of a genji ult. any of the other supports can outheal an enemy ult to an extent but she can’t and she is supposed to put out the most raw healing in the game.

I am not saying mass rez needs to come back for her to be fun but her impact needs to come back. I still love her and can play her just fine but I miss what she was starting to become with the changes before the nerfs

a wow moment being something you did alone, something that LITERALLY EVERY OTHER HERO in this game has to some degree. yeah that’s totally so much to ask for, not like she had it in the form of an “unfun” mechanic or “OP” in thecase of 2.0’s dual rez (even though she somehow maintained must pick status after Valk was gutted)

First picks are that valueable, give me any circumstance you wouldn’t rez the first pick that dosen’t pertain to you dying or someone else dying in the process of going for the rez.
ONE reason not to go for rez that isn’t based on one of those two things.

“baiting things out” How the hell you can do that without still being in line of sight of the person who died is beyond me. the only context I’ve ever seen is when getting babysat by others. and what you call baiting ties into the unholy trinity of current rez, if the enemy are so easily duped that’s their fault and doesn’t feel like you did something cool (on the rare occasions this is the case rather then rez just being used behind cover or “hiding”)
and You know as well as I do that you and I both said killing someone who was almost dead anyway. killing someone with one health a wow moment does not make.

One of literally two things in this game that pose a threat to a Valking Mercy in the air and can be avoided with that super fast GA.
So a mere 2 ultimates can make being in the air worse then being close to the ground.
2 ultimates from 2 heroes both of whom have been D tier for I cna’t even remember how long.
and that minor exception (which can also be dodged if you were in the air because of how fast GA can move you while valk is active) somehow disproves my point about Valk making you too hard to kill?
Your bias is showing and your ad homs didn’t help.


Yeah. That’s when people like Calvin and XQC fought over who ‘gets to play her’ because she was fun.

The main complaint about her at that time was “Her regen/hitbox in Valk makes her hard to kill”. Her ult was still 20 seconds too which is ridic. They should have Just fixed her hitbox (Her wings/staff can block it) and nerf her regen then go from there…

But they went straight from 2 instant rezzes to 1 stunned rez.

I think with the current PTR version, if she’s Valking and pulls off the stunned “E” rez, she should get 1 more rez charge. .then it would be okay.

Still not ideal since her mobility is a main part of her kit. It doesn’t make sense that in order to use your e abilitiy, you have to gain a debuff for it to not be OP.

They really just need to move her rez back into her ult and put a mini Valk type ability on E.


I play a lot of heroes, Some I prefer over others. I love Zarya and Winston in the Tank Category, I love Symmetra, Widowmaker, Torb and Soldier in the DPS and I love Mercy in Support. Have I tried all heroes just to see how I am with them? Yes, not all of them click well with me specifically Hanzo, Tracer, Genji, and Reinhardt. But I don’t just play Mercy, She is the character I mainly play but there are games where I just dont wanna be Support. But what Im saying is, Mercy shouldn’t be in a bad position for others to feel good because that’s a false sense of security.

I dont think people used Fun in the correct way, I think they used that as away to go and explain that her engagement was gone, her impact was stripped away and so using the word fun really meant she had lost her shining moment. To most people Mass Rez was just Press Q and undo what the DPS had done but that isn’t necessarily the case. Mercy’s Mass Rez was her way to go in and get that engagement going again and in hopes of winning that time around. It was super nerve wracking when you had Mass Rez and knew you had a big target on your back and knew that others were looking for you. So in a way it was a bit of a Cat and Mouse game it made playing her challenging and it made playing her more cautiously.

Getting an ability to stand still and risk death that cannot be used to swing teamfights into your advantage since it invites people to shoot at you, instead of something that can be used strategically and impactfully is not exactly fun.

Mainly, removing strategy and decision making and needing to think outside of moving around the map with GA makes anything boring.

Moving around is still fun, that’s the one thing that this rework did right. And I suppose free flying is kind of fun again when you can dodge genji ultis. However it’s a bait to get hitscan ultid and when valkyrie itself remains unimpactful, there is very little to do in valk except spectate how the fight goes.

Then they hit the nail in the coffin by reducing her hps, so you might as well glue down the m1 button since you won’t be juggling anything else anymore.

Mercy went from having a brain to less brain and even less impact and that’s why she’s mostly less fun than her mass ress iteration. It’s possible for a character to be good, fun, impactful and still balanced hero. Such as Zenyatta.

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Actually, Never played Comp as Mercy until after her Rework :smiley: But once I saw how OP she was, I instantly stopped playing her because it wasn’t going to be fun for my friend to have me carry him. Also Never Hid and Rezzed :slight_smile: I was always out in the open. ^.^ Hide and Rez those who exploited it did it for their own intentions but I never once did ^.^