Mercy mains dont make sense when they say she "isnt fun anymore"

For me, Mercy has always been fun. Her kit has been amazing, even it was strangely shifted. Her character, mobility, and role all spoke to me from the beginning to now. I still keep playing her for those reasons.

Mercy has become less impactful and less engaging the more nerfs she received.
The rework lowered her skill ceiling, which meant that your character now peaks far lower and her potential is far less in competitive scene. The devs intentions were to make her more engaging by making her do the exact same thing she already does before her ultimate, only in ultimate it’s easier and you can go upwards.

Regardless of that, she was still engaging enough to play until her healing rate was absolutely toned down to these levels.

She is a hero of her class that can’t do her job properly. If Mercy could put out her healing and do damage at the same time, then the healing strenght wouldn’t be an issue.
You can’t engage in a fight nowadays, because either your healing can’t keep anyone alive, and you don’t have a dps option to harm the enemy while you’re healing.
If a mercy whips out her gun, she is almost immediately scoffed to go back to healing and stop doing damage, that’s because her main role is to heal. Yet you can’t even do that properly anylonger.
You have no role in you team, and it only feels frustrating to play a hero you love that cant do what they were designed to do.
Much like if reaper was now nerfed in damage enough so he couldn’t properly take down tanks, or Tracer having 10 second cooldown on her blinks. Defeats the purpose of the hero.

Bottom line is, I think for many MMains, is that they want their hero to do -something- properly.
Either let her healing role be good enough to sustain, or lower it more and give her the ability to do damage as well, like the other supports do. When she does none of those things properly, it makes people frustrated. Power has been taken away from the player and all anyone says to the complaints are
“Just pick another hero”

Of course it’s just my opinion here, as OP asked. But I do think it’s just the frustration over the hero they love to play being pulled down so far when there were other options to create the balance. No one wants mercy to be op like she used to, even mercy mains protested against it then.
And then the comments of plenty come in about how you should simply adapt to it, by the same people who refuse to adapt to counter brigitte.

Wow that was long, I’m sorry. :smiley:

And I can point out that this is simply ridiculous. Sure, she has less impact and can’t help people like she used to, but when I resurrect someone with their ultimate and we win 3 v 5, I had an impact.

I haven’t seen a locked Mercy thread in a long time … :thinking:

Doubt it since it’s literally impossible. That being said, some can agree that mass Resurrect was fun and one of the reasons behind this is how engaging the thought process was; this part you can’t dismiss as subjective since it’s objectively true. Anyway, I want people’s concerns to get addressed rather than ignored simply because their opinion may be the minority and is just subjective opinions. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

sums it up perfectly.

people confuse hide n seek so much. I have seen so many claims of hide n seek (die on point for mass rez) then when people explain what the mercy did its not hide n seek. A mercy peeling back then to avoid a slew of ults was not hide n seek it was taking cover to recover the damage to the team. A mercy caught in the ult slew was useless. A mercy who only went for the 4-5 man rez was useless as well because 8/10 teams(Diamond +) would ult economy (ironic because most ppl just throw ults now) and turn that 4-5 man rez into a longer team respawn time. Which by the way was a huge price to pay on control maps.

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But that’s just it I enjoy playin* this hero, I’ve tried the other supports. They’re not fun to me. I don’t want entry vs pro characters. I want all characters to be viable no matter the rank.

If you only play one hero in the entire game, a game made up of 28 heroes with only more to come, that’s your problem. Having every hero equally viable regardless of accessibility/skill is unhealthy for the game as a whole. Heroes are allowed to have niches, and pushing Mercy in that type of direction would likely be what’s best for the game UNLESS they overhaul her dramatically instead.

Sure, you had an impact. I’ve done that before as well, but it’s short lived. I’m talking about how it feels like you cannot keep up with the burst damage anymore, there’s an ability in her kit that is sluggish compared to the rest of her mobility, and Valkyrie is more like a spectator tool to watch your teammates die because of the lack of healing she provides. She doesn’t have much of an impact.

I seem to remember multiple Mercy threads being locked—that’s been brought up a few times by others on the forum. I also remember that Titanium (I don’t know if you know them, but I’ll assume :slight_smile:) was banned for Trolling I believe, which they don’t.

Yup. And that’s why more people are turning to it. Unfortunately this leaves the team in a similar situation where all offense Moiras and Ana’s are in. The difference is, their healing makes a difference Mercys doesnt.

A lot of players want their healing to feel like it’s doing something if she were to remain a main healer. Otherwise just rework her to be an off healer.

As it stands right now if we play her battle mercy style yes were getting the best value out of her kit, but a lot of people get so toxic in seeing the pistol it’s hilarious.

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I can perfectly explain why Mercy isn’t fun anymore. Ever heard of dopamine? It’s a chemical for pleasure your brain releases when you overcome an obstical. For example, your brain releases more dopamine when you 1v1 a tough opponent and win, as suppose to effortlessly defeating someone who is weaker than you.

Mercy 1.0 gave mercy players extreme dopamine when they’d work their a$$es off to get that triple or quadruple rez. It was all for that one moment. Now imagine taking this reward away. You’re then just left with all this work to do with no sense of reward. That’s how Mercy 3.0 is now.

No one will take you seriously if you use strawman’s as you can’t argue the actual point they are trying to make. You don’t get to decide what the person you are arguing with is saying, you need to hear what they are saying.

Well that’s your opinion.

Yet the ‘opinion’ of mass res being unfun to play against by XQC and Seagull plus with the forums caused Blizzard to give Mercy a rework that I didn’t want.

Her movement speed, ga speed, ga reset have been nerfed…

And flying isn’t fun when you just have to use the last few seconds of it to find a cliff to jump off of since your team is dead and you need to reset now.

So, a short lived impact doesn’t count as an impact?
The impact isn’t short lived if it means we won the game.
I think you’re intentionally framing this in this way.

She needs some weakness I think. I don’t think Mercy should be able to do as much burst as other healers, but I do think she could benefit from burst healing in some way.
It’s true, she cannot keep up with burst damage, so this “doomfist meta” really works against her, sure.

I’d change up when and how you use Valkyrie then. Sure, it works out like that sometimes, but there are times Valkyrie has an impact. Also, it’s getting buffed/reverted so it will be even better.

I don’t agree. She’s weaker than most supports right now, sure, but she still has an impact. She just needs a little help.

They were locking them for awhile, yes, but not recently. I think this is because there are simply too many now.

I know Titanium and definitely disagree with most of what they have to say about Mercy honestly.

I’m pretty sure GA has been repeatedly buffed since release?

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Jan 30, 2018

  • The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been decreased by 50%

Oct 17, 2017

  • GA Cooldown no longer resets when Resurrect is activated

I can’t find the patch notes for her movement speed nerf but it was changed from 11m/s to 9m/s

(HOWEVER- Her GA is still perfect imo.)

It was misleading to say “ga speed” was nerfed then.

Mercy is less fun because now there’s less thinking about it. Valk does everything for you , you just have to fly around.

Also , Every Ultimate has that “WOW” effect. Like when you do something , you’re like : WoW look at me , I did a great job. OR It looks awesome.
Valkyrie just increases the Beam’s range and you can fly freely - Where’s the WOW effect? The “Hero Moment”?


60 HPS and instant rez. That was the only Mercy I enjoyed which is vastly different to this current one. If you cannot see that, Mercy mains are not the problem, fam. You need some cinnamon toast crunch to gain deeper understanding, apparently.

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I wasn’t intentionally framing anything a certain way…but while I don’t agree on everything with you I understand where you are coming from :blush: