Mercy mains dont make sense when they say she "isnt fun anymore"

mercy plays mechanically the same as she did since this game came out, except she doesn’t have a mass rez. she has not changed in any big way at all. same movement speed, shift, healing beam range.

there is literally nothing stopping you from having fun on mercy. mass rez is not “fun” it was pressing the Q button. if anything valk is more “fun” since you can fly.

what is stopping you from having fun exactly?


Fun is subjective, Mercy has always been fun to me, but it’s her impact and engagement that was taken away. That’s what I miss


Most people Play heroes for the mechanical core.

I like tracer because I like blinking around going pew pew pew
I like Hanzo because I like aim with arrows and doing lot of damage.
ect ect.

Because Mercy doesn’t really have a strong mechanical core she doesn’t have this draw that most other heroes have.

People who pick mercy are more focused on thinking of when to do what and when. They seem to fill right now there is less thinking when you play mercy which takes away from why they liked her.


Okay sure, but he speaking mainly to people who say she was fun at one point, but isn’t fun anymore.

i mean, i can “pres the q button” or i can “press the q button and then afk wasd strafe” if we’re going to do that things of calling one a button press, then do it to both, i mean it’s kind of dishonest not to, right? you know that yeah?

or we could compare flying to resurrecting the entire team from the dead

but when you go and mix button press with the core fantasy of the ult? i mean come on my guy, really.


Yeah and the claim is there was more thinking on old mercy.

New mercy is just press E if anyone does then pop Valk in any team fight you have a slight edge in to secure win.

I personally don’t care, but that is the argument I have gathered from reading mercy thread


I think they need to make Valk more interactive and put Resurrect into Valkyries interactive ness. Smashing Resurrect and Valkyrie into one ultimate. Making it like a lock on mechanic similar to McCrees ultimate. Then she has room for an E ability that lets her be active during a team fight.

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i get that they removed a big “impact” ability from her but how the hell is pressing q on dead bodies “engaging”

she was actually less engaging before now she flies everywhere


It’s their straight up denial of the obvious (They just want their mass-res back) that makes the forum community stop taking them seriously.


they don’t want mas rez they want a more eh “skillful” mercy that is fun to play like ana or some sort of skill floor increase

but that’s never gonna happen since mercy is beginner friendly


Ok… but I think it was the feeling of “cat and mouse.” Mercy was much more targeted and staying alive during a team fight back then was 100 times more important than it is now, since you were carrying a really impactful ultimate. Now you can stay alive but Valkyrie isn’t that impactful so you can just be left alone since your healing is easily burstable.


You simply find fun in different things.

Mass Res made you think.
Valk doesn’t.

For the people who prefer strategy over number of button presses, yea, Mercy lost some value when she was reworked.


Sure, that’s what they claim, but the fact that they never support original ideas, constantly defend mass-res, and cry “Old Mercy was fun” speaks a different narrative.


Not all of us do, I don’t, and some do but with changes to make it less frustrating and more counterable.

I personally would like big changes or a rework. THAT DOESN’T PRIORTIZE ONE SIDE’S FUN OVER THE OTHER! Both should be considered equally important.


as long her ga is untouched, she is funny enough for me. sure her ultimate is unfun and underwhelming.
i mean zenyatta is boring, ‘fire and forget’ orbs and dmg spamming.

aim ≠ fun
no aim ≠ unfun

Mass revive was all about resource management, risk and reward. It was the fundamental most iconic and identifiable part of her kit.

Deciding when to revive or not to revive and hold on and allow yourself to just be wiped was core fundamental decision making gameplay. Few abilities in this game come even close to the risk vs. reward element of it.

And no hiding and reviving was never an effective strategy. This was a myth that I’ve debunked in a prior thread I made.

Also Mercy was considered F-tier since release so she was never OP because of mass revive.


Whenever this comes up people argue that Mercy got more stuff to do than before and that that must equal more fun. But for me, most of the stuff she got is actively hindering my enjoyment of the hero.

I dread having to use Resurrect because it makes me feel like I’m walking through quicksand, but I have to, because it still has insane value to bring someone back after they died. Valkyrie used to be more engaging because of it’s synergy with the instant Resurrect in it’s first iteration. The idea was for Mercy to be this flying goddess that’s swooshing down to resurrect the fallen, and that’s a really cool concept, but it was also insanenly overpowered that way. They never found any compromise to bring back that feeling of impact, so now it just feels like a glorified spectator mode instead.

Even her core gameplay experience got less fun because it is not fun to struggle to play the role of primary healer with her nerfed 50hp/s. She got that buff to 60hp/s for a reason back then, it even said in the patch notes that it was to “solidify her role as a primary healer” and there is a LOT more damage in the game now than there was back then.
They also removed a lot of the interactions damage boost had with certain ultimates, thus taking away some of the decision making Mercy players had to make. I used to always keep in the back of my head to stay near D.Va when she had ult, because my damage boost could be the difference in securing kills or not. Now I can’t make a difference anymore.

The only good thing and the only thing that makes me enjoy Mercy nowadays is the bunny-hop and super jump that got added to her Guardian Angel. Her mobility is hands down the best and most fun thing about her.


This is always important to remember. That fun is subjective. This was the first argument I sued against the people who said mercy isnt fun anymore. I saw this so much that is actually tried to player mercy and started to play her more and more. Before my support was Lucio or Zen if I had jumpy teammates. I did find her fun and when I brought this opinion to other players they said that since I didnt play Mercy before my opinion is invalid.

I dont really care about such arbitrary concepts like that. Ill enjoy Mercy while they pout in a corner.

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I just want her to be viable in GM games, that’s all which she isn’t.
Currently, we’re in a no Ana no win meta and I hate it.
Some days across this week she’s at a 16.75 percent pickrate x 6 and that’s 100 percent. This week Ana is sitting at brokenly overpowered Mercy pickrate in gm.

When Mercy is OP it’s ‘nerf mercy’ when Ana is op it’s ‘It’s fine, skill, skill, skill’
Nerf Ana or Buff Mercy and Moira, it’s not hard and it must come.


I don’t play Mercy much anymore, but when I do, she’s fun. The forum unfortunately is infested with the Mercy Main vocal minority though.