Mercy mains are doing what they got mad at flanker mains doing

Tripple Jump… Bug at almost exploit level as you could almost traverse a couple of maps with it in an Instant.
Dragon Blade… Ultimate that Still has the potential of quickly wiping an entire team regardless of barriers or even positioning.
Current and PTR Valk: Glorified Spectator Mode resulting in a Broken and unwanted rework being gutted down the drain.
Aside from that… even after Genji’s few nerfs… he was still pretty much a meta hero. Mercy is more trollpick than anything else right now.


Yeah. I feel that. You can really tell that people really just shut down their brain after they see the word “Mercy” and don’t even stop to think about if anything is reasonable or not.

They could literally halve her healing, remove all her mobility, and cripple the character, but people would still complain that Mercy was fine and OP and that people are just whining.

People just can’t understand how incredibly infuriating and frustating it would be if their own main hero got treated the way Mercy has been for the last year.

I literally had one person respond to me, “Mercy isn’t supposed to be impactful.” And I was like oh my god are you kidding me? Is this real? Is this a real take by a human being? What kind of game design do you have where you create a character that isn’t supposed to have an impact on a match?

But no, the instant Mercy is involved, it’s just all blind hate, and all logic and reasoning goes out the window.


I see so many posts like this. Like, do people really not understand just how bad it is? Mercy has been reworked for over a year. The reason Mercy mains have complained for so long, is because she has been completely dysfunctional for over a year. I feel like people forget the fact that this isn’t just a quick change or two that happened a week ago. Or a month ago. It has literally been, nonstop nerfs after a rework no one asked for resulting in endless hate and flaming for Mercy nonstop for not one, not two, not three, not four, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8, not 9, not even 10, not 11, not 12, MORE THAN TWELVE ENTIRE MONTHS.

Of course Mercy mains are upset because we haven’t had a functional character in over a year, and despite this, Blizzard refuses to listen to any feedback and the changes they make do nothing to solve the problem. But when people say things like “oh other mains don’t complain like this” no other hero in the entirety of Overwatch has been screwed over as much as Mercy has for over these last 14 months. And that is not an exaggeration. (Though Bastion also has it pretty bad, but that’s a whole other can of worms).

I see so many people complaining about how “oh my main got nerfed once and I didn’t complain for 12 months” as if one single minor nerf that barely impacted a hero’s ability to impact a match or ability to be fun or ability to do what they were designed to do is in any way comparable to Mercy, who literally does not function as a hero anymore. She is a dedicated primary healer, who cannot outheal a winston with her ultimate ability, and consistently loses to Moira in healing despite doing nothing except healing for 95% of a game and having next to zero combat ability.

And as for “just don’t play her then” I basically don’t. I’ve been using Sombra and Symmetra and others recently because Mercy is so god-awful to play now, but the thing is people shouldn’t have to stop playing the character to make functional changes. Also, don’t even act like that would spur blizzard to do anything. Torbjorn and Symmetra have had some of the absolute lowest pickrates in all of Overwatch history, and it took them over 2 years to rework Torb, and one whole year for Symmetra. Also, like I said earlier, Bastion has had some of the lowest stats since launch, and he is still being ignored to this day. It’s not as simple as “stop picking her and they’ll fix her”.


It actually isn’t a buff though.

I mean I understand you’re trying to make a joke and I appreciate that, but you and I both know this isn’t a buff. Mercy already had healing in Valkyrie for 60hp/s a month ago and had 20% more healing a month ago (~20% ult charge more). Giving 15% more ult charge is even less.

It’s not a buff.


Mercy Survey - Results?

There’s some stats, read them.


Just to explain: Mercy so far holds record of repeated nerfs - over 14 nerfs in a row.
Don’t think any other hero got nerfed so many times in a row, which by itself is sign of how terrible rework was.


Kinda sounds like how part of the Mercy mains blame dps mains for everything.

But hey lets ignore that :man_shrugging:


There is some point in that: flankers didn’t like to do their job and keep Mercy dead, so Blizzard tried to make sure she never backs from the fight.

After all, DPS mains are majority of this community, with DPS category having more heroes than tank or support.


Yeah just keep Mercy dead, easy.


Just to remind you: Mercy had no independent mobility back there. Unless there is teammate to fly to, she is easy to kill. She didn’t have high firepower or other ability to keep flankers away on her own either.

Funny thing is that nothing changed in that matter, except Mercy now can be ignored with no severe consequences. She still isn’t hunted, but this time there is little reason to.


So basically I pray to the gods I have a flanker main on my team or I’m literally going to see a 5 man-rez? Or go Dva and look around for her before we attempt to win a fight?

Not doing their job is not an argument anyone queing into a competitve game will do what they have to do to win.

You still see flankers forcing Zen’s trans out, yet they don’t complain about that, because they don’t have to go around the map looking for where the Mercy is hiding and her team doesn’t have to go with out heals because “mass-rez” hide and wait for them to use ults

Yes actually something changed she’s on the battlefield doing her job and can be punished if she makes a mistake.

But tempo-rez! I mean the devs themselves said that hide and rez was a thing… sorry gonna take their word for it.

They could say whatever they want, but hide and rez wasn’t a good strategy.
Unless you spend your ults killing team with no main healer present, you can wipe them second time, even if no one was looking for hiding Mercy.
Now hide & rez is only way to make sure your rez goes through, that doesn’t rely on other team being bad or your team defending you.

Flankers don’t complain about Transcendence, because it can be ignored with correct hero pick, or even with nanoboost applied. So why would they complain, if it takes one burst hero/nanoboosted ult to slice other team right through it?


have you even played overwatch before mercy’s valk rework? 5 man rez was as rare as a 5 man blade or bomb and could be countered by simply not pumping out every available ult on your team so you could get another team wipe after the rez :>


It’s probably biggest mystery: why players used ults against team with no active main healer? Was it fight for POTG? Or just no patience to kill them normal way?


Fun fact: Good Zens hide behind a corner doing nothing if they expect a teamwhipe to happen


It’s called using cover, which often is mistaken for “hiding”.


You do realise that the team with a Mercy is still trying to kill the enemy team right? You’re picturing a perfect scenario where the other team wipes everyone without anyone on their team dying and then a random Mercy rezes and all 6 of the teammmates are ready to wipe them out again… yeah that doesn’t happen…in most cases you already lost teammates and with out rez on your side you will be out numbered.

I’m actually glad you said there’s a counter for trans other than killing Zen… wish I can say the same for mass-rez.

They watch their whole team die? Thanks for the new info.

If I used “taking cover” people wouldn’t understand it because if Mercy doing the exact same thing it’s defined as hiding

You do realize, that with enemy team without main healer keeping them alive, other team has an advantage? And they can see that Mercy is missing, so resurrect isn’t unexpected.

Resurrected teammates can’t move for a few seconds, so you got time to set up headshots/ults and make sure they won’t have a chance to fight you. For instance, Deadeye was locking on through invulnerability, so if McCree had an ult, all or most of resurrected teammates will die with no chance to react.


Hammond Ult, Torb Ult…