Mercy mains are doing what they got mad at flanker mains doing

(Mandatory “this doesn’t apply to all mercy mains, just the loud majority who are complaining on the forums”)

Remember when genji got his nerfs with 8 second DB to 6 seconds? and the triple jump taken away, the mine bug fix etc. Genji players wanted triple jump back. They asked for weeks, nothing happened. We were told to give up, that our hero is balanced now, you need to learn to play other heroes etc.

So why is it that mercy is somehow the opposite? You belittle other classes for not being willing to switch heroes (granted i here more people say this when talking about brig, but still), yet when mercy enters the equation, all the rules are suddenly subjective.

Look, it’s obvious you don’t like the changes. That’s fine, you don’t have to. Let the game go as its been going, and mention them every once in a while. Did you see roadhog mains complaining every day that he sucked? No! And look what happened. He just got buffed. If you don’t like mercy’s state that’s fine, but be civil about it. Don’t make every thread a mercy thread, don’t bring it up EVERY SINGLE BALANCE PATCH. Listen to the advice you gave others, adapt, or move on.


Mercy mains: “Give Mercy a Buff!”

Blizzard: gives mercy a buff

Mercy mains: ThIs IsN’t A bUfF!

  1. Prove it’s the same people
  2. Genji didn’t get reworked he just had one mechanic removed that was making him more mobile then he was intended to be and had a minor tweak to an ult so it lined up with Trancendance.
    Much less

Huh? Pretty sure I wasn’t even on the forums at the time, nor do I care if Genji mains complain about their hero. So, you can’t say “Mercy mains did this” as I am one and I did none of that.


Mercy is a bad example of belittling other classes, brigitte is.

They will literally tell you that you’re bad and need to switch, yet they can’t do it against doomfist.

I see them use so many arguments to attack doomfist that they spent hours refuting when it was used against their own hero


It’s not a buff, it’s more like a bug fix.
Before Mercy’s healing reduction, she charged Valk in about 41 seconds of constant healing.
After her healing nerf, it took about 49 seconds of constant healing to charge Valk.
With the so called “buff,” Mercy now charges Valk in about 41 seconds.
If anything it’s a revert


Some say that to this very day, the best of the best at Merriam Webster are trying to figure out how reverting a nerf isn’t a buff.


funny guy huh

This much facepalm in one post should qualify as attempted murder.


If Mercy gaining 10 hps on her ult, and an ult charge cost decrease doesn’t count as a buff because it was a revert, does that mean reducing Mercy’s healing to 50 hps doesn’t count as a nerf since that was just reverting it to it’s original value?


God it is so frustrating how people don’t understand the difference between Mercy’s case and how other heroes have been handled, and constantly flame and harass Mercy players for being “whiny” or “entitled” when they would be completely outraged if their own character was mistreated this way.

Genji still functioned after the triple jump nerf, or the DB nerf. He is a mobile, flanking, dps hero. He still has mobility. He still does okay damage. He can still dash around and flank and do Genji combos, and most importantly, he is still able to kill people and retains impact during dragonblade. It’s not like after the nerf, he lost his ability to do his job as a dps and kill people.

Mercy, on the other hand, basically does one thing, and one thing only. She is the only dedicated healer in Overwatch, to the point where she has practically zero combat ability. The devs themselves have said in plain text, Mercy was designed to be a powerful, dedicated single target healer as outlined by her design philsophy. Yet, after the most recent nerfs, she is consistently being outhealed by Moira with Lucio and Ana close behind, despite doing practically nothing except heal all game, in which even her ultimate, her ULTIMATE ABILITY as the one and only dedicated healer, could not outheal a Winston’s damage. Mercy is literally designed to be a dedicated healer, yet consistently loses in healing output to her competition. She fails at the one thing she was designed to do.

And you don’t see a problem with that? It baffles me how people can look at the state she is in and not remotely see any kind of problem with her in where she is now.

And so, after an unjust nerf that had absolutely nothing related to why the character was so dysfunctional to begin with, now that it isn’t even fully reverted, just partially, we’re expected to be happy and “grateful” for the “buff” she gets? It’s like slapping someone in the face, and then telling them they should be grateful as you give them a bandaid afterward.

Literally, think about if they treated Genji, or anyone else people use this way. If they just completely gutted Genji, so that his shurikens did practically zero damage, and he could not kill even the squishiest characters like zen, and made him slow and sluggish to use, making deflect root him in place unable to move for 3 seconds, halving the dash distance, and then after several months of having him be completely dysfunctional and unable to do any significant damage or ability to get picks, they only partially revert him, ONLY DURING HIS ULTIMATE, and then people have the gall to yell at you about how your “whiny” and “entitled” for not appreciating the buffs.

I dare people to actually think about what it would be like if their own mains and characters were treated this way, and dare them to see if they would not also be infuriated, offended, and outraged.

The comparison you draw isn’t fair at all, and isn’t an apt analogy. Mercy literally does not function in the one role she was made to do. You can’t compare that to minor nerfs to Genji’s kit that have left him otherwise largely unaffected in terms of playstyle and effectiveness.


ana should be the best single target healer, not mercy. moira is the best burst healer, and mercy is the most mobile main healer/has damage boost. You pick her for survivability and utility. Yes, moira will outheal mercy in goats. Thats the comp… Yes ana will outheal her when the person she heals in antinaded. Thats her kit… You know what mercy does? She makes a damage boosted hanzo shot 1 shot tracer in the body. She makes genjis ult do what nano boost does. She flys around every 2 seconds moving positions, compared to ana who has no mobility. Mercy has upsides, we use her for our master/gm scrims all the time. She’s just not used over other healers in every situation. If you think mercy is unusable idk what to tell you.


I highly doubt Mercy mains were complaining about Genji’s double jump. I HATE Genji and even I did not care about that.


lmao at this point of the game if someone loses a job or someone’s parent dies is Mercy mains’ fault.
This community is so sad, honestly.


Hence the disclaimer.


Not gonna make this a Doomfist thread. But it’s easier to avoid a Brig than a Doomfist, at least as a Zen main that is.


If you’re a zen playing into doomfist, you need to switch to someone like Moira or mercy.

Like tracer and genji playing against brigitte

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People who do not find Mercy fun now will never find Mercy to be fun ever again. Blizzard are not going to get off their behinds to spend the effort necessary to make any significant changes to her kit. The only changes that will happen from now on is numbers tweaking. For many Mercy players (former and current) who bought Overwatch solely for playing Mercy, because Mercy does not play like a FPS hero but more like a MMORPG hero, it means there is no longer any point in playing Overwatch. For those people Overwatch as a game is no longer worth playing and switching to another hero is not appealing at all, at least not to me.

Mercy is never going to be fun to play again for me, so I will never play Overwatch again. The last time I ever played Overwatch, or any Blizzard game for that matter, was January. Blizzard abused my trust and lost me as a loyal customer forever.


Quite a lot of people are just happy they dont have to deal with Mercy anymore.

Empathy and understanding? Thats something you wont find here much.


It’s because Militant Mercy Mains literally, everyday, make long winded posts about it. No other main does this. The closest I can remember are D.Va mains when she got nerfed (last year?).

The character changed, Blizzard thinks she’s in a good place. Disagree? Stop playing her or stop playing the game. Obviously the PR campaign isn’t working so vote with your wallet, so to speak, and let her pick rate plummet. Until that happens the design team isn’t going to look at her.