If Mercy’s Resurrect acted the same way as Lucio’s Sound Barrier it would’ve been a balanced ultimate in the sense that instead of shields being given to allies it would be burst health restored.
Lucio’s ultimate plays out like this.
- During his ultimate voice line, he goes through a 1-second animation before the shields hit his allies
- Any player not within sight of Lucio doesn’t receive sound barrier
- Any ally standing behind an enemy barrier doesn’t receive shields
- Lucio receives shields after the animation and 1-second cast time completes
How Mercy’s ultimate (Resurrect Q) should’ve been adjusted to add counterplay.
- Mercy’s ultimate goes through a 1-second cast time announcing that she is in the process of Resurrecting her allies with her iconic voice line.
- Ally souls need to be in Line of Sight of her in order to be Resurrected
- Any ally souls behind an enemy barrier will not be Resurrected (If you can’t kill an enemy standing behind a barrier you shouldn’t be able to Resurrect one from behind one either)
- Mercy has her health restored OR she receives invulnerability AFTER the cast time to match with Lucio gaining effects from his ultimate.
- (You can add the movement speed slow as well to match it with McCree’s ultimate as long as invulnerability is added for Mercy to survive.)
New E - Empower
Main healing beam gains a boost in power (80HPS/40%DMB) for 4 seconds on a 12-second cooldown and allies within 10M will receive half the amount of the beam (40HPS/20%DMB) OR Mercy can use her pistol which gains infinite Ammo for the 4 seconds (For the Battle Mercy’s!).
New Spacebar Valkyrie
Gives Mercy increased flight speed (On release speed) GA Range Increase and Beam Range Increase 5-second active 15-second cooldown.
- This might be a problem with Angelic Decent not sure? But it would be cool if you could make it work.
- Valkyrie will no longer give Mercy Uninterrupted Passive Regen survivability will increase but not make her unkillable.
New Upon casting Resurrect Valkyrie duration will end instantly.
New GA can’t be used while in Resurrect cast time.
New Ultimate charge increased from 1950 to 2200 to account for the extra healing from her E ability
- Mercy has an ability that increases her survivability without the need for teammates around her.
- Mercy will now have some utility in order to help her team with pushes something that doesn’t destroy the flow of her kit and can be used frequently throughout the mid-fight when ultimates aren’t in play.
- Her ultimate will be much easier to counter especially since it will work like the other defensive ultimates in the game all of which can be countered.
- Mercy will now have cooldowns to manage which will increase her skill cap which she desperately needs.
- Admit that Resurrect as an ultimate wasn’t terrible and just needed to be fixed
- Wait for the heroes that need to be adjusted FIRST before Mercy gets reworked to make her feel less clunky.
Thanks for reading!